BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN PRODID:-//NONSGML Sandhills Development\, LLC//NONSGML Sugar Calendar Fe eds v3.3.0//EN X-WR-CALNAME:CASA Kane County Website X-WR-CALDESC:Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children - Kane Count y X-WR-TIMEZONE:UTC BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 DTSTART:20200618T060000 TZNAME:UTC END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:UTC BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 DTSTART:20200618T060000 TZNAME:UTC END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Education Advocacy Webinar Part 1 DESCRIPTION:INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES ACT AND THE INDIVIDUALS WITH D ISABILITIES EDUCATION ACT PART 1\nLearn to successfully advocate for the children we represent to procure services\, supports\, and accommodatio ns. This is a two-part session.\nRegister at this link:\n\n Educational Advocacy Webinar: Individuals with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part 1 URL;VALUE=URI: ar-part-1/ UID:urn:uuid:b375ad04-07b7-43f7-8769-f85bb1c255c5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210112T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210112T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Education Advocacy Webinar Part 2 DESCRIPTION:INDIVIDUAL WITH DISABILITIES ACT AND THE INDIVIDUAL WITH DIS ABILITIES EDUCATION ACT PART 2\nLearn to successfully advocate for the c hildren we represent to procure services\, supports\, and accommodations . This is a two-part session.\nRegister at this link:\n\n Educational A dvocacy Webinar: Individual with Disabilities Act and the Individual wit h Disabilities Education Act Part 2 URL;VALUE=URI: ar-part-2/ UID:urn:uuid:589399fa-5597-44ae-8415-afc1b5c6050c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210119T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210119T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\n\nOnlin e Meeting  |  To Register Email URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:91c1db7b-98b9-4224-aad9-0c31abd0c62c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210120T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210120T190000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\n\nOnlin e Meeting  |  To Register Email URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:6791bbe5-e648-4983-8302-287cb2844c83 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210107T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210107T160000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk DESCRIPTION:For more information or to register\, please email Sandiec@c URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:923be5bd-3c95-45cb-bda5-779c8de3453c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20201229T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20201229T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION:Please email to register and lear n more! URL;VALUE=URI: ation/ UID:urn:uuid:9688485d-0ec5-4aaa-b597-1698c3a02c26 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210104T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210104T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Meeting with CASA Youth in a Digital Way DESCRIPTION:Do you feel “out of ideas” when it is time to meet with your CASA child virtually? As 2021 begins let’s meet and collaborate a s CASA volunteers. Join Kristen Bertrand\, Training Associate for Illino is CASA\, for a conversation about what to do and how to connect with yo ur CASA child online. Bring your successes and challenges to the convers ation. Together let’s strengthen our virtual connection with CASA kids around the state.\nRegister in advance for this meeting:\nhttps://zoom. us/meeting/register/tJUudOCoqDsiGN2pAyppd_v8wUjw2j0hgZl6 URL;VALUE=URI: in-a-digital-way/ UID:urn:uuid:e1209c20-4704-479e-a752-05866e3991ec STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210105T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210105T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat DESCRIPTION:CORE | 2 credits\n\nEmail to re gister. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:ab8ae3e6-731d-42a2-b0fe-c83691e0bff3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20201217T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20201217T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\n\nOnlin e meeting via Teams - To Register Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing/ UID:urn:uuid:e9faa980-d8a1-4727-9564-03d9af4cff1a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211007T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211007T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nOnline meeting via Teams--\nTo Register Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-2/ UID:urn:uuid:a066f850-ddfd-42b1-a8d4-91012d961244 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210925T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210925T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-4/ UID:urn:uuid:fde64630-3b3d-4cf6-a332-a22f8d948163 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210818T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210818T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-5/ UID:urn:uuid:965d9a03-ca0b-44f1-8f1a-3d5c8b648e93 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210805T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210805T160000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-6/ UID:urn:uuid:a54a5c7c-7c7f-49cf-93e4-156a2ed391fa STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210724T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210724T110000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-7/ UID:urn:uuid:e4b889d2-8f06-455b-b4a6-0baac2c4011a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210701T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210701T160000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-8/ UID:urn:uuid:b25b39dc-4c5c-4b1e-a06d-ff41345d853f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210616T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210616T190000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-11/ UID:urn:uuid:8464f7d0-6d87-4110-a5cb-1de3d06beb7d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210429T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210429T160000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-12/ UID:urn:uuid:d35feb27-ec00-4f09-82df-010f6ba20856 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210414T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210414T130000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-13/ UID:urn:uuid:8435474c-d7ec-4180-936f-a97591b91e63 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210401T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210401T160000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-14/ UID:urn:uuid:d9355be6-3537-47ec-9d24-2b73a5107256 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210313T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210313T110000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-15/ UID:urn:uuid:85b528f3-2334-46ce-9cd6-e6bdc59b9323 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210304T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210304T160000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-16/ UID:urn:uuid:4819536c-3f2d-4185-a4e9-3d9ad7a5f20e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210226T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210226T090000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-17/ UID:urn:uuid:6bdcae02-9738-4e3b-b064-bb244a550802 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210217T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210217T190000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-18/ UID:urn:uuid:64d9b722-3c58-4454-a29f-8c5ea70d51be STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210204T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210204T160000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Light Up The Town - Eat Drink & Be Charitable DESCRIPTION:Children’s Champion Celebration URL;VALUE=URI: ink-be-charitable/ UID:urn:uuid:7c228acb-3039-46e0-abec-4afacbea4450 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210306T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210306T180000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Chat DESCRIPTION:CORE 3 Credits\n\nPlease email to register! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:ee1e2a84-db36-400f-bd6a-101f3127d9e7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210310T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210310T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Educational Advocacy for Youth in Care with Vivian Palicki DESCRIPTION:Please email to register! URL;VALUE=URI: y-for-youth-in-care-with-vivian-palicki/ UID:urn:uuid:f1a5da38-35ef-4933-8328-7b47ba5186c9 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210219T103000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210219T113000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Optima Training DESCRIPTION:CORE 3 Credits\nPlease email to r egister! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:a351564f-2dab-4e58-8cd9-0bdd07effa15 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210319T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210319T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk DESCRIPTION:Core – 3 credits\nPlease email to register! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:78fe6f96-29ad-450c-82e1-0b0acec942c6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210326T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210326T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CANCELED - Youth Advocacy Rights - Rodrigo Remolina DESCRIPTION:If we are able to reschedule we will reach out. We apologize for any inconvenience. URL;VALUE=URI: drigo-remolina/ UID:urn:uuid:ef00a8ac-9bcf-4e37-9fb7-ab320d8b4063 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210315T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210315T141500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cultural Competency\, Part 1 DESCRIPTION:Moving from Cultural Competence to Cultural Humility\, Part 1\n\nClick Here To Register or Learn more! URL;VALUE=URI: -1/ UID:urn:uuid:e605eb2c-25a1-4814-8349-02091fe70448 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210216T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210216T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cultural Competency\, Part 2 DESCRIPTION:Moving from Cultural Competence to Cultural Humility\, Part 2\n\nClick Here to Register &\; Learn More! URL;VALUE=URI: -2/ UID:urn:uuid:f94a5e20-b3b7-477c-b0bd-33940457f639 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210223T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210223T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Benefits of the General Equivalency Degree (GED) for Youth in Ca re DESCRIPTION:More than 18 million adults have earned their GED credential s\, the only nationally recognized high school equivalency degree. Learn about the economic gain\, options to pursue college and the overall ben efits for youth in care. Facilitator: Vivian Palicki\, Education Liaison \nClick Here to Register &\; Learn More! URL;VALUE=URI: equivalency-degree-ged-for-youth-in-care/ UID:urn:uuid:60df2842-ce1b-42fa-95c3-15f59a666ea4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210223T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210223T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:It’s All About Perspective DESCRIPTION:Empowered CASA Webinar Series\, Session One\n\nThe purpose o f offering mindset training to CASAs is to help increase self-awareness and teach self-care tools and concepts. When learned and practiced\, the Advocate will be empowered to better manage the mental and emotional ch allenges of the work they do in the child welfare arena.\n\nSession Two will be presented March 16\, 2021\nClick Here to Register &\; Learn More! URL;VALUE=URI: e/ UID:urn:uuid:2504bf1c-8b35-4cc4-a081-2a8a645da294 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210224T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210224T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Socially Distant Book Club DESCRIPTION:Just Mercy\, by Bryan Stevenson\nClick Here to Register & \; Learn More! URL;VALUE=URI: ub/ UID:urn:uuid:a5e77b81-36e6-4ec2-96b0-0f46caa593b8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210222T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210222T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Socially Distant Book Club DESCRIPTION:Just Mercy\, by Bryan Stevenson\n\nClick Here to Register &a mp\; Learn More! URL;VALUE=URI: ub-2/ UID:urn:uuid:6c81c90a-b77c-4784-9736-a5e4580db0c3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210222T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210222T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Illinois CASA Conference DESCRIPTION:Our vision is an Illinois in which all children thrive in a safe\, permanent\, and loving home\, and we can accomplish this together . The virtual conference is designed for new and experienced CASA Volunt eers\, Program Staff\, and Child Welfare Professionals.\nThe conference theme is Closing the Gap: Equity in Advocacy\, with Keynote Speakers inc luding:\n\n\n Kelly Hurst\, Crossroads Antiracism Training\n Dr. Alys sa Dunn\, Educational Equity\n LaDonna Wattley\, Big Mama’s Chair\n\n Click Here To Register! URL;VALUE=URI: / UID:urn:uuid:03acf522-6ee1-4d0e-80d7-27ce5c8dbd87 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210305T081500 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210305T143000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Probate Re-Certification DESCRIPTION:Please reach out to your Advocate Supervisor to register. URL;VALUE=URI: ation/ UID:urn:uuid:d0572633-582d-4e04-a3f2-94209ac3e6ef STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210224T093000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210224T103000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION:Please reach out to your Advocate Supervisor to see if you q ualify to register. URL;VALUE=URI: ation-2/ UID:urn:uuid:13b697fd-f965-462b-babc-be2e00771a0a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210308T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210308T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk with the Executive Director\, Gloria Kelley DESCRIPTION:For More Info or to Register Email Sandiec@casakanecounty.o rg  URL;VALUE=URI: e-executive-director-gloria-kelley/ UID:urn:uuid:5eeea182-f036-4f1d-b3a9-e258f5ef5e2c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210223T083000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210223T093000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The College Admissions Process for Youth in Care DESCRIPTION:The college admissions process can be daunting for many\, bu t especially for youth in care. In this webinar\, participants will lear n to navigate the process with a key focus on the college admissions exa ms\, SAT\, and ACT. Facilitator: Vivian Palicki\, Education Liaison\nReg ister &\; Learn More Here URL;VALUE=URI: rocess-for-youth-in-care/ UID:urn:uuid:a2625a38-eeb5-4d10-959b-da5cb8ee0f6f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210309T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210309T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Learning to Manage Your Thoughts About Your Case\, Empowered CAS A Webinar Series\, Session Two DESCRIPTION:Learning to Manage Your Thoughts About Your Case is the topi c Lisa Drake\, life coach and former Executive Director of CASA of DuPag e County\, will cover. It’s not unusual to become frustrated\, sad or angry about the circumstances in your case. Sometimes those feelings com e and go\, and other times they hang around for an uncomfortably long pe riod of time. This is where mindset work can greatly benefit you and you r CASA work.\n\nUsing the concepts and tools Lisa taught in the 8-week M indset Training last spring\, along with insight from the coaching sessi ons she’s had with CASAs since then\, Learning to Manage Your Thoughts About Your Case will examine our expectations of others\, compassion\, unconditional love\, and teach intentional thinking in way that serves y ou best.\n\nRegister &\; Learn More Here URL;VALUE=URI: thoughts-about-your-case-empowered-casa-webinar-series-session-two/ UID:urn:uuid:98a83f71-0090-4019-a24a-39286b243eff STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210316T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210316T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Socially Distant Book Club DESCRIPTION:Book for discussion is The Bluest Eye\, By Toni Morrison.\n \nRegister &\; Learn More Here URL;VALUE=URI: ub-3/ UID:urn:uuid:57a8ebcf-7ab9-4036-a39e-95b22090d36e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210329T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210329T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Socially Distant Book Club DESCRIPTION:Book for discussion is The Bluest Eye\, By Toni Morrison.\n \nRegister &\; Learn More Here URL;VALUE=URI: ub-4/ UID:urn:uuid:57f4afa1-e5d8-4e4a-8338-478462942ad8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210329T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210329T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Anxiety Discussion Panel - Breaking the Stigma DESCRIPTION:Elective - 3 Credits\n\nJoin us for an Informational Session + Q&\;A with: Therapists\, teens\, and other mental health professio nals.\n\nJoin the Zoom Meeting Here!\nPasscode: 366023 URL;VALUE=URI: -breaking-the-stigma/ UID:urn:uuid:dee2634f-cf69-4b7b-a96e-77c12bd9843a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210318T183000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210318T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION:Talk to your Supervisor before registering URL;VALUE=URI: tification/ UID:urn:uuid:bc0c29de-d12d-41b6-9adb-02ab5c10e365 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210405T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210405T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Core – 3 credits\nPlease email to register! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:110e0d11-27b4-421b-a178-170fe18bfe47 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210414T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210414T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk DESCRIPTION:Core – 3 credits\nPlease email to register! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:af1e546d-3e52-4ff5-bef3-182de05daf9c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210430T083000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210430T093000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Chat with Executive Director DESCRIPTION:Come chat with Gloria Kelley\, Executive Director!\n\nCORE 3 Credits\n\nTo register contact URL;VALUE=URI: executive-director/ UID:urn:uuid:1a2a0621-87c0-4cb5-a3dc-dc63f6ef7146 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210520T163000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210520T173000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Anatomy of Addiction DESCRIPTION:Email to register! URL;VALUE=URI: / UID:urn:uuid:abb26253-e35d-46e0-87f4-52788f7714dc STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210526T103000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210526T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk DESCRIPTION:Contact to register! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:b8760e93-a405-485d-b866-43e77296568f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210528T083000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210528T093000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Financial Aid and Scholarships for Youth in Care DESCRIPTION:Elective\, 3 credits\nAccess to higher education has become increasingly essential to obtain economic independence and success in to day’s world. This webinar will provide information about accessing hig her-education opportunities and financial scholarships for youth in care who are aging out of the foster care system.\nRegister in advance for t his webinar! URL;VALUE=URI: rships-for-youth-in-care/ UID:urn:uuid:7b6eec4d-baed-4840-b74d-8627188d2a46 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210323T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210323T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect in a VIRTUAL World DESCRIPTION:Join us for a look at how the pandemic has shifted prioritie s and concerns in the child abuse and neglect fields and how we can cont inue to recognize and respond to child abuse and neglect in a virtual wo rld. This training will address trends in child abuse and neglect cases\ , review the signs of child abuse and neglect\, and introduce you to way s you can recognize abuse or neglect if you are meeting with a child or families virtually. This training will also offer opportunities for lear ners to engage and discuss new strategies on interacting with children a nd families virtually through various platforms.\nKristen Kaufman\, MS\, Home Visiting Specialist\, Prevent Child Abuse Illinois is the webinar presenter.\nRegister in advance for this webinar! URL;VALUE=URI: nd-neglect-in-a-virtual-world/ UID:urn:uuid:d806e063-73b3-4897-b448-4b4003b06f0d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210330T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210330T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Equity and Educational Advocacy: Fighting for Youth To/Who Matte r DESCRIPTION:Elective\, 3 credit hours\nAfter registering\, you will rece ive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meetin g. In this interactive talk\, Dr. Dunn explains the key features of equ itable education\, particularly for youth of color and from historically marginalized communities. Participants will engage in whole and small g roup discussions about what it means to advocate for educational equity in ways that amplify the voices of marginalized youth and how to collect ively fight for them to matter in intersecting and often oppressive syst ems.\n\nDr. Alyssa Hadley Dunn is an Associate Professor of Teacher Educ ation at Michigan State University. Her teaching and research focus on u rban education and the sociocultural and political contexts of urban sch ools\, especially issues of race\, justice\, and equity. She is a former high school English teacher and board member of ForeverFamily\, Inc.\, a non-profit serving children of incarcerated parents. She is currently working on her third book\, based on interviews with teachers around the country\, about how educators make pedagogical decisions on "days after " major events\, tragedies\, and instances of injustice. As a public sch olar\, Dr. Dunn's work has been featured on CNN\, NPR\, and The Huffingt on Post. She is the recipient of many awards for her research\, scholars hip\, and mentoring. She is also the mother of two white sons who she is committed to raising as co-conspirators in the fight for racial justice .\nCEUs are available for this attending this session.\nRegister in adva nce for this meeting! URL;VALUE=URI: dvocacy-fighting-for-youth-to-who-matter/ UID:urn:uuid:87ffeb3c-65ce-497b-a36e-aaac987c67b2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210409T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210409T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To Register email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-19/ UID:urn:uuid:5855522c-810c-4dcd-9e73-55c4139ac585 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210325T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210325T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To learn more or register\, contact Sandiec@Casakanecounty.o rg URL;VALUE=URI: ing-20/ UID:urn:uuid:997b7b19-777b-4071-8841-bfeba2dc08d3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210427T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210427T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Monty’s Day in Court: What To Expect When You Have To Testify In Court DESCRIPTION:“Monty’s Day in Court” shows young people they have th e power to bring about change for themselves and others. Monty’s story serves as a tool for children in learning resilience and as an aid for those on the front lines helping young people through challenging times.  The book follows 10-year-old Monty’s journey as he learns it is ok to be upset about his experiences and works through his feelings with hi s therapist. After he is subpoenaed to testify\, caring adults help him understand what will happen in court and the support he will have throug hout the process.\n\nPresenter: Author Jessica Miles is a former foster parent who writes about her family’s experiences.\n\nRegister &\; L earn More HERE URL;VALUE=URI: -to-expect-when-you-have-to-testify-in-court/ UID:urn:uuid:7ff5620e-6e5a-4ac8-88d8-e04fd1660271 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210413T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210413T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:HATCH (Hands Around The Courthouse) DESCRIPTION:To bring about a sense of community for Child Abuse Awaren ess and Prevention Month\, CASA Kane County is hosting its Annual Hands Around the Courthouse event.  Please join us at the Kane County Court house on the front lawn! URL;VALUE=URI: ourthouse/ UID:urn:uuid:3bf34e41-2bd1-41e5-bd9b-e5522c6cb402 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210429T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210429T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Clay's For Kids Tournament DESCRIPTION:Please join us for an afternoon of clays shooting on the bea utiful\, restored grounds of the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation. URL;VALUE=URI: t/ UID:urn:uuid:baf386e0-3418-454c-84e9-d554021279ec STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210923 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Clay's For Kids Tournament DESCRIPTION:Please join us for an afternoon of clays shooting on the bea utiful\, restored grounds of the Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation. URL;VALUE=URI: t-2/ UID:urn:uuid:fd7fe577-8637-48ad-968e-01349d06d94c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210924 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Golf For A Child Invitational DESCRIPTION:Please join us for a day of golf at the St. Charles Country Club URL;VALUE=URI: ional/ UID:urn:uuid:1494aff0-2c03-4677-b30d-ad4e0856538a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20210816 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Trauma Treatment in a Time of Widespread Crisis DESCRIPTION:Providing treatment for trauma survivors is always challengi ng\, but what happens when virtually everyone is affected by a crisis li ke the COVID-19 pandemic? This workshop presents an overview of critical concepts to keep in mind when doing trauma treatment during a widesprea d crisis\, the types of symptoms and diagnoses we are most likely to enc ounter\, and how the Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment model can still be applied with some modifications.\nPresenter for this webin ar will be Rob Lusk\, PhD\, Clinical Director\, The Baby Fold.\nCLICK HE RE TO REGISTER URL;VALUE=URI: me-of-widespread-crisi/ UID:urn:uuid:92225bf8-2cb0-4872-a08c-154971b91d62 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210421T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210421T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Socially Distant Book Club DESCRIPTION:J. D. Vance’s New York Times bestseller\, Hillbilly Elegy\ , is a compelling memoir about what it’s like growing up poor in the R ust Belt. A Marine veteran and Yale graduate\, Vance tells the story of his family’s rise out of poverty in Appalachia and their struggle to c laim a middle-class life in a slowly fading Ohio steel town. Through the lens of personal experience\, Vance explores the lasting effects of pov erty\, substance abuse\, and domestic violence on future generations. He shines a light on the hopelessness and despair of people who were promi sed the American dream only to watch it slip beyond their grasp.\nCLICK HERE TO REGISTER URL;VALUE=URI: ub-5/ UID:urn:uuid:4b16e207-7c84-41d2-ad6f-25b3dde5b07b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210426T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210426T161500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Socially Distant Book Club DESCRIPTION:J. D. Vance’s New York Times bestseller\, Hillbilly Elegy\ , is a compelling memoir about what it’s like growing up poor in the R ust Belt. A Marine veteran and Yale graduate\, Vance tells the story of his family’s rise out of poverty in Appalachia and their struggle to c laim a middle-class life in a slowly fading Ohio steel town. Through the lens of personal experience\, Vance explores the lasting effects of pov erty\, substance abuse\, and domestic violence on future generations. He shines a light on the hopelessness and despair of people who were promi sed the American dream only to watch it slip beyond their grasp.\nCLICK HERE TO REGISTER URL;VALUE=URI: ub-6/ UID:urn:uuid:511ea1c2-8d8d-4ae8-a623-f4f4118d30ef STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210426T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210426T201500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Workplace Skills for Youth in Care DESCRIPTION:Soft skills are centrally important for workforce success\, which rival academic and technical skills. In this webinar\, learn the k ey components youth in care need to apply\, interview\, secure\, maintai n and excel in the workplace.\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: th-in-care/ UID:urn:uuid:79cc3f0b-9b0d-49d4-8734-0100f09e9d0e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210427T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210427T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Becoming More Aware of Child Abuse & Neglect in a Virtual World DESCRIPTION:Elective | 3 credits\n\nEmail to register! URL;VALUE=URI: hild-abuse-neglect-in-a-virtual-world/ UID:urn:uuid:e0dd8331-50c6-49b5-ad54-4cb5bd613d1d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210419T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210419T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Interview Workshop DESCRIPTION:CORE | 3 credits\nFor more information or to register email URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:bff33816-46cb-4bf1-b7c2-933187514855 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210503T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210503T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION:CORE | 3 credits\n*speak to your supervisor prior to registe ring URL;VALUE=URI: ation-3/ UID:urn:uuid:888e8e4f-c065-4de3-b28c-957023ccaf6d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210607T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210607T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk DESCRIPTION:CORE | 3 credits\nFor more information or to register email URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:899fdbeb-6f5b-44b5-8ea6-30cde0b72198 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210625T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210625T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Older Youth Resources & Emancipation DESCRIPTION:Elective | 3 credits\nFor more information or to register em ail URL;VALUE=URI: ancipation-2/ UID:urn:uuid:2f22fc1d-d51a-4227-b975-ff3d3911d15c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210618T103000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210618T113000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cultural Humility DESCRIPTION:Elective | 3 credits\nFor more information or to register em ail URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:bc05df25-2c41-4f4a-a6af-8b57d2db886d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210609T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210609T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New ACR Process with Focus on Quality DESCRIPTION:Elective | 3 credits\n\nRegister Here\n“The New ACR Proces s with a focus on Quality” will provide attendees with updates to the changes within IDCFS Administrative Case Review Process. Focusing on ide ntified priority areas:\n• Case worker contacts\n• Clinical supervis ion\n• Child and family team meetings\n• Visitation\nParticipants ca n expect to acquire education on revised process and CASA’s role withi n the review process. Participants will have the opportunity to dialogue and ask questions of presenter Alisha Hodge\, MSW\, LCSW IL DCFS Admini strative Case Review.\nParticipants are encouraged to review previously provided ACR training “Understanding the Parameters of ACRs with DCFS \, in order to have a basic foundation of Administrative Case Review p rior to attending this training. The recording is on the Illinois CASA w ebsite. URL;VALUE=URI: us-on-quality/ UID:urn:uuid:555ab93e-b8c1-4b83-be08-308d7242a306 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210511T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210511T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Owning What's Yours to Own as a CASA\, The Empowered CASA series \, Session 3 DESCRIPTION:Elective | 3 credits\nRegister Here\n\nOwning What’s Yours to Own as a CASA is the topic Lisa Drake\, life coach and former Execut ive Director of CASA of DuPage County\, will cover.\nThe nature of CASA work presents numerous avenues to get involved in your case. However\, i t can be easy sometimes to overstep boundaries or take on responsibiliti es that aren’t yours\, all in the spirit of service.\n\nUsing the conc epts and tools Lisa taught in the 8-week Mindset Training last spring\, along with insight from the coaching sessions she’s had with CASAs sin ce then\, Lisa will take a look at setting and enforcing boundaries\, ho w to stay in your own lane\, offer tips for saying “no” as well as w ays to start collaborative conversations. After this webinar\, it’ll b e even easier to Own What’s Yours to Own as a CASA. URL;VALUE=URI: n-as-a-casa-the-empowered-casa-series-session-3/ UID:urn:uuid:a25fb2dc-5e9a-43fe-811b-64ffe223745e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210519T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210519T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid DESCRIPTION:Register Here\nLimited to 30 participants\nElective | 4 cred its\nCourse Overview: Youth Mental Health First Aid is an early interven tion public education program. It teaches adults how to recognize the si gns and symptoms that suggest a potential mental health challenge\, how to listen non judgmentally\, and give reassurance to a youth (ages 6-18) who may be experiencing a mental health challenge\, and how to refer a person to appropriate professional support and services.\nCourse Objecti ves: The Blended Mental Health First Aid Course (2–hour self-paced\; 4 hours in-person) focuses on recognizing the patterns of thoughts\, feel ings\, behaviors\, and appearance that show there might be a mental heal th challenge. Participants are taught an action plan that they apply to non-crisis and crisis situations.\nBy the end of the course\, participan ts will be able to: ● Describe the purpose of Mental Health First Aid and the role of the First Aider. ● Recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges. ● Explain the impact of traumatic experienc es and the role of resilience. ● Apply the appropriate steps of the MH FA Action Plan (ALGEE) to non-crisis situations. ● Apply the appropria te steps of the MHFA Action Plan (ALGEE) to crisis situations. ● Choos e appropriate methods for self-care following the application of MHFA\nB y recognizing signs of mental health distress and knowing how to communi cate with individuals experiencing these scary moments\, we can be part of an immensely impactful early intervention effort. If we identify prob lems early\, we increase the chances people get the help they need as so on as possible! URL;VALUE=URI: t-aid/ UID:urn:uuid:d53e60bf-afa3-4510-a3fc-739992f47dd7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210622T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210622T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Voices of Youth and Young Adults DESCRIPTION:Elective | 3 credits\nREGISTER HERE\nThe Youth Advisory Boar d (YAB) will give an overview of YAB and its function highlighting what being part of the board has meant to them on a personal level. Board lea ders will further discuss systemic issues amongst youth in care\, identi fying some of the greatest challenges for youth in care and possible sol utions to those barriers. Youth will also address what they would want s ervice providers to know when working with children\, youth and families in care. Presenters: Stephen Bora\, Best Strong Families\, Gabriel and Takiesha URL;VALUE=URI: young-adults/ UID:urn:uuid:8d435e41-d94c-4fd7-b634-3ea951b24b83 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210512T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210512T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Email to Register!\n\nGeneral Inf ormation Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more abo ut what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from ev ery walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one ca ring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-21/ UID:urn:uuid:3ec90e1e-54b9-4749-bb8d-d96b7e32bfa6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210514T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210514T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Email to Register!\n\nGeneral Inf ormation Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more abo ut what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from ev ery walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one ca ring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-22/ UID:urn:uuid:3771cc1b-3ff3-4228-8601-80dc1308a096 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210520T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210520T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Email to Register!\n\nGeneral Inf ormation Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more abo ut what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from ev ery walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one ca ring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-23/ UID:urn:uuid:f85a4221-17c0-45cc-9693-a9aae3cdb461 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210522T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210522T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Email to Register!\n\nGeneral Inf ormation Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more abo ut what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from ev ery walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one ca ring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-24/ UID:urn:uuid:de802c21-246e-46f0-9705-0771ca9f68e6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210526T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210526T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Email to Register!\n\nGeneral Inf ormation Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more abo ut what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from ev ery walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one ca ring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-25/ UID:urn:uuid:e166716d-44eb-4d2b-a2ab-669128829b4d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210603T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210603T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION:CORE | 3 credits\n*speak to your supervisor prior to registe ring. URL;VALUE=URI: ation-4/ UID:urn:uuid:d246fcc7-2008-4af0-861f-5b9dd3f858c6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210706T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210706T170000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Garbage Bag Suitcase Book Club DESCRIPTION:with Shenandoah Chefalo\n\nPlease RSVP to Sandiec@casakaneco URL;VALUE=URI: e-book-club/ UID:urn:uuid:9e0bd559-d0e9-4dfe-a693-7862a81d7bcb STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210907T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210907T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Core – 3 credits\nPlease email  to register! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:e55d7084-f549-4a65-be05-ec1a2dfd05d0 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210714T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210714T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Getting Through the Educational Gatekeeper DESCRIPTION:Please email to register! URL;VALUE=URI: ational-gatekeeper/ UID:urn:uuid:32f0152e-4480-4c0b-9944-77ecd24974ad STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210721T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210721T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk DESCRIPTION:For CASA/GAL Volunteers --\n\nContact sandiec@casakanecount to register! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:42fad258-8cf2-4b29-a379-574428005a32 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210730T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210730T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Collaboration Strategies to Achieve Positive Educational Outcome s DESCRIPTION:Elective | 3 credits | online\n\nVisit here to register and learn more: Collaboration Strategies registration link URL;VALUE=URI: -to-achieve-positive-educational-outcomes/ UID:urn:uuid:f559615a-03b2-4fc0-8a72-22de2f00761d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210608T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210608T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Drug Identification and Trends DESCRIPTION:Elective | 1 credit | online\n\nVisit here to learn more and register: Drug Identification and Trends registration link URL;VALUE=URI: trends/ UID:urn:uuid:6fe6883e-1eb9-4bd9-aaa4-99e6d3784e9a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210629T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210629T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register email\n\nGeneral Info rmation Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more abou t what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from eve ry walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one car ing and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-9/ UID:urn:uuid:d817ca67-bbc0-4e40-af51-55555dfbccb5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210611T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210611T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register email\n\nGeneral Info rmation Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more abou t what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from eve ry walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one car ing and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-10/ UID:urn:uuid:beff8372-eccc-4962-96e5-c56921628a48 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210621T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210621T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Email to Register!\n\nGeneral I nformation Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more a bout what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s live s. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-26/ UID:urn:uuid:452ff069-8fee-4897-aa60-2839b9338c79 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210627T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210627T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Understanding Your Family’s Digital Habits and Maintaining a S afe Online Environment DESCRIPTION:3 credits | online\n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ys-digital-habits-and-maintaining-a-safe-online-environment/ UID:urn:uuid:4062ab6d-1fa3-40b8-8d7c-fddd77042bcd STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210714T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210714T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Back to the Basics Series: TPR Hearing DESCRIPTION:3 credits | online\n\nEmail to re gister! URL;VALUE=URI: s-tpr-hearing/ UID:urn:uuid:1de7b1ee-deb0-4f7d-9a74-35a155658bae STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210722T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210722T163000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Intersection of Drug-Endangered Children (DEC) and Human/Sex Tra fficking DESCRIPTION:3 credits | online\n\nRegister at this link:    Intersec tion of Drug-Endangered Children and Human/Sex Trafficking URL;VALUE=URI: angered-children-dec-and-human-sex-trafficking/ UID:urn:uuid:eae02c4d-9e05-4111-9c5e-9a0f03a477da STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210727T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210727T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:3 credits | online\n\nTo register please email sandiec@casak! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:abf06c15-c441-4b4e-9c7b-7458dbf62879 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210802T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210802T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nOnline meeting via Teams\nTo Register Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-27/ UID:urn:uuid:fe1d3fd0-18b4-4ed4-91e3-292ee833ebb8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210902T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210902T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Understanding the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) DESCRIPTION:Hosted by National CASA\n\n3 credit hours\n\nClick Here to R egister &\; Learn More URL;VALUE=URI: -child-welfare-act-icwa/ UID:urn:uuid:167bb73c-a3c6-4c21-a99d-3546a2748627 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210803T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210803T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat DESCRIPTION:3 Credit Hours\n\nEmail to regist er! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:fe277793-65e4-418c-afcc-7a77e2813df1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210811T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210811T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Trending Apps DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nApp stores are filled with millio ns of apps for adults and youth to download\, however most teens share a common interest in Snapchat\, TikTok\, Instagram\, Facebook\, Messenger and YouTube. This webinar highlights the functionality of each and prov ides resources to learn more.\n\nClick Here to Register &\; Learn Mor e URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c983ce83-a42f-40e4-8d9d-fa37c2d775d7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210817T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210817T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Intergenerational Trauma DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\n3 Credit Hours\n\nThe presenter w ill be Wendy Kovacs of the Children's Research Triangle.\n\nRegister Her e\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: / UID:urn:uuid:6c3c05ec-2cfb-4fb6-989a-5cc81ec490e6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210825T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210825T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Foster Parent Support Specialist DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\n3 Credit Hours\n\nWhat does a Fos ter Parent Support Specialist do for families and children?  Join this webinar to learn more.\n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ecialist/ UID:urn:uuid:f15fa2a0-d7f6-45e0-a82e-01df87f59c04 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210831T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210831T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Intersection of Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence DESCRIPTION:Hosted by National CASA\n\n3 Credit Hours\n\nNumerous resear ch studies have informed us that there is a correlation between legal or illegal substance misuse and violence/domestic violence in the home. Of ten\, one of these is missed when we are working with children and famil ies…one of the reasons families have high recidivism rates.  This one -hour presentation will take a look at both legal and illegal substance misuse and domestic violence individually\, how they impact the family u nit\, and then discuss their intersection in order to provide a larger p icture of the combined impacts.\n\nClick Here to Register &\; Learn M ore URL;VALUE=URI: e-abuse-and-domestic-violence/ UID:urn:uuid:49fe522f-faf5-4d22-aa71-3834f05138ad STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210831T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210831T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County\n\n3 Credit Hours\nSpeak to your supervisor prior to registering.\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: ation-5/ UID:urn:uuid:465494ae-2180-4f7e-863f-b08ab1236670 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210901T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210901T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Connects – ACR process DESCRIPTION:1 Credit Hour\n\nPlease Email to register URL;VALUE=URI: s/ UID:urn:uuid:ce133e93-112e-47f9-9a6e-8cd29c1f4345 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210914T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210914T123000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA EdU Overview Launch DESCRIPTION:3 Credits\n\nJoin us for an overview of the new CASA EdU sit e!\n\nWe are excited to announce the launch of our refreshed site from C ASAU to CASA EdU! Our former domain was:  which will be replaced with our NEW domain: .\n\n To register please email ! URL;VALUE=URI: ch/ UID:urn:uuid:ecbf9ba6-7f53-42ee-bcd3-a89eb006ba2d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210819T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210819T180000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA on Social Media Platforms DESCRIPTION:3 Credits\n\nEmail to register! URL;VALUE=URI: tforms/ UID:urn:uuid:2a9f40fd-625f-495b-b980-f1be7b49e0af STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210909T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210909T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk DESCRIPTION:3 Credits\n\nTo register email ! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:2200f232-dbe5-4982-9738-1539cb1f610d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210924T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210924T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nTo Regi ster Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-3/ UID:urn:uuid:daae03f6-398a-40c2-9ae1-7ac2a406b6f3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210829T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210829T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Illinois Human Trafficking DESCRIPTION:3 Credits\n\nClick Here to register and learn more! URL;VALUE=URI: ficking/ UID:urn:uuid:32c07644-a85b-4a67-948b-fb0aa1ac449a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210907T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210907T123000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:National CASA Bullying and Cyberbullying 101 DESCRIPTION:3 Credits\n\nClick Here to register and learn more!  URL;VALUE=URI: nd-cyberbullying-101/ UID:urn:uuid:52b950e3-dd6e-4868-bb2f-acbd5d97006a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210913T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210913T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Illinois CASA Domestic Violence and the Impact on Children DESCRIPTION:3 Credits\n\nClick here to register &\; learn more! URL;VALUE=URI: iolence-and-the-impact-on-children/ UID:urn:uuid:78471980-3bb1-49af-9f64-381b2d54c894 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210914T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210914T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Quarterly Update DESCRIPTION:3 Credit Hours\n\nIn addition to virtual\, we are offering a n in person option for up to 12 attendees.\n\nTo Register\, please email ! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:15d54706-adf7-46b1-86db-add7cf5b3c68 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211026T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211026T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:National CASA Understanding Relationships and their Importance t o Early Childhood Development DESCRIPTION:3 Credit Hours\n\nClick here to register &\; learn more! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-relationships-and-their-importance-to-early-childhood-development/ UID:urn:uuid:a839b935-48a8-4ea8-831e-4497559fa2ff STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210907T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210907T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\n\nOnlin e meeting via Teams\n\nTo Register Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-28/ UID:urn:uuid:5e534818-853a-4bd8-b11b-92588123b4e3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211018T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211018T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer!\nOnline meeting via Teams\nTo Register Email URL;VALUE=URI: ing-29/ UID:urn:uuid:47329aa5-9f48-45b5-a869-61847e900ee5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211003T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211003T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:National CASA – Recognizing and Responding to the Mental Healt h and Caregiver-Child Relationship Needs of Medically-Complex Foster Chi ldren DESCRIPTION:Register Here\n\n3 Credits\n\nSupporting the health needs of medically complex children in foster care is frequently imbalanced\; wi th significant attention paid to medical management of their illness and relatively less attention paid to the impact of their condition on ment al health and the caregiver-child relationship. This presentation will h elp CASA/GAL staff and volunteers understand the connection between medi cal conditions and mental health symptoms in children and how this can l ead to needs within the caregiver-child relationship. Attendees will lea ve empowered to better advocate for a balanced approach to meeting the h ealth needs of this vulnerable population.\n\nPresented by Dr. Sufna Joh n in partnership with Zero to Three URL;VALUE=URI: g-and-responding-to-the-mental-health-and-caregiver-child-relationship-n eeds-of-medically-complex-foster-children/ UID:urn:uuid:3f68bb71-1fea-4c6c-97ac-b3d55102cf54 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20210929T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20210929T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION:Reach out to your supervisor to determine if a recertificati on is necessary. URL;VALUE=URI: ation-6/ UID:urn:uuid:5810ea45-bf40-4a0f-be2d-8ae7ca0978c8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211004T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211004T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:National CASA – The Relationships Between Poverty and Child We lfare and the Role of Intervention Strategies DESCRIPTION:Register Here\n\nA growing evidence base suggests that early childhood poverty\, income\, and employment might be a root cause of in volvement with child protective services. As young children stand to ben efit the most from early intervention\, these findings imply that income relief might increase child safety as well.\n\nAfter describing the his torical trends in poverty\, income\, and employment\, we will examine mo re closely the growing body of empirical and theoretical scientific lite rature and the specific policies and interventions that provide the scaf folding for universal maltreatment prevention.\n\nPresented by Dr. Jessi ca Pac URL;VALUE=URI: onships-between-poverty-and-child-welfare-and-the-role-of-intervention-s trategies/ UID:urn:uuid:97b95bb7-5f7e-4e60-b127-ee7a5bf9413a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211007T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211007T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Educational Advocacy with a Focus on the IEP Process DESCRIPTION:To register\, email ! URL;VALUE=URI: h-a-focus-on-the-iep-process/ UID:urn:uuid:3e2ad9dd-c8e4-436a-bc5e-abf05b67b74d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211014T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211014T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Illinois CASA – Trauma 101 DESCRIPTION:Register Here\n\nTrauma 101 is an introductory training on t rauma and experiencing complex trauma during childhood can impact develo pment and have negative lifelong effects. We will discuss the definition of trauma\, including both acute and complex trauma. We will learn how traumatic experience impact brain development in children and what that impact means for a child as they grow into adulthood. We will explore th e ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) study and how that has influenced the movement to become more trauma sensitive in working with children a nd families. At the conclusion of this section\, there is a brief discus sion regarding addressing secondary trauma as well as the importance of building resiliency in children and families. Presented by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois. URL;VALUE=URI: / UID:urn:uuid:91301793-5171-434d-a5ae-59f096bc8baf STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211021T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211021T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat DESCRIPTION:To register\, Email ! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:900e1f82-061a-4b91-ae13-b097e20d8c99 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211029T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211029T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cultural Awareness & Best Practices When Working with Diverse Po pulations DESCRIPTION:Register Here &\; Learn More!\n\n3 CEUs are provided for social workers and counselors -\nthis fulfills the 3 hours of Cultural C ompetence training required to renew your social work license. URL;VALUE=URI: practices-when-working-with-diverse-populations/ UID:urn:uuid:aa13ea13-114f-49be-8348-170af360bb92 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211022T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211022T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Defining and Recognize Vicarious Trauma\, Compassion Fatigue and Burnout - Illinois CASA DESCRIPTION:Register Here\n\nCompassion fatigue\, vicarious trauma\, and burnout are common occurrences when providing direct services to victim s of child abuse and neglect. This initial workshop will provide partici pants with an overview of the definitions\, signs\, symptoms\, and diffe rences between vicarious trauma\, compassion fatigue\, and burnout.\nLea rning Objectives:\n• Define vicarious trauma\, compassion fatigue\, an d burnout.\n• Recognize signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue\, vic arious trauma\, and burnout.\n\nPresented by Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center URL;VALUE=URI: icarious-trauma-compassion-fatigue-and-burnout-illinois-casa/ UID:urn:uuid:2edb1742-c2ac-42e9-b101-1b0feedd58bc STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211026T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211026T123000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:27b3f7d8-f686-4f04-8746-b8a45fe600c5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211206T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211206T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Online or In-Person at the CASA Office\, Room 430\nOld Kane County Courthouse\, Geneva\, IL\n\nGeneral Information Meetings are an o pportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and att end to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life!\n\n\n\n\n\nEmail Sandiec@casaka to Attend! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-30/ UID:urn:uuid:881be4c3-4811-4bb0-b82c-9229f98542b7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211104T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211104T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:General Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improv ing children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on ho w you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEmail to a ttend! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-31/ UID:urn:uuid:b374e463-153e-4113-9c9f-43bf09124446 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211120T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211120T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Email to attend! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:fbedb090-862b-4493-b939-c0d579f84800 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211110T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211110T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Interviewing Workshop DESCRIPTION:Email to attend! URL;VALUE=URI: op/ UID:urn:uuid:7f178955-a59c-4560-aeb5-6653cdb56e21 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211101T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211101T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Domestic Violence 101 DESCRIPTION:CASA Kane County Presents\n\nwith Robin Greer-Jogun\, Senior Clinical Domestic Violence Specialist – Illinois DCFS\n\nPlease email to attend! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:50c1c795-530e-421d-9c73-9c9151ba4aff STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211116T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211116T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Email to attend!\n\n3 Credits URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:ead3a7af-6c26-4b43-828d-88fd514a9ae6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211119T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211119T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Thanksgiving Day DESCRIPTION:Office &\; Courthouse Closed URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:dc4228d8-d5ed-4952-b919-0b9eb5041c07 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211125 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Optima Training DESCRIPTION:To register email ! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:147232b6-9c8f-45b0-8307-7ee42c9dd021 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211130T160000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211130T170000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Christmas Day DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:98c84873-19a8-433e-a7ce-c3622cb7a11e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211225 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGeneral Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL v olunteer. Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a diff erence in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-32/ UID:urn:uuid:ce7f7189-608d-42e3-81df-491fa7936b9e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211202T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211202T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n\nGene ral Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn m ore about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life ! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-33/ UID:urn:uuid:7830d991-824e-40df-80f0-531ed478fd07 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211214T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211214T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Christmas Eve DESCRIPTION:Office &\; Courthouse Closed URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:52b8c7d3-e90f-431e-99bf-7f3548d910e5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20211224 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nGeneral Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL v olunteer. Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a diff erence in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-34/ UID:urn:uuid:ff6adb17-56e6-44d4-bdba-91191d3afbda STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220106T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220106T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Identifying and Exploring Vicarious Trauma\, Compassion Fatigue\ , and Burnout DESCRIPTION:Illinois CASA Presents\n\nRecognizing compassion fatigue\, v icarious trauma\, and burnout is just the first step in promoting resili ency. This workshop will provide participants with specific ideas on how to identify the ways that compassion fatigue\, vicarious trauma\, and b urnout show up for them individually as well as warning signs for early identification.\nLearning Objectives:\n• Identify stressors associated with working as an advocate for children who have experienced abuse and neglect.\n• Explore personal level of compassion fatigue and early wa rning signs of vicarious trauma\nPresented by Office for Victims of Crim e Training and Technical Assistance Center\n\nClick here to Register URL;VALUE=URI: g-vicarious-trauma-compassion-fatigue-and-burnout/ UID:urn:uuid:b4ea0d63-1e96-40f5-a60c-a70e290e0d14 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211109T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211109T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Defining and Recognizing Personal and Organizational Resilience DESCRIPTION:Presented by Illinois CASA\n\nDeveloping resilience is not a bout avoiding pain and stress\, rather it is about developing skills and practices that help lift one up out of the feelings of chaos and stress that can feel overwhelming. This presentation will educate participants about the core components of resilience as well as review strategies to build personal and organizational resilience.\nLearning Objectives:\n Define resilience.\n• Describe the five core elements of resilience. \n• Explore strategies to build personal and organizational resilience .\nPresented by Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assis tance Center\n\nClick Here to Register URL;VALUE=URI: -personal-and-organizational-resilience/ UID:urn:uuid:c9629f4f-2393-484c-86f2-d4a114efd777 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211116T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211116T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Executive Function Academic Strategies for Successful Educationa l Outcomes DESCRIPTION:Presented by Illinois CASA\n\nExecutive function skills are crucial to successful learning and life outcomes. Children that have bee n exposed to trauma or have developmental delays have significant challe nges with everyday life skills. In this training webinar\, participants will learn practical strategies and tips to aid and improve executive fu nction skills.\n\n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: mic-strategies-for-successful-educational-outcomes/ UID:urn:uuid:1c4a6c88-c31a-4335-9994-e07ad7606d13 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211109T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211109T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Chat with Michael Tubbs (part of the Poverty Learning S eries) DESCRIPTION:NATIONAL CASA PRESENTS\n\nMr. Tubbs is the Special Advisor t o California Governor Gavin Newsom for Economic Mobility and the Founder and Chair of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income. He is a leader in the nati onal conversation on the topic of guaranteed income. Come to learn more about him and his work on the front lines to change the lives of those l iving in poverty. As an added bonus\, all event attendees have the chanc e to win a copy of Mr. Tubb’s upcoming book\, The Deeper the Roots: A Memoir of Hope and Home.\n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: el-tubbs-part-of-the-poverty-learning-series/ UID:urn:uuid:5132ab79-3342-4f9f-b433-939233399f4b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211110T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211110T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Building Online Resilience DESCRIPTION:CASA Illinois Presents\n\nThis webinar shares ideas to build online resilience\, to which children will have the tools to positively bounce back from negative experiences\, as well as navigate the interne t with a critical eye.\n\nPresented by Office of the Illinois Attorney G eneral\nInternet Crimes Against Children Task Force\nHigh Tech Crimes Bu reau\n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ce/ UID:urn:uuid:fe2110c3-ef84-403e-9fc4-31ffe5f3cfeb STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211117T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211117T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) DESCRIPTION:Illinois CASA Presents\n\nThis training introduces attendees to the Adverse Childhood Experiences study that was done in the late 19 90’s. Attendees will learn about how two doctors came to the findings of the study\, and what they were able to conclude due to the study. Thi s training will explore a deeper understanding of brain development\, an d what types of stress impact healthy brain development. Attendees will learn how adverse childhood experiences impact lifelong physical and men tal health. The conclusion of this training will focus on resilience\, a nd how building resilience can negate the negative impacts of adverse ch ildhood experiences. Presented by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois.\n\nRegis ter Here URL;VALUE=URI: xperiences/ UID:urn:uuid:d03f04bc-4f95-47d4-9728-503b096f7094 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211118T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211118T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Teen’s Online Image & Their Future DESCRIPTION:Hosted By Illinois CASA\n\nRegister here\n\nThis webinar add resses the power of a positive online image. The importance of maintaini ng a reputable digital footprint for safety as well as future opportunit ies is covered. Participants are encouraged to review online accounts th rough the lens of a review board for future goals.\n\nPresented by Offic e of the Illinois Attorney General\nInternet Crimes Against Children Tas k Force\nHigh Tech Crimes Bureau URL;VALUE=URI: -future/ UID:urn:uuid:1d602e45-64ec-4568-91fa-d16b7870b3cc STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211201T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211201T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Self-Care for Resilience with Dr. Miriam Ojaghi DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County\n\n3 Credit Hours\n\nTo Register please Email URL;VALUE=URI: -with-dr-miriam-ojaghi/ UID:urn:uuid:c3ad8082-8b00-43d1-96a5-1784a17069c2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211202T160000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211202T170000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Autism in the Classroom\; What Teachers\, Caregivers\, and Advoc ates Need to Know to Support Students DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nRegister here\n\nAutism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a broad range of conditions affecting social skills\, repetitive behaviors\, speech\, and nonverbal communica tion. Students on the spectrum can be successful in the classroom with t he proper support. In this training webinar\, participants will learn ad vocacy tips and strategies to support students affected by ASD. URL;VALUE=URI: what-teachers-caregivers-and-advocates-need-to-know-to-support-students/ UID:urn:uuid:4450b713-7804-4cbd-9002-dcc185453559 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211207T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211207T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Toddlers & Technology: The Tablet Baby Generation DESCRIPTION:Hosted By Illinois CASA\n\nRegister here\n\nThis webinar dis cusses how babies and infants are using various forms of technology. It will offer suggestions on how to prevent small children from being expos ed to harmful content (such as explicit content and violence)\, along wi th guidance on kid-friendly media.\n\nOffice of the Illinois Attorney Ge neral\nInternet Crimes Against Children Task Force\nHigh Tech Crimes Bur eau URL;VALUE=URI: tablet-baby-generation/ UID:urn:uuid:c9b64bd4-f159-49f4-b844-1c26e5b66c2c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211208T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211208T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:We Have to Talk: Navigating Challenging Conversations About Dive rsity DESCRIPTION:Hosted By Illinois CASA\n\nRegister here\n\nPresented by Ken dra Abercrombie-Diversity\, Equity and Inclusion Manager\, Illinois Supr eme Court Commission on Professionalism URL;VALUE=URI: ng-challenging-conversations-about-diversity/ UID:urn:uuid:5151c57c-11c9-4cc9-bb94-5b19fa73415e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211213T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211213T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Creating Personal and Organizational Care Plans DESCRIPTION:Hosted By Illinois CASA\n\nRegister here\n\nThis presentatio n will provide a review of information and skills that have been present ed and practiced throughout the webinar series and help participants cre ate personal and organizational plans for themselves and the organizatio n that can carry them into the future.\n\nLearning Objectives:\n• Deve lop a personal care plan.\n• Identify resources to support the develop ment of an organizational care plan.\nPresented by Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center URL;VALUE=URI: ganizational-care-plans/ UID:urn:uuid:4bce7480-5bf0-4193-9df6-54b2d4c1a356 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211214T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211214T123000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Supporting Students with a Diagnosed Learning Disability: Signs\ , Symptoms and Advocacy Strategies DESCRIPTION:Hosted By Illinois CASA\n\nRegister here\n\nLearning disabil ities are due to genetic and/or neurobiological factors that alter brain functioning in a manner that affects one or more cognitive processes re lated to learning. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading\, writing\, and/or math. They can also int erfere with higher-level skills such as organization\, time planning\, a bstract reasoning\, long or short-term memory\, and attention. In this t raining webinar\, participants will learn signs\, symptoms\, and strateg ies to advocate for children in care. URL;VALUE=URI: -a-diagnosed-learning-disability-signs-symptoms-and-advocacy-strategies/ UID:urn:uuid:722fc5ac-5edc-4b4b-93d5-de6181e3cc12 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211214T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211214T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk DESCRIPTION:Hosted By CASA Kane County\n\n*offered virtually &\; in p erson (max 12 people)\n\n3 Credits\n\nFor more information or to attend please email URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:197e2879-7017-4d4b-80d3-a337b05bb043 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211216T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211216T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cycles of Poverty DESCRIPTION:Hosted By Illinois CASA\n\nRegister here\n\nJoin us as Preve nt Child Abuse Illinois presents on the main objectives in Cycles of Pov erty:\n\n Gain a deeper understanding of how poverty and related condit ions often reinforce each other\n Awareness of your own attitudes and b eliefs about poverty and the people who live in it\n Understanding the underlying conditions of poverty and the impact on our communities\n Di scuss ways you can make a difference in your community\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:bf0f3e80-efbe-4748-a78b-77d68e82c88b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211216T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211216T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n\nGe neral Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers com e from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be t he one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s li fe! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-35/ UID:urn:uuid:64b6b4aa-f175-4831-8ba7-82779e4b357e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220203T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220203T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:British Invasion\, Luggage Sensation - Children's Champion Celeb ration Gala DESCRIPTION:CASA Kane County will host its largest fundraiser of the yea r\, our 2022 Children’s Champion Celebration Gala\, “British Invasio n\, Luggage Sensation.”\n\nThe inspiration for this theme came from CA SA’s goal of providing each foster child we serve with a piece of lugg age so that they need not carry their belongings in a trash bag. We will ensure the evening stays ‘fun’ and ‘exciting’ by allowing the a rtistry in the movie Cruella to further influence the night.\n\nVisit he re for more information or to attend! URL;VALUE=URI: -sensation-childrens-champion-celebration-gala/ UID:urn:uuid:156972ac-1591-4323-826e-3070fe09cc78 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220305T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220305T170000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Don’t let the year end without learning more about how you can play a critical role in changing a child’s story! Grab your lunch and join us virtually! Our Information Sessions are designed to provide potential volunteers with a clear understanding of what it means to be a CASA/GAL.\n\nEmail to register! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-36/ UID:urn:uuid:68edc612-7c5d-4ce6-8d99-bc5bee5fe80b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211227T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211227T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Don’t let the year end without learning more about how you can play a critical role in changing a child’s story! Grab your lunch and join us virtually! Our Information Sessions are designed to provide potential volunteers with a clear understanding of what it means to be a CASA/GAL.\n\nEmail to register! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-37/ UID:urn:uuid:873c728f-ad6d-4818-9e76-33b0960c6d4a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211228T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211228T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Don’t let the year end without learning more about how you can play a critical role in changing a child’s story! Grab your lunch and join us virtually! Our Information Sessions are designed to provide potential volunteers with a clear understanding of what it means to be a CASA/GAL.\n\nEmail to register! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:bcb4dd95-3df1-4d43-9a4d-07827e98715a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211229T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211229T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Empathic Strain & Secondary Trauma 101: Understanding the Essent ials DESCRIPTION:Click Here to Register\n\nWe pay an emotional price for doin g the work that we do. Repeated and chronic exposure to large volumes of difficult stories can erode our sense of empathy for others. We can bec ome hardened and\ndesensitized to suffering – or conversely\, we can b ecome swallowed up by their pain.\n\nSince the demand often outweighs wh at we can offer\, we may find ourselves experiencing moral distress when we cannot help everyone who comes to us. What is the impact of this on our physical and emotional well-being? How can we stay well while doing difficult work?\n\nThis session provides a foundation for understanding these very real “occupational hazards.”\n• Level of Exposure: Asse ss what elements are risk factors for you\n• Where Are You Now? Learn how to identify and recognize warning signs in yourself and others\n• Assess your current strategies at home and at work\n• Make a plan: Ste ps to address your vulnerabilities\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: y-trauma-101-understanding-the-essentials/ UID:urn:uuid:152be373-13f3-4078-b890-c2d03d178be9 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20211217T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20211217T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Collaborative Strategies to Improve Outcomes for Adolescents Aff ected by Substance Use Disorders and Child Welfare DESCRIPTION:Hosted by National CASA\n\nRegister Here\n\nUse Program ID: 10141\n\nAdolescence is a stage of life with specific health and develop mental needs. A successful transition from childhood to adulthood can be difficult even under the best circumstances. For youth in foster care\, particularly those affected by substance use disorders (SUDs)\, this tr ansition can be further complicated by a lack of services and supports t ailored to this stage of development.\n\nThis presentation will review t he common assumptions and biases about adolescents involved in child wel fare and detail the unique risks and needs of adolescents and transition al aged youth affected by substance use disorders\, delinquency\, and tr auma. This presentation will highlight the importance of collaboration\, examine collaborative strategies to engage adolescents and their suppor ts\, and identify strategies to promote resilience\, recovery\, and posi tive youth development to improve outcomes for adolescents and their fam ilies. URL;VALUE=URI: -to-improve-outcomes-for-adolescents-affected-by-substance-use-disorders -and-child-welfare/ UID:urn:uuid:5860e901-adf9-47f1-85f8-c4462972a17e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220112T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220112T143000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Secondary Trauma DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nRegister Here\nUse Program ID 101 41\nJoin us as Prevent Child Abuse Illinois highlights four main points in their Secondary Trauma presentation.\n-Develop a deeper understanding of what secondary trauma is and how it effects your professional and pe rsonal life\n-Gain an understanding of the various conditions related to secondary trauma\n-Reflection on your own experiences and how to manage your own stress\n-Reflection on your own organizations and how to estab lish a trauma sensitive culture URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:f7bde80d-d0a4-4e4d-8d41-c8d53966f27f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220114T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220114T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Juvenile Expungement in Illinois and how to Navigate the Expunge ment Process DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nRegister Here\n\nThis webinar exp lains the statues of the juvenile expungement process in Illinois. Staff and advocates will become aware of how to navigate the juvenile expunge ment process and understanding the criteria and qualifications for expun gement.\n\nPresenter is Mr. Anibal Vega\, of the Vega Family Foundation URL;VALUE=URI: illinois-and-how-to-navigate-the-expungement-process/ UID:urn:uuid:3fcd0212-c676-4e9a-81a4-69e4b27d41b1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220118T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220118T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Defining the Line: Setting & Maintaining Healthy Boundaries DESCRIPTION:Hosted by National CASA\n\nRegister Here\n\nMaintaining appr opriate boundaries is fundamental to managing one's health and well-bein g. When working with children and families our desire to help\, which is a positive\, can lead to the blurring of lines and roles and responsibi lities. Having healthy boundaries is key to managing stress\, avoiding b urnout and supporting sound advocacy work. In this webinar we will:\n1. Explore what boundaries are\, and where attendees are with them\n2. Iden tify and recognize structural and individual risk factors\n3. Discuss wh y setting boundaries so hard and what are the resources and tools availa ble to assist in developing one's personal set of boundaries\n\nPresente d by Sarah Stewart of TEND Academy URL;VALUE=URI: g-maintaining-healthy-boundaries/ UID:urn:uuid:dd476a56-8ce1-4a30-b298-a4696ebf14d9 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220121T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220121T141500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Person First Language DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nRegister Here\n\nPerson first lan guage is the gold standard for inclusivity. Join us as Katie Algrim from Kane ROE discusses real world scenarios and best practices for person f irst language. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:c71b653d-3167-434b-bb74-d4688cb20daa STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220124T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220124T141500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register email\n\nGeneral Info rmation Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more abou t what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from eve ry walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one car ing and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-38/ UID:urn:uuid:b4e434b7-da37-4b03-922d-2e4947f104fd STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220120T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220120T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register email\n\nGeneral Info rmation Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more abou t what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from eve ry walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one car ing and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-39/ UID:urn:uuid:1817e2d4-6378-403d-91b8-8986a319a7f6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220218T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220218T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register please email\n\nGener al Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn mo re about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come f rom every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-40/ UID:urn:uuid:d1e68e82-49a5-4b2a-b08a-80ee9ec9ad9d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220303T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220303T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register email\n\nGeneral Info rmation Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more abou t what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from eve ry walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one car ing and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-41/ UID:urn:uuid:394b96c8-dd28-4d83-846e-21844755348c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220407T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220407T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register please email\n\nGener al Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn mo re about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come f rom every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-42/ UID:urn:uuid:c0d18177-dbb3-4e41-bcc2-da2e7b5caffb STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220505T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220505T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register please email\n\nGener al Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn mo re about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come f rom every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-43/ UID:urn:uuid:9deb1f53-35d4-494c-aa71-1bba59f30fa1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220524T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220524T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register please email\n\nGener al Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn mo re about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come f rom every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-44/ UID:urn:uuid:51a72dac-22f6-4d1e-9bb3-351815eb9830 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220419T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220419T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register please email\n\nGener al Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn mo re about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come f rom every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-45/ UID:urn:uuid:2c86279f-a995-4b77-b9c9-6793c4cf9f7a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220322T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220322T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n\nGene ral Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn m ore about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life ! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-46/ UID:urn:uuid:f5194b84-a49a-4150-8d02-6841ad53fa20 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220602T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220602T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n\nGene ral Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn m ore about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\n\nCourt Appoint ed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every wal k of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill o ut the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring an d consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life!\n\n\n\n  \; URL;VALUE=URI: ing-47/ UID:urn:uuid:8f842c8f-e409-48c1-b175-c349423fb41b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220629T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220629T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:Online only\n\nPlease email to re gister! URL;VALUE=URI: 2/ UID:urn:uuid:4f22f084-51b2-494f-abc4-de76f1786e2c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220131T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220131T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk DESCRIPTION:Online and in person\n\nPlease email sandiec@casakanecounty. org to attend! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:5892dfb1-8c8e-4ddd-8874-302d35e44a80 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220121T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220121T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:HATCH (Hands Around The Court House) DESCRIPTION:In honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month\, CASA Kane County will host its annual Hands Around the Courthouse observance. Join us as we work together to bring awareness to child abuse and help protect the well-being of the next generation!\n\nLocated at the Kane County Courtho use\, 100 S. Third Street\, Geneva\, IL 60134\n\nFeaturing Guest Speaker s:\n\n Honorable Susan Boles\, Circuit Judge\n Gloria Kelley\, Executi ve Director\n Remarks by Kevin Burns\, Mayor of Geneva URL;VALUE=URI: ourt-house/ UID:urn:uuid:4cb53695-8088-464a-b079-dfe8e77bac66 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220407T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220407T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Youth in Care Panel DESCRIPTION:Presented online through ZOOM by CASA Kane County.\n\nJoin u s for a special presentation featuring several Youth in Care who will be sharing stories about their foster care experience.\n\nTo register and receive a link\, please email URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:ffd04747-37e7-4a75-b993-acefa0b9b37f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220205T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220205T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities or Disorders Part 2 – Dyslexia DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nRegister Here\n\nLearning disabil ities are due to genetic and/or neurobiological factors that alter brain functioning in a manner that affects one or more cognitive processes re lated to learning. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading\, writing\, and/or math. They can also int erfere with higher-level skills such as organization\, time planning\, a bstract reasoning\, long or short-term memory\, and attention. In this t raining webinar\, participants will learn signs\, symptoms\, and strateg ies to advocate for children in care. URL;VALUE=URI: -learning-disabilities-or-disorders-part-2-dyslexia/ UID:urn:uuid:cfb1cd2a-906f-48af-9ac0-7d7a51595a5e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220208T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220208T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Neurobiology of Trauma DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nRegister Here\n\nIn order to bett er respond to the difficulties victims face when reporting their sexual assault\, a basic understanding of how the brain responds when a person is exposed to a traumatic situation is crucial. The biology of trauma is well documented and helps provide a framework for understanding of how the body responds during a traumatic event like a sexual assault.\n\nPre sented by: Cordelia Coppleson\nAssistant Attorney General/Law Enforcemen t Training Coordinator\nIllinois Attorney General’s Office URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:bb4a10ea-4147-4ab7-9bbd-f3402896548e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220209T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220209T143000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:National CASA/GAL Book Club Author Event with Lawrence Lanahan* “The Lines Between Us: Two Families and a Quest to Cross Baltimore’ s Racial Divide” DESCRIPTION:Hosted by National CASA\n\nRegister Here\n\nUse Program ID N umber: 10141\n\nJoin us on Tuesday\, February 15 as we discuss the book\ , “The Lines Between Us: Two Families and a Quest to Cross Baltimore's Racial Divide” with author Lawrence Lanahan.\n\nFor Book Club members only. If you are interested in becoming a member\, please email profess URL;VALUE=URI: lub-author-event-with-lawrence-lanahan-the-lines-between-us-two-families -and-a-quest-to-cross-baltimores-racial-divide/ UID:urn:uuid:64850584-f4e0-4d82-b9b0-e23bf936ff92 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220215T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220215T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Road to Resilience DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nRegister Here\n\nJoin us as we li sten to Prevent Child Abuse Illinois present four main points on resilie ncy:\n- Define the concept of resilience and assess our own resilience t raits\n- Look at how trauma exposure impacts our ability to be resilient \n- Gain a deeper understanding of resilience characteristics and traits \n- Learn five key strategies for building on your inner strengths URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:d0e902a6-0c1f-4481-904c-da190f19790c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220301T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220301T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities or Disorders Part 3 – Dysgraphia DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nRegister Here for the online webi nar\n\nLearning disabilities are due to genetic and/or neurobiological f actors that alter brain functioning in a manner that affects one or more cognitive processes related to learning. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading\, writing\, and/or math. They can also interfere with higher-level skills such as organizat ion\, time planning\, abstract reasoning\, long or short-term memory\, a nd attention. In this training webinar\, participants will learn signs\, symptoms\, and strategies to advocate for children in care. URL;VALUE=URI: -learning-disabilities-or-disorders-part-3-dysgraphia/ UID:urn:uuid:3a7d2178-b16e-4810-b8ba-2376cebdce4a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220222T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220222T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Chat with the Executive Director DESCRIPTION:Presented online by Gloria Kelley\, Executive Director of CA SA Kane County via Microsoft Teams.\n\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers t o hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Superviso rs and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, prov iding you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, and celebrate successes!\n\nTo re gister for this event\, please email URL;VALUE=URI: xecutive-director/ UID:urn:uuid:212f3634-c444-4db9-8ad5-b7c48054c72b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220223T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220223T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:LBGTQ+ Community & Mental Health DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nRegister Here\n\nLearn more about the LBGTQ+ community as well as mental health issues unique to individu als part of the LBGTQ+ population. We will focus primarily on hurdles ch ildren and youth in the LBGTQ+ community face\, and can be applied to ad ult population as well.\n\nPresented by Chas Swearingen with Lincoln Pra irie Behavioral Health Center URL;VALUE=URI: ealth/ UID:urn:uuid:8fa4cf65-310b-48c5-9f8e-12e6841b8575 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220223T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220223T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:LGBTQIA+ and Cultural Humility DESCRIPTION:Presented by CASA Kane County online through Microsoft Teams .\n\nThis training aims to enhance our ability to ensure the safety\, eq uity\, and health of LGBTQIA+ youth while maintaining a cultural humilit y perspective.   Providers will develop a stronger understanding of th e social inequities and health disparities within this community\, as we ll as the effects of minority stress\, family acceptance and rejection.\ n\nTo register for this event\, please email URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:d0299f0b-c6f3-4dd3-9e1a-8d0d1547baa1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220225T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220225T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Living in Fear: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children AA DESCRIPTION:Presented by Prevent Child Abuse America.\n\nLiving in a hom e with domestic violence can have a significant impact on a child’s em otional and physical well-being. More than half of families where a woma n is abused\, the children are abused as well. This training will provid e an overview of the cycle of violence\, warning signs that may be exhib ited by children and ways you can help.\nRegistration has been CLOSED. URL;VALUE=URI: ts-of-domestic-violence-on-children-aa/ UID:urn:uuid:821d7176-1478-4a83-bcdb-a7be98e5672c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220208T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220208T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:Hosted By CASA Kane County online via Microsoft Teams\n\nThe Report to the Court\, prepared by a CASA/GAL Volunteer\, represents imp ortant information that the Judge will use to make appropriate decisions for youth in care.  The monthly Report Writing Workshop will review th e current requirements for court reports\, provide an overview of a samp le report\, share guidelines to be utilized when writing reports\, and o ffer you the chance to ask questions in order to ensure your report is t he best it can be!\n\nRegister by emailing URL;VALUE=URI: 3/ UID:urn:uuid:d75aa3f2-ba21-4987-b54f-c637eb0e676b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220215T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220215T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:Hosted By CASA Kane County | Online via TEAMs\n\nThe Report to the Court\, prepared by a CASA/GAL Volunteer\, represents important i nformation that the Judge will use to make appropriate decisions for you th in care.  The monthly Report Writing Workshop will review the curren t requirements for court reports\, provide an overview of a sample repor t\, share guidelines to be utilized when writing reports\, and offer you the chance to ask questions in order to ensure your report is the best it can be!\n\nTo register please email URL;VALUE=URI: 4/ UID:urn:uuid:763586a9-b159-4e06-8e9a-824cbeac2e82 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220302T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220302T170000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Coffee Case Talk DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County | ONLINE via TEAMs\n\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases .  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to gui de each session\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment t o discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, and celebra te successes!\n\nRegister by emailing URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:93e8a3d1-47f6-4c89-8a00-cdcec62596a4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220318T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220318T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Supporting Students with a Diagnosed Learning Disability Part 4: Dyscalculia DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nLearning disabilities are due to genetic and/or neurobiological factors that alter brain functioning in a manner that affects one or more cognitive processes related to learning . These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills suc h as reading\, writing\, and/or math. They can also interfere with highe r-level skills such as organization\, time planning\, abstract reasoning \, long or short-term memory\, and attention. In this training webinar\, participants will learn signs\, symptoms\, and strategies to advocate f or children in care.\n\nREGISTER HERE  URL;VALUE=URI: -a-diagnosed-learning-disability-part-4-dyscalculia/ UID:urn:uuid:2b5d7349-1104-4c49-9c19-ee9a261cc5a1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220308T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220308T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Navigating YouthCare to Identify Resources for the Health and We ll-Being of Youth DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nThis webinar will provide informa tion on YouthCare and the resources available to advocates to assist you th and their caregivers in navigating the healthcare system. Participant s will be able to identify resources on the website that will allow them to advocate for the health and well-being of youth.\n\n REGISTER HERE  URL;VALUE=URI: identify-resources-for-the-health-and-well-being-of-youth/ UID:urn:uuid:1e20ebcf-23e0-492a-b8a9-baeb88699c94 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220315T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220315T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:It’s Not Your IQ\, It’s Your EQ: How Emotional Intelligence Fosters Greater Relationships DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA | Online\n\nREGISTER HERE \n\nIn th is webinar\, we will focus on understanding emotional intelligence (EQ) and how it fits into your growth as a CASA Advocate. Historically\, peop le with higher EQs are better problem solvers\, team players\, and leade rs. So\, how can improving your EQ help you not only as a CASA Advocate but also help in your other professional goals? Join us and find out.\n\ nAbout the Presenter: Kendra Abercrombie serves as the Diversity\, Equit y\, and Inclusion Manager for the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on P rofessionalism\, where she promotes integrity\, civility\, and professio nalism among the lawyers and judges of Illinois. In this role\, Kendra l eads the Commission’s educational and advocacy initiatives aimed at pr omoting diversity\, equity\, and inclusion (DEI) in the legal and justic e systems.\n\nAs DEI Manager\, Kendra develops and delivers legal educat ion on DEI and other professionalism topics to lawyers\, judges\, and la w students\, and performs outreach across the state on behalf of the Com mission. She also supports the Commission’s lawyer-to-lawyer mentoring program and manages its involvement in Jumpstart\, a law school prepara tory program for historically underrepresented law students.\n\nBefore j oining the Commission\, Kendra was Associate Director of Admissions and Diversity Recruitment and Assistant Director of Admissions and Diversity Initiatives at Indiana University’s Maurer School of Law. Earlier in her career\, Kendra was an Admissions Counselor and Recruiter at Arizona Summit Law School. Kendra has served as an instructor of legal rese arch and writing at the Indiana Conference for Legal Education Oppor tunity and an adjunct professor in economics at Ivy Tech Community Col lege in Bloomington\, IN. URL;VALUE=URI: -eq-how-emotional-intelligence-fosters-greater-relationships/ UID:urn:uuid:111d78e3-6814-4a99-bdd4-44c8639a238a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220316T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220316T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Supporting Students with Learning Disabilities or Disorders Part 5 – Non-Verbal Learning Disorders DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA Online  \n\nREGISTER HERE \n\nLea rning disabilities are due to genetic and/or neurobiological factors tha t alter brain functioning in a manner that affects one or more cognitive processes related to learning. These processing problems can interfere with learning basic skills such as reading\, writing\, and/or math. They can also interfere with higher-level skills such as organization\, time planning\, abstract reasoning\, long or short-term memory\, and attenti on. In this training webinar\, participants will learn signs\, symptoms\ , and strategies to advocate for children in care. URL;VALUE=URI: -learning-disabilities-or-disorders-part-5-non-verbal-learning-disorders / UID:urn:uuid:b9f84d0d-7dae-4acd-98e6-a51fca995906 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220322T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220322T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:SPIDER Service Provider Identification and Exploration Resource DESCRIPTION:Hosted Online by Illinois CASA – Presented by SPIDER Staff  \n\nREGISTER HERE \n\nReview of how to use this free\, web-based data base. This exciting tool is available for your resource referral needs. The Service Provider Identification and Exploration Resource (aka SPIDER ) provides expedited and detailed way to find services your clients migh t need no matter where they are in Illinois. From food pantries to menta l health services to rent assistance\, you can #FindItOnSPIDER. URL;VALUE=URI: identification-and-exploration-resource/ UID:urn:uuid:006fbff2-6d78-4570-bccd-4423eec983f3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220323T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220323T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Advocate Supervisor Panel DESCRIPTION:Hosted By Kane County CASA\n\nPlease join us for an interact ive Advocate Supervisor panel session\, led by Director of Advocate Supe rvision Laura Sanders.  We will start with an introduction to our entir e Advocacy team and a special welcome to our 5 new Supervisors!\n\nTo re gister\, please email URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:75ca14c2-fe8c-42df-86c6-6f4ded311b57 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220323T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220323T180000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Golf for a Child Invitational DESCRIPTION:Please visit our webpage here for more details! URL;VALUE=URI: ional-2/ UID:urn:uuid:8829106e-ee05-42e0-8606-a4305eba480b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220815 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Clays For Kids Tournament DESCRIPTION:For details\, please visit our webpage here! URL;VALUE=URI: t-3/ UID:urn:uuid:15959fb6-8b6f-4be8-b996-71f0b037054f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220923 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Clays For Kids Tournament DESCRIPTION:For details\, please visit our webpage here! URL;VALUE=URI: t-4/ UID:urn:uuid:702527ca-f4bc-47f3-9f6e-1ea6aada3948 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20220924 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Tech Check-In DESCRIPTION:For CASA Advocates via Microsoft TEAMS\nPlease join us for Tech Check\,” on how to best use Zoom\, TEAMS\, Outlook\, and input your CEU hours into Optima! We will go over how to properly set up your Zoom display name for Court purposes\; discuss TEAMS updates for upcomin g trainings\; review Outlook and how to edit and share reports through y our portal\; and review the Credit Key to optimize the number of credit hours YOU earn. We will spend a half hour reviewing step by step process es. We will then have an additional half hour for any questions you may have.\nPlease email with any additional que stions. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:48a5d08f-406b-4427-a9fd-1151dfca26b0 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220316T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220316T153000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register please email\n\nGene ral Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn m ore about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life ! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-48/ UID:urn:uuid:e5d19b85-47e1-4dd3-96e6-161518a67bb5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220330T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220330T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:To register please email\n\nGene ral Information Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn m ore about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life ! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-49/ UID:urn:uuid:636fa0d4-8403-4e49-9978-bc4df10ae192 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220413T183000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220413T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat - Virtual DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County via TEAMS\n\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advoc ate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each s ession\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, and celebrate succes ses!\n\nEmail for more information URL;VALUE=URI: al/ UID:urn:uuid:190d03e0-ccf8-47a1-a32f-00beb99b3143 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220407T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220407T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Gangs and Youth That Are High Risk DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Illinois - Virtually!\n\nPresenter is Mr. Ani bal Vega\, of the Vega Family Foundation\n\nMore information to follow.. .\n\nRegister &\; Learn More Here\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: -high-risk/ UID:urn:uuid:976141dc-5bfb-4e18-b5b2-33aa74192595 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220408T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220408T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Childhood Trauma Informed Care for Teens and Tweens DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County via TEAMS\n\nWe are privileged to host Professor Laura Donovan for a discussion on Childhood Trauma Infor med Care.  Professor Donovan will provide an overview of the topic\, wi th a focus on teens and tweens.\n\nEmail Ashley Kellenberger at ashleyk@ to sign up! URL;VALUE=URI: formed-care-for-teens-and-tweens/ UID:urn:uuid:c875e080-20bb-4253-a7e1-e1bd28bc46b9 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220412T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220412T181500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Kane County CASA via TEAMS\n\nThe Report to the Co urt\, prepared by a CASA/GAL Volunteer\, represents important informatio n that the Judge will use to make appropriate decisions for youth in car e.  The monthly Report Writing Workshop will review the current require ments for court reports\, provide an overview of a sample report\, share guidelines to be utilized when writing reports\, and offer you the chan ce to ask questions in order to ensure your report is the best it can be !\n\nEmail to sign up! URL;VALUE=URI: 5/ UID:urn:uuid:1f58d8c2-1e3f-44f9-88b0-440ac599f2f3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220418T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220418T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Effects of Domestic Violence DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA Online via Zoom\n\nLiving in a home with domestic violence can have a significant impact on a child’s emot ional and physical wellbeing. More than half of families where a woman i s abused\, the children are abused as well. This training will provide a n overview of the cycle of violence\, warning signs that may be exhibite d by children\, and ways you can help. Presented by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois.\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: ence/ UID:urn:uuid:3a79bebc-3c1a-401a-accd-d91f86e6fe5f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220425T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220425T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk – In person DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County In-Person\n\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advoc ate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each s ession\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, and celebrate succes ses.\n\nEmail for more information! URL;VALUE=URI: on/ UID:urn:uuid:9356a5cd-96a4-45a9-b14d-e7b3a43d44b8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220422T083000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220422T093000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Teens Online Image and Their Future DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA Online\n\nThis webinar addresses the power of a positive online image. We will explore how teens connect and what they share on social media\, including self-created explicit conte nt and other risks and trends. The importance of maintaining a reputable digital footprint is significant not only to prevent victimization and promote safety\, but to ensure that teens will thrive socially\, emotion ally\, and obtain positive future opportunities!\n\nPresented by Karilyn M. Orr\nOffice of the Illinois Attorney General\nInternet Crimes Agains t Children Task Force\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: heir-future/ UID:urn:uuid:08a24c30-e566-47fb-a350-04801a29cf48 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220427T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220427T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Teens\, Trauma\, and Resilience DESCRIPTION:Dave Kellerhals\, LCPC\, Director of Mental Health Services for Rosecrance Central Illinois\, and Marcie Phillis\, Ph.D.\, Rosecranc e Community Relations Coordinator\, will address teen behavioral health so that attendees can:\n\n\n Gain an understanding of adolescent trauma and trauma responses\n Identify types of adolescent coping mechanisms: positive and negative\n Discuss resilience and post-traumatic growth s trategies\n\nClick here to register! URL;VALUE=URI: nce/ UID:urn:uuid:f6418810-5e8b-4b53-aa1f-6a0f10ae6cc2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220406T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220406T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:MelRo's Voice: A Former Youth Educational Success Story DESCRIPTION:Presented by CASA Illinois\nFormer Youth in Care is now a mo tivational speaker\, children's advocate\, professional model\, and DEI Director at Ohio CASA. MelRo will share her story of overcoming adversit y and flipping her painful past experiences to those of great purpose th rough education.\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: uth-educational-success-story/ UID:urn:uuid:0edb6f2b-2449-4e12-a1eb-e2e5c6ebfe34 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220405T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220405T154500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Facebook Live Discussion on Reporting Child Abuse DESCRIPTION:April is Child Abuse Prevention Month!\nJoin us for a Facebo ok Live discussion on reporting child abuse.\  \nPanelists:\n\n\n Gloria Kelley\, CASA Kane County \n Dee Oliver\, K ane County Regional Office of Education \n Kane County State’s Attor ney Jamie Mosser \n Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain \n\nTo ask a questio n\, please email in advance  URL;VALUE=URI: -on-reporting-child-abuse/ UID:urn:uuid:7a1f93d5-460b-4f0b-999a-75d0ca746c78 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220414T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220414T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat - Virtual DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervis ors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, pro viding you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, and celebrate successes!\nThis t raining will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams.\nRSVP to AshleyK@cas URL;VALUE=URI: al-2/ UID:urn:uuid:022804dc-cd06-4f07-b335-b1bdf5b4d620 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220509T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220509T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Juvenile Delinquency cases and tour of Juvenile Justice Center DESCRIPTION:Please join CASA Kane County for an overview of Juvenile Del inquency cases\, and a tour of the Kane County Juvenile Justice Center.\ nKane County Juvenile Justice Center\n37W655 Il. Rt. 38\nSt. Charles\, I L 60175\nThe training will be presented by Pam Ely\, PREA Coordinator / Program Manager for the JJC\, and will be located at the Center which sh ares a parking lot with the courthouse on Rt. 38 in St. Charles.  There are three buildings – the courthouse\, the jail\, and the JJC.  You can park in the front\, enter the JJC and you will be met by CASA Staff. \nContact Sandie Cross at 630-902-0602 if you have any difficulty upon a rrival. URL;VALUE=URI: es-and-tour-of-juvenile-justice-center/ UID:urn:uuid:3a5c6c96-0e07-4670-b552-6a076e3360c6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220516T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220516T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk - In Person DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County in person only!\nJoin fellow CASA /GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  A dvocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide ea ch session\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment to dis cuss your case\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, and celebrate su ccesses!\nThis session is being held in person only at the CASA office i n the Kane County Courthouse\, Room 430.  Parking and the main entrance are located on the West side of the Courthouse.  There is no entrance on 3rd Street.\nTo register please email Ashley Kellenberger at AshleyK\nCall Sandie at 630-902-0602 if you need assistance upon arrival. URL;VALUE=URI: on-2/ UID:urn:uuid:d3d079a8-89c3-4b96-b5d8-e46c1f93c898 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220520T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220520T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Illinois CASA Virtual Volunteer Rally with Serve Illinois DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nLet's highlight and applaud all t he hard work our volunteer advocates across the network do for best inte rests advocacy! April is National Volunteer Month and Child Abuse Preven tion Month. Join Illinois CASA and Jacob Jenkins\, Volunteer Programs Co ordinator with Serve Illinois Commission a part of Department of Human S ervices\, Division of Family and Community Services.\n\nRegister Here!  URL;VALUE=URI: lunteer-rally-with-serve-illinois/ UID:urn:uuid:96b2947a-97d2-459b-ade8-d0e8229d02b1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220420T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220420T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Kane County CASA via TEAMS\n\nThe Report to the Co urt\, prepared by a CASA/GAL Volunteer\, represents important informatio n that the Judge will use to make appropriate decisions for youth in car e.  The monthly Report Writing Workshop will review the current require ments for court reports\, provide an overview of a sample report\, share guidelines to be utilized when writing reports\, and offer you the chan ce to ask questions in order to ensure your report is the best it can be !\n\n*A meeting invite should appear in our CASA Outlook Calendar for th is date and time. Please contact if it is not \, and you would like to attend. URL;VALUE=URI: 6/ UID:urn:uuid:612c01ce-6a97-42a6-b09e-5c758534185b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220513T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220513T103000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Child Sexual Abuse Prevention DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA Online\n\nChild sexual abuse can hap pen to any child. Children need adults who know about child sexual abuse and who are willing to do something about it. This training will provid e an overview of the facts\, signs and symptoms\, how to respond\, and h ow to prevent it from happening. Child sexual abuse is a global problem that not only affects the child and family\, but the entire community. W ith your help child sexual abuse can be prevented. Presented by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois.\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: ntion/ UID:urn:uuid:63338849-b89c-4a39-9032-9766e3b22e22 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220519T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220519T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Helping Children and Youth Develop Healthy Strategies for Managi ng Emotions DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA Online\n\nWe are fortunate to have n ationally renowned expert and Clinical Psychologist\, Lisa Damour\, auth or of two New York Times best selling books\, Untangled:\nGuiding Teenag e Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood and Under Pressure: Confronting the Epidemic of Stress and Anxiety in Girls. She co-hosts t he Ask Lisa podcast\, writes about teenagers for the New York Times\, ap pears as a regular contributor to CBS News\, and works in collaboration with UNICEF. Dr. Damour also maintains a private practice and consults a nd speaks internationally.\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: th-develop-healthy-strategies-for-managing-emotions/ UID:urn:uuid:2d4d5a4a-3fb2-4728-80a2-8e1ca5238143 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220525T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220525T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Quarterly Update - Presented by CASA's Executive Director DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County – CASA Office\, Room 430\n\n*Th is will be in person\, please see meeting invite in your Outlook calenda rs to confirm attendance/see additional details. URL;VALUE=URI: esented-by-casas-executive-director/ UID:urn:uuid:ae2e4259-0acb-4663-bc4d-10416b79e5a3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220511T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220511T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Chat with Hamish Brewer DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nHamish Brewer is a powerful and p ositive disruptor in Education who is affectionately known as the Relent less\, Tattooed Skateboarding Principal. He is a speaker\, best-selling author\, and strong advocate for tackling the toughest issues in educati on head on\; from poverty\, addiction and family disfunction to educatio nal change-maker.\n\nRegister HERE URL;VALUE=URI: h-brewe/ UID:urn:uuid:084f8240-0cc6-4048-94b5-5302c2f2c743 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220607T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220607T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop – In Person Only DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Kane County CASA In Person Only at the CASA office located at 100 S. Third Street\, Geneva\, IL. Parking and the main entr ance are located on the West side of the Courthouse. There is no entranc e on 3rd Street.\n\nThe Report to the Court\, prepared by a CASA/GAL Vol unteer\, represents important information that the Judge will use to mak e appropriate decisions for youth in care. The monthly Report Writing Wo rkshop will review the current requirements for court reports\, provide an overview of a sample report\, share guidelines to be utilized when wr iting reports\, and offer you the chance to ask questions in order to en sure your report is the best it can be!\n\n*A meeting invite should appe ar in your CASA Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact if it is not\, and you would like to attend. URL;VALUE=URI: in-person-only/ UID:urn:uuid:2b99bc86-1f8c-46b0-969c-876585c527da STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220608T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220608T113000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Overview of Permanency Review Hearing – Back to Basics Series DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Kane County CASA via TEAMS\n\nPlease join us as Se nior Staff/GAL Attorney Nydia Molina presents all aspects of the Permane ncy Review Hearing. Topics will include an overview of the activities to focus on between time periods\, writing Optima notes to support your fi ndings\, and developing appropriate recommendations and goals. All volun teers are encouraged to attend if your schedule permits!\n\n*A meeting i nvite should appear in your CASA Outlook Calendar for this date and time . Please contact if it is not\, and you would like to attend. URL;VALUE=URI: eview-hearing-back-to-basics-series/ UID:urn:uuid:c0d71a3b-f6fb-4a83-9fff-14119541b7de STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220615T113000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220615T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Optima Refresher DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Kane County CASA via TEAMS\n\nJoin us for a review of Optima where we will provide a refresher on how to use the Search fe ature\, best practices for content entry\, selecting the appropriate Act ivity Types\, etc.\n\n*A meeting invite should appear in your CASA Outlo ok Calendar for this date and time. Please contact ashleyk@casakanecount if it is not\, and you would like to attend. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:58132c38-9463-4f66-80e2-2ae7365acde8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220617T093000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220617T103000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Shaken Baby Syndrome DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois\n\nShaken Baby Syndro me (SBS) occurs when an infant or young child is violently shaken. This training will help participants understand the signs\, effects\, and cau ses of SBS and the impact on families and society.\n\nRegister HERE URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:6b8c3041-05d6-47e8-9e90-98716de7db48 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220616T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220616T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County via TEAMS\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL V olunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocat e Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each ses sion\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss y our case\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, and celebrate successe s!\n*A meeting invite should appear in your CASA Outlook Calendar for th is date and time. Please contact if it is n ot\, and you would like to attend. URL;VALUE=URI: rson-only/ UID:urn:uuid:e2e479b0-fd6c-437e-a53d-12de294c28dd STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220622T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220622T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:The Report to the Court\, prepared by a CASA/GAL Volunteer\, represents important information that the Judge will use to make approp riate decisions for youth in care.  The monthly Report Writing Workshop will review the current requirements for court reports\, provide an ove rview of a sample report\, share guidelines to be utilized when writing reports\, and offer you the chance to ask questions in order to ensure y our report is the best it can be!\n*A meeting invite should appear in yo ur CASA Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact ashleyk if it is not\, and you would like to attend. URL;VALUE=URI: 7/ UID:urn:uuid:9eeea0f6-e2c7-47bd-bff6-b2fd0ec4c4f7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220708T113000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220708T133000 LOCATION:Online via Microsoft Teams END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk – In Person Only DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County In Person ONLY at the CASA office located at 100 S. Third Street\, Geneva\, IL.  Parking and the main en trance are located on the West side of the Courthouse.  There is no ent rance on 3rd Street.\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about iss ues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, and celebrate successes!\n\n*A meeting invite sho uld appear in your CASA Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact if it is not\, and you would like t o attend. URL;VALUE=URI: on-only/ UID:urn:uuid:a42351bf-3622-4bc8-8ef6-7648389497ab STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220722T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220722T090000 LOCATION:CASA Office - 100 S. Third Street\, Geneva\, IL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Gangs and Youth that are High Risk 2.0 DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\nThis webinar will go a step further into the earlier conversation on gang structure\, identifiers\, social and emotional connection\, and impact. Participants will gain a better u nderstanding of how to effectively work with youth in care in addressing possible affiliations.  Find initial webinar located here: Gangs and Youth that are High Risk - Part 1\nRegister HERE URL;VALUE=URI: -high-risk-2-0/ UID:urn:uuid:8f897d01-f120-4a54-bba9-9cdd64ee78e3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220725T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220725T140000 LOCATION:Online Webinar END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Developing Youth Resiliency and Life Skills by Enhancing Protect ive Factors: Part 2 of 6 – Financial Literacy DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA: Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: ncy-and-life-skills-by-enhancing-protective-factors-part-2-of-6-financia l-literacy/ UID:urn:uuid:76e67456-7500-40df-8ccb-e098bf2fea5f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220705T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220705T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Developing Youth Resiliency and Life Skills by Enhancing Protect ive Factors: Part 3 of 6 – Assessing Best Fit Employment Opportunities DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA – Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: ncy-and-life-skills-by-enhancing-protective-factors-part-3-of-6-assessin g-best-fit-employment-opportunities/ UID:urn:uuid:86ab4ab3-24ea-4ef7-a44e-219d80d17139 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220719T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220719T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting - Volunteer DESCRIPTION:Volunteer Opportunity: General Information Meeting\nPlease e mail to register!\nGeneral Information Meetin gs are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it mean s to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a co mmitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend t o learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult makin g a difference in a child’s life!\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: ing-50-4/ UID:urn:uuid:ec04e79a-6130-4446-8403-76906ae59630 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220707T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220707T160000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting DESCRIPTION:General Information Volunteer Meeting\nPlease email sandiec@ to register!\nGeneral Information Meetings are an opp ortunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad L item Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to i mproving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a differenc e in a child’s life!\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: ing-51/ UID:urn:uuid:4c5dbaf0-321e-41b6-8190-e8f46da8330c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220720T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220720T180000 LOCATION:Online END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting DESCRIPTION:General Information Volunteer Meeting\n\nPlease email sandie to register!\n \;\nGeneral Information Voluntee r Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advoc ate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and sh are a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adu lt making a difference in a child’s life!\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-50-3-3/ UID:urn:uuid:ec04e79a-6130-4446-8403-76906ae59630 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220804T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220804T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Bourbon Social - Benefiting CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Bourbon Social - Benefiting CASA Kane County\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEvent Presented by Liquor 'n' Wine\, Food prov ided by the new Chi-cuterie of Geneva\, as well as live music.\n\nFrom 3 – 5pm\, VIP attendees will enjoy 2 hours of private tasting time\, fe aturing 30+ true “unicorns” of the bourbon world.\n\nThe event will open to General Admission attendees from 5 – 8pm for a separate select ion of 30+ bottles. Tickets must be purchased in advance\, and are limit ed!\n\nLink for Sponsorships &\; Tickets: Bourbon Social Tickets\n\n& nbsp\; URL;VALUE=URI: g-casa-kane-county/ UID:urn:uuid:459000d0-099a-4f62-a4db-122df0864d27 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220827T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220827T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Volunteer General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Volunteer General Information Meeting\nGeneral Information V olunteer Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more abo ut what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\n \;\nHave you been looking for a volunteer opportunity in Kane County?\nJoin CASA Kane Cou nty for a one hour informational volunteer meeting to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a huge difference in a child’s life!\n\nCASA's (Court Appointed Special Advocate) and GA L (Guardian Ad Litem) Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. \n\nVirtual Meeting: Pleas e email to register!\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: s-volunteer-general-information-meeting-52/ UID:urn:uuid:1325b16f-fbb7-440e-8f20-50e06841e8a7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220817T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220817T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Volunteer Meeting - General Information DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n \ ;\nGeneral Information Meetings for potential CASA Volunteers are an opp ortunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad L item Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to i mproving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a differenc e in a child’s life!\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: -volunteer-meeting/ UID:urn:uuid:ec04e79a-6130-4446-8403-76906ae59630 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220914T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220914T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n \ ;\nGeneral Information Volunteer Meetings are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. \n \;\n\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volu nteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how yo u can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a ch ild’s life!\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-50-3-2/ UID:urn:uuid:ec04e79a-6130-4446-8403-76906ae59630 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220901T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220901T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Developing Youth Resiliency and Life Skills by Enhancing Protect ive Factors: Part 4 of 6 – Mental and Physical Health DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA: Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: ncy-and-life-skills-by-enhancing-protective-factors-part-4-of-6-mental-a nd-physical-health/ UID:urn:uuid:33ecf25c-207b-4e8a-ae83-cad8c0f7f545 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220802T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220802T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Developing Youth Resiliency and Life Skills by Enhancing Protect ive Factors: Part 5 of 6 – Pregnancy and Teen Parenting DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA – Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: ncy-and-life-skills-by-enhancing-protective-factors-part-5-of-6-pregnanc y-and-teen-parenting/ UID:urn:uuid:5f39913b-3f5c-4756-8f03-a27896cf428d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220809T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220809T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat – IN PERSON DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County at the CASA Office\, Courtroom 43 0\n*A meeting invite should appear in our CASA Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact if it is not \, and you would like to attend. URL;VALUE=URI: rson/ UID:urn:uuid:4fcc8414-8bfd-427f-a2cf-861fb3a12f8a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220811T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220811T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Developing Youth Resiliency and Life Skills by Enhancing Protect ive Factors: Part 6 of 6 – Managing the Legal System Wisely DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA – Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: ncy-and-life-skills-by-enhancing-protective-factors-part-6-of-6-managing -the-legal-system-wisely/ UID:urn:uuid:e963a555-e4b4-4196-943c-d9c60cc2cfe8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220830T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220830T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Back to the Basics Series: Volunteer Responsibilities to a Case DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County via TEAMS\n*A meeting invite shou ld appear in our CASA Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please co ntact if it is not\, and you would like to attend. URL;VALUE=URI: s-volunteer-responsibilities-to-a-case/ UID:urn:uuid:d87e1b00-6682-4fa7-86d9-9f48164b649b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220831T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220831T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:What Did They Say? Effective Note-Taking for Volunteer Advocate s and Staff DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\nStruggling to keep your advocacy in formation clear and concise? Visits with children and calls to teachers\ , caseworkers\, biological parents\, foster parents\, attorneys\, your s upervisor\, etc.\, etc...Join us to learn tips and tricks to gather info rmation efficiently and effectively to better support your work in best interest advocacy.\nRegister HERE URL;VALUE=URI: ive-note-taking-for-volunteer-advocates-and-staff/ UID:urn:uuid:23a4df6f-f5a8-4193-ae05-a9c270b7f22c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220822T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220822T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Confidentiality in Your Role DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\nWhat does National CASA/GAL Associa tion for Children Standard 4 state regarding confidentiality and how doe s it apply to your best interest advocacy work day in and day out? Let's take a look at Standard 4 and discuss real world scenarios.\nRegister  HERE URL;VALUE=URI: role/ UID:urn:uuid:f0937bcb-7fdc-4538-8304-f2b5c82d9637 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220829T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220829T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Volunteer Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:CASA Kane County Volunteer Meet &\; Greet!\n\nWe look for ward to an evening with our Volunteers\, Board of Directors\, CAP and St aff!\n\nMeet our New Executive Director Jim Di Ciaula and New Staff!\n&n bsp\;\nJoin us at the Courthouse on Wednesday\, August 24th from 5:30-7: 30pm\n \;\n\nRSVP HERE\n\n \;\n\nCASA Kane County\, 100 S Third Street\, Suite 460\, Geneva\, IL 60134 URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:ffe7b7fb-1d15-4666-a38d-0afad0bbd205 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220824T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220824T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Hope 4 The Wounded with Dr. Joe Hendershott from Wounded Warrior s DESCRIPTION:Joe Hendershott\, Ed.D.\, is a sought-after speaker about th e effects of trauma on learning and behaviors &\; working with wounde d students™.  Join us for what will be an inspiring and motivating sp eaking engagement.\n\nHosted Virtually by IL CASA: Click HERE to Registe r URL;VALUE=URI: dr-joe-hendershott-from-wounded-warriors/ UID:urn:uuid:947c7ade-81f6-4191-a434-0341be61a97e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220906T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220906T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Introduction to Motivational Interviewing DESCRIPTION:Presented by Norma Machay\, MS and Michelle Moreno\, MPA wit h Illinois Department of Children and Family Services\n\nHosted Virtuall y by IL CASA: Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: onal-interviewing/ UID:urn:uuid:0085e427-ab87-4597-82f3-6690be0dbcc5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220907T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220907T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Demystifying Child Abuse and Neglect: Why Your Role Matters DESCRIPTION:When a child is reported as abused or neglected\, our system activates several multidisciplinary agencies to respond in a collaborat ive effort. Recognizing how each child welfare professional and agency p rovides unique value to a child’s journey will ensure development of a cohesive plan to protect a child.  Join our panel of experts to learn more about the court process and how your role impacts a child’s safet y.\n\nHosted Virtually by Family Violence Coordinating Council – Click HERE to Register\n\n*Please note CASA Kane County Senior Attorney\, Nyd ia Molina\, will be presenting during this training URL;VALUE=URI: -and-neglect-why-your-role-matters/ UID:urn:uuid:dc0ae93f-858d-4fec-893d-72d62af3081f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220907T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220907T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Current Child Welfare Laws with DCFS DESCRIPTION:Presented by Susan Barker\, Deputy General Counsel with Illi nois Department of Children and Family Services\n\nHosted Virtually by I L CASA – Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: ws-with-dcfs/ UID:urn:uuid:8c53b4d0-7342-4eb9-b52b-484be92081d7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220914T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220914T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop – IN PERSON DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County In Person ONLY at the CASA office located at 100 S. Third Street\, Geneva\, IL.  Parking and the main en trance are located on the West side of the Courthouse.  There is no ent rance on 3rd Street.\nThe Report to the Court\, prepared by a CASA/GAL Volunteer\, represents important information that the Judge will use to make appropriate decisions for youth in care.  The monthly Report Writi ng Workshop will review the current requirements for court reports\, pro vide an overview of a sample report\, share guidelines to be utilized wh en writing reports\, and offer you the chance to ask questions in order to ensure your report is the best it can be!\n*A meeting invite should a ppear in your CASA Email Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact if it is not. If you would like to a ttend please accept the calendar meeting invite. URL;VALUE=URI: in-person/ UID:urn:uuid:fe4c0255-d942-45dd-bf31-880c00d66096 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220915T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220915T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Connecting the Dots: Local Resources in Small Town Illinois DESCRIPTION:Are you advocating in an Illinois county with a population l ess than 50\,000? Where are the resources for children\, youth and their families? How can you best plug into resources that will assist childre n\, youth and families your program is advocating for? Let's find out to gether!\n\nHosted Virtually by IL CASA – Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: l-resources-in-small-town-illinois/ UID:urn:uuid:a4bb6b2b-d236-4a29-90b8-b7d5bbe3053d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220919T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220919T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Childhood Development with Dr. Jennifer Kleinfeld DESCRIPTION:Childhood Development with Dr. Jennifer Kleinfeld \n\nTuesda y\, September 20th\, 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.\n\nHosted Virtually via TE AMS by CASA Kane County\n\n*A TEAMS meeting invite should appear in our CASA Email Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact ashle if it is not. If you would like to attend please a ccept the calendar TEAMS meeting invite. URL;VALUE=URI: th-dr-jennifer-kleinfeld/ UID:urn:uuid:fd1d9fa6-db7d-43aa-83dc-b08271c72296 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220920T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220920T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk – IN PERSON DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County In Person ONLY at the CASA office located at 100 S. Third Street\, Geneva\, IL.  Parking and the main en trance are located on the West side of the Courthouse.  There is no ent rance on 3rd Street.\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about iss ues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, and celebrate successes!\nHosted by CASA Kane Cou nty at the CASA Office\, Courtroom 430\n\n*A meeting invite should appea r in your CASA Email Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please con tact if it is not. If you would like to atten d please accept the calendar meeting invite. URL;VALUE=URI: on-3/ UID:urn:uuid:c75d0850-1534-426c-b884-91e4be76345c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20220923T083000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20220923T083000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Volunteer Meeting - General Information DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n \ ;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Inf ormation Meetings for potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to me et our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volu nteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteer s come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving child ren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child s life!\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: -volunteer-meeting-2/ UID:urn:uuid:ec04e79a-6130-4446-8403-76906ae59630 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221006T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221006T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual General Information Meeting - CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n \ ;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Inf ormation Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to me et our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volu nteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteer s come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving child ren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child s life!\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: ion-meeting-casa-kane-county/ UID:urn:uuid:ec04e79a-6130-4446-8403-76906ae59630 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221103T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221103T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual General Information Meeting - CASA Volunteer DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n \ ;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Inf ormation Meetings for potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to me et our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volu nteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteer s come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving child ren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child s life!\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: ion-meeting-casa-volunteer/ UID:urn:uuid:ec04e79a-6130-4446-8403-76906ae59630 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221020T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221020T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual General Information Meeting - CASA Kane County Volunteer DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n \ ;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Inf ormation Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to mee t our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volun teer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving childr en’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’ s life!\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: ion-meeting-casa-kane-county-volunteer/ UID:urn:uuid:ec04e79a-6130-4446-8403-76906ae59630 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221201T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221201T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat – VIRTUAL DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County virtually\, via Microsoft TEAMS\n \n*A meeting invite should appear in our CASA Email Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact if it is not. If you would like to attend\, please accept the calendar meeting in vite. URL;VALUE=URI: al-3/ UID:urn:uuid:eb4fa389-64bc-4633-b19c-c779dcc57304 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221003T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221003T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk – VIRTUAL DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County virtually\, via Microsoft TEAMS\n \n*A meeting invite should appear in our CASA Email Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact if it is not. If you would like to attend\, please accept the calendar meeting in vite. URL;VALUE=URI: / UID:urn:uuid:8deeb1fa-64cf-4234-a730-2f48566c1536 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221014T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221014T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Person First Language with Katie Algrim | Regional Office o f Education Kane County DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County and Regional Office of Education Kane County virtually\, via Microsoft TEAMS\n\n*A meeting invite should appear in our CASA Email Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact if it is not. If you would like to a ttend\, please accept the calendar meeting invite. URL;VALUE=URI: ge-with-katie-algrim/ UID:urn:uuid:47697ea4-e500-4083-a0b4-c50382dbf6df STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221017T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221017T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Building Your Toolbox: Working with Families Experiencing Substa nce Use Disorders DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA: Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: rking-with-families-experiencing-substance-use-disorders/ UID:urn:uuid:67a75b2d-3fd1-412e-89d8-8c1c49f0aed8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221018T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221018T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Combating Bias to Create Belonging DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by Family Violence Coordinating Council – Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: -belonging/ UID:urn:uuid:245a1ce5-75c2-4178-8ecf-d7c3d0da8a76 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221020T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221020T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Child & Family Team Meeting Implementation DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA: Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: g-implementation/ UID:urn:uuid:59ca0996-4df5-42b9-a24f-15ea74f4488b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221021T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221021T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Safety Tips for Local Program Staff and Volunteer Advocates DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA – Click HERE to Register URL;VALUE=URI: ogram-staff-and-volunteer-advocates/ UID:urn:uuid:0b6bd923-2a26-40da-b257-49f979737e16 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221025T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221025T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA NEW Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:CASA/GAL Report Writing\nHosted by CASA Kane County virtuall y\, via Microsoft TEAMS\n\n*A meeting invite should appear in our CASA E mail Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact ashleyk@cas if it is not. If you would like to attend\, please accep t the calendar meeting invite. URL;VALUE=URI: workshop/ UID:urn:uuid:5fa4e8d3-ced1-4ec7-a919-b3e94d20dc71 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221031T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221031T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat – VIRTUAL DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County virtually\, via Microsoft TEAMS\n \n*A meeting invite should appear in our CASA Email Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact if it is not. If you would like to attend\, please accept the calendar meeting in vite.\n\nCEU Hours: 3.00\; As this is a CASA Kane County Training\, if y ou attend\, Ashley K. will input hours for you in Optima. URL;VALUE=URI: al-11-30/ UID:urn:uuid:eb4fa389-64bc-4633-b19c-c779dcc57304 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221130T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221130T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual General Information Meeting - CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\n \ ;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Inf ormation Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to me et our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volu nteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteer s come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving child ren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child s life!\n\n \;\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: ion-meeting-casa-kane-county-2/ UID:urn:uuid:ec04e79a-6130-4446-8403-76906ae59630 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221114T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221114T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Superheroes Luncheon DESCRIPTION:CASA Kane County is pleased to announce our 10th Annual Supe rheroes Luncheon will take place on Thursday\, November 3rd from 11:15 a m – 1:00 pm at the Q Center in St. Charles\, presented by The Pedersen Family Foundation and UPS. The purpose of this event is to spread aware ness in our community regarding the impact CASA has on the children of K ane County that have experienced abuse and/or neglect from the individua ls they trust the most.\n\n \;\n\nWe believe that every child has a right to a safe\, nurturing and permanent home and deserves the support and involvement of their community to make this all possible. We will we lcome best-selling author\, philanthropist and acclaimed speaker Steve P emberton to speak about his experience as a foster youth and the everyda y people that changed the trajectory of his life. Through Steve’s stor y\, you will identify how the hardships you have overcome in your life e quip you to be a “human lighthouse\,” inspiring those around you and making an extraordinary impact in your community.\n\n \;\n\nOur goa l is to fill the room with members of our community who want to make a d ifference in the lives of our county’s most vulnerable children. If yo u would like to learn how you can contribute to CASA’s mission to Chan ge a Child’s Story\, please join us. You are welcome and encouraged to share this invitation with friends\, family and colleagues. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:930b53aa-2c7c-47fa-97a9-a90fecb64260 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221104T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221104T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Thanksgiving Day DESCRIPTION:CASA Office &\; Courthouse Closed URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:dc4228d8-d5ed-4952-b919-0b9eb5041c07 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20221124 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Diversity\, Equality\, Inclusion 101 DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA: Click HERE to Register\n\nCEU H ours: 3.00\; Please make sure to log hours in Optima if you attend. URL;VALUE=URI: sion-101/ UID:urn:uuid:245a1ce5-75c2-4178-8ecf-d7c3d0da8a76 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221101T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221101T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Here Come the Holidays: What do you do? DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA: Click HERE to Register\n\nCEU H ours: 3.00\; Please make sure to log hours in Optima if you attend. URL;VALUE=URI: hat-do-you-do/ UID:urn:uuid:245a1ce5-75c2-4178-8ecf-d7c3d0da8a76 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221107T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221107T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New School Year\, New Apps DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA: Click HERE to Register\n\nCEU H ours: 3.00\; Please make sure to log hours in Optima if you attend. URL;VALUE=URI: / UID:urn:uuid:245a1ce5-75c2-4178-8ecf-d7c3d0da8a76 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221117T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221117T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Illinois Helpline for Opioids and Other Substances DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA– Click HERE to Register\n\nCEU Hours: 3.00\; Please make sure to log hours in Optima if you attend. URL;VALUE=URI: r-opioids-and-other-substances/ UID:urn:uuid:245a1ce5-75c2-4178-8ecf-d7c3d0da8a76 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221121T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221121T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk – VIRTUAL DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County virtually\, via Microsoft TEAMS\n \n*A meeting invite should appear in our CASA Email Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact if it is not. If you would like to attend\, please accept the calendar meeting in vite. URL;VALUE=URI: -2/ UID:urn:uuid:8deeb1fa-64cf-4234-a730-2f48566c1536 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221213T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221213T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Long Term Impact of Domestic Violence on Children – VIRTUAL DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County virtually\, via Microsoft TEAMS\n \n*A meeting invite should appear in our CASA Email Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact if it is not. If you would like to attend please accept the calendar meeting invi te.\n\nIf you attend this training\, Ashley Kellenberger will add 3 CEU hours into your Optima training log.\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: stic-violence-on-children-virtual/ UID:urn:uuid:3f97db9a-be46-4c3b-a276-3657a88eb434 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221205T113000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221205T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Online Gaming: How Parents Can Level Up DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA: Click HERE to Register\n\n*If y ou attend this training\, please make sure you add 3 hours to your train ing log in Optima.\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: s-can-level-up/ UID:urn:uuid:245a1ce5-75c2-4178-8ecf-d7c3d0da8a76 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221201T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221201T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Psychiatric Medication and Foster Care: Red Flags DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA: Click HERE to Register\n\n*If y ou attend this training\, please make sure you add 3 hours to your train ing log in Optima.\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: nd-foster-care-red-flags/ UID:urn:uuid:245a1ce5-75c2-4178-8ecf-d7c3d0da8a76 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221205T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221205T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Child & Family Team Meeting Implementation DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA: Click HERE to Register\n\n*If y ou attend this training\, please make sure you add 3 hours to your train ing log in Optima.\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: g-implementation-2/ UID:urn:uuid:245a1ce5-75c2-4178-8ecf-d7c3d0da8a76 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221209T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221209T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Looking Forward as Families Address Recovery from the Chaos DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA – Click HERE to Register\n\n*I f you attend this training\, please make sure you add 3 hours to your tr aining log in Optima.\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: ies-address-recovery-from-the-chaos/ UID:urn:uuid:245a1ce5-75c2-4178-8ecf-d7c3d0da8a76 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20221214T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20221214T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual General Information Meeting – CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Date: January 5th\, 2022\nTime: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm\n\n\nP lease email to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information  Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\ nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life ! URL;VALUE=URI: ion-meeting-casa-kane-county-3/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230105T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230105T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual General Information Meeting – CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Date: January 17th\, 2022\nTime: Noon to 1:00 pm\n\n\nPleas e email to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Vir tually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Meet ing for potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCou rt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s liv es. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ion-meeting-casa-kane-county-4/ UID:urn:uuid:6cf22b40-4b37-4b58-9f2d-8c73914c4e59 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230117T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230117T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat – virtual* DESCRIPTION:*A meeting invite should appear in our CASA Email Outlook Ca lendar for this date and time. Please contact sandiec@casakanecounty.or g if it is not. If you would like to attend\, please accept the calenda r meeting invite. URL;VALUE=URI: al-4/ UID:urn:uuid:72ce4f43-897b-4c19-ac58-eb5bb26b69d0 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230130T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230130T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Roles of Historical Trauma and Cultural Humility for Court A ppointed Special for Children and Youth Who Have Experienced Abuse and N eglect – Part 1 DESCRIPTION:Beginning to learn about the complexities of historical trau ma plays an important role in providing meaningful and trauma-informed s ervices to victims of crime. Additionally\, understanding cultural humil ity and learning how to incorporate these concepts into service delivery can significantly enhance the services and support that are provided to young people involved with the child welfare system. The training will provide participants with concrete steps for identifying and addressing vicarious trauma in themselves and in coworkers and the impact historica l trauma may have on personal resiliency. The training will also include strategies for building individual and organizational resiliency and a brief introduction to the OVC Vicarious Trauma Toolkit.\n\nPresented by the Office for Victims of Crime\n\nRegister here URL;VALUE=URI: trauma-and-cultural-humility-for-court-appointed-special-for-children-an d-youth-who-have-experienced-abuse-and-neglect-part-1/ UID:urn:uuid:6543b338-03a3-4991-b4b1-5d743713f8b7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230125T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230125T103000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Gaming & Social Media Use Among Children with Special Needs DESCRIPTION:Webinar presented by Office of the Illinois Attorney General \, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force\, High Tech Crimes Bureau \n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: among-children-with-special-needs/ UID:urn:uuid:e49da3e5-8e6a-4d85-8906-1f9529371719 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230105T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230105T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Parenting in Recovery Journey: Moving Forward DESCRIPTION:One of the most challenging issues of a recovery journey is the need to repair the parent-child relationship that was impacted durin g active substance use. This workshop will explore the parenting issues often present in early recovery. Many recovering parents do not have the life experience of positive parenting to use as a model. They often par ent from their own experience of growing up in an unhealthy environment. In addition\, parenting in early recovery often involves kinship caregi vers who were the primary safe place for a child(ren). A review of avail able parenting programs addressing resources and strategies for moving f orward will be generated through presentation and interactive experience s by the participants.\n\nNancy J. Phillips\, M.S. – PSY\, CAADC\, CFP P\, currently serves as the coordinator for the Illinois Family Resource Center\, a statewide project. She has been active in the substance abus e field for over forty years in both prevention and treatment services. Phillips holds an Educational Psychology Master’s Degree from Eastern Illinois University. Phillips was honored as Professional of the Year in 2018 by the Illinois Certification Board\, Inc. During her years in the SUD field\, she has developed and trained human service providers throu ghout the states.\n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: urney-moving-forward/ UID:urn:uuid:4369d9a8-8c3b-4027-b1dc-78f2f5975c14 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230120T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230120T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk – In Person DESCRIPTION:Coffee Case Talk (in person)\n\nHeld in person at the CASA K ane County office at 100 S. 3rd Street\, Geneva\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: on-5/ UID:urn:uuid:8deeb1fa-64cf-4234-a730-2f48566c1536 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230106T083000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230106T093000 LOCATION:CASA Kane County \n100 S. 3rd Street\nGeneva\, IL 60134 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mediation in Child Protection Cases DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County virtually\, via Microsoft TEAMS\n \n*A meeting invite should appear in our CASA Email Outlook Calendar for this date and time. Please contact if it is not. If you would like to attend please accept the calendar meeting invi te. URL;VALUE=URI: ction-cases/ UID:urn:uuid:3f97db9a-be46-4c3b-a276-3657a88eb434 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230111T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230111T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:How to Recognize\, Report & Prevent Sextortion DESCRIPTION:Webinar presented by the Office of the Illinois Attorney Gen eral\, Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force\nRegister Here - Ple ase add 3 hours to your Optima training log once complete URL;VALUE=URI: prevent-sextortion/ UID:urn:uuid:bb589423-15c7-4660-92c4-d37c06fa9b1c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230202T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230202T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Effective Engagement: The Key to Building Resilience in Youth a nd Families DESCRIPTION:Webinar presented by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois\nRegister Here - Please add 3 hours to your Optima training log once complete URL;VALUE=URI: -key-to-building-resilience-in-youth-and-families/ UID:urn:uuid:a34257bd-ca9d-4b68-93e4-ceaa23ee304c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230214T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230214T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:The Roles of Historical Trauma and Cultural Humility for CASA fo r Children and Youth Who Have Experienced Abuse and Neglect – Part 2 DESCRIPTION:Webinar presented by the Office for Victims of Crime\, Train ing and Technical Assistance Center\nThis workshop builds on the first\, to help participants understand the role of historical trauma and cultu ral humility and incorporate these concepts into service delivery within the child welfare system. Participants will also examine ways in which the staff’s personal histories and culture may affect responding to vi ctims of crime from a variety of backgrounds.\n\nAs a result of this tra ining\, participants will be able to:\n• Define how cultural humility is different from cultural competence.\n• Discuss three ways in which the staff’s personal histories and culture may affect responding to vi ctims of crime.\n\nRegister Here - Please add 3 hours to your Optima tr aining log once complete URL;VALUE=URI: trauma-and-cultural-humility-for-casa-for-children-and-youth-who-have-ex perienced-abuse-and-neglect-part-2/ UID:urn:uuid:1545eb24-dc6c-4903-a7ec-d44e3d97bafb STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230222T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230222T101500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual General Information Meeting – CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Date: February 2nd\, 2023\nTime: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm\n\n\n Please email to register!\n \;\n\nHoste d Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer. \nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’ s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be th e one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s lif e! URL;VALUE=URI: ion-meeting-casa-kane-county-3-2/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230202T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230202T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual General Information Meeting – CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Date: February 15th\, 2023\nTime: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm\n\n\ nPlease email to register!\n \;\n\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information  Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to meet ou r team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer .\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers com e from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be t he one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s li fe! URL;VALUE=URI: ion-meeting-casa-kane-county-3-2-2/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230215T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230215T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual General Information Meeting – CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Date: March 2nd\, 2023\nTime: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm\n\n\nPle ase email to register!\n \;\n\nHosted V irtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Me eting for potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to meet our te am and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nC ourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come fr om every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s l ives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the o ne caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ion-meeting-casa-kane-county-3-2-3/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230302T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230302T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:ACEs and HOPE with LGTBQIA2S+ Youth DESCRIPTION:Webinar presented by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois – add 4 hours to your Optima training log once complete\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ia2s-youth/ UID:urn:uuid:d36ba4a8-dfc6-4c45-8ec0-a94e93a3fae2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230202T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230202T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Living in Fear: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children DESCRIPTION:Webinar presented by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois – add 4 hours to your Optima training log once complete*\nRegister Here\n*This t raining has continuing education approved for IL LCPC / LPC\, IL LCSW / LSW URL;VALUE=URI: ts-of-domestic-violence-on-children/ UID:urn:uuid:5c747de8-ebc2-42ce-b027-76efa8176d9b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230209T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230209T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual General Information Meeting – CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Date: March 14th\, 2023\nTime: 9:00 pm to 10:00 am\n\n\nPl ease email to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information M eeting for potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to meet our t eam and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\n Court Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come f rom every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ion-meeting-casa-kane-county-3-2-3-2/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230314T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230314T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk DESCRIPTION:Held virtually / Hosted by CASA Kane County\nAll volunteers have received an Outlook invitation for this URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:4ae63e21-6453-43e1-b303-95079468e010 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230310T083000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230310T093000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Childhood Neglect DESCRIPTION:Reports of childhood neglect account for 75% of all calls to the Child Abuse Hotline\, and yet this topic is often misunderstood and hard to define. Childhood neglect can impact physical and mental health and lead to long-term problems\, so join us as we learn more about this important topic. Participants will learn about the different types of n eglect\, risk factors and consequences of neglect on children\, as well as protective factors and effective prevention strategies.\nHeld virtual ly / Hosted by Illinois CASA / Presented by Jull Duden with Prevent Chil d Abuse Illinois\nAdd 3 hours to your Optima training log once complete\ nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:6cda99cb-164a-4d47-bb87-b6a1817129b5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230322T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230322T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cultural Responsiveness with the LGBTQ+ Community DESCRIPTION:A culturally responsive approach to victim services delivery can significantly enhance the services and support provided to young LG BTQ+ people involved with the child welfare system. This training will h elp participants increase their understanding of common terms and identi ties within the LGBTQ+ community. Participants will also learn about way s to minimize barriers to seeking services.\nAs a result of this trainin g\, participants will be able to:\n\n\n Define and discuss language and terms used when working with the LGBTQ+ community.\n Identify two stra tegies to remove barriers to services for LGBTQ+ youth.\n\nHeld virtuall y / Hosted by Illinois CASA / Presented by Office for Victims of Crime\, Training and Technical Assistance Center\nAdd 3 hours to your Optima tr aining log once complete\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: with-the-lgbtq-community/ UID:urn:uuid:d132226e-e19b-4c76-a1e2-0af5e98fee46 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230324T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230324T101500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Virtual General Information Meeting – CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Date: April 6\, 2023\nTime: 3 pm to 4 pm\n\n\nPlease email to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Meeting fo r potential CASA Volunteers are an opportunity to meet our team and le arn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appo inted Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fil l out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ion-meeting-casa-kane-county-april6/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230406T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230406T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Setting the Stage: Creating Rapport with Children and Youth in Y our Advocacy Role DESCRIPTION:Offered via Zoom\nThis webinar will be in a meeting setting- participants will be able to have their cameras on and ask questions in real time if they so choose. During this session we will address skills needed to build a solid foundation with the children and youth you serve :\n\n skills to help advocates build relationships with children/youth of all ages\n skills to best explain to the child/youth your role as an advocate and what it means to them\n skills to help advocates build a rapport that can weather ups and downs the child/youth may face: changes in school\, foster home\, parents backsliding\n skills to explain goal s\, steps that need to be taken for goal to be reached and setbacks that may arise.\n\nKari Thompson is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counsel or (LCPC) and Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor (RPT-S). Kari began h er career in the public school system as a Special Education teacher and then School Counselor. She is employed as a Play Therapist at Family Ca re Associates in Effingham IL. Kari sees kids from the ages of 3-12 for play therapy and also sees adolescents\, teens and young adults. She has a lot of experience in the areas of ADHD\, conduct disorder\, anxiety\, grief\, and trauma. Kari's work involves collaboration with local schoo ls\, CASA\, DCFS\, and the court system.\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ng-rapport-with-children-and-youth-in-your-advocacy-role/ UID:urn:uuid:d1b91291-2b8d-4f36-9e9e-af4ef1b39250 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230303T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230303T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Trauma Informed Care with Shenandoah Chefalo DESCRIPTION:Please join us for a presentation on Trauma Informed Care\, with a review of the neuroscience of trauma and a focus on tools around recognizing and escaping reenactments.  The training will be presented by Shenandoah Chefalo\, a survivor and alumni of the foster care system and author of the multiple award winning book\, Garbage Bag Suitcase (CA SA has several copies if anyone would like to borrow it).  She is a gra duate of Michigan State University\, is a Certified Coach and a member o f the Foster Leaders Movement.  She is a sought after speaker on topics surrounding youth in foster care and the science and impact of trauma a nd resilience on various social issues.\n\nHeld virtually / Hosted by CA SA Kane County\nAll volunteers have received an Outlook invitation for t his training / 3 hours will be added by our staff to your Optima trainin g log once completed URL;VALUE=URI: h-shenandoah-chefalo/ UID:urn:uuid:8e587542-a75d-4cf3-a436-31ec3b1ac904 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230315T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230315T103000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:DEI 101 for Volunteer Advocates DESCRIPTION:This webinar aims to provide the basics of diversity\, equit y\, and inclusion and how volunteer advocates can provide a holistic and safe environment. Presented by Anibal Vega\, Director of DEI &\; Ext ernal Affairs for Illinois CASA.  Add 3 hours to your Optima training l og once complete.\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: vocates/ UID:urn:uuid:7f2f2213-49a3-445b-8849-4415b299fcf6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230315T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230315T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:HATCH (Hands Around The Court House & County) DESCRIPTION:In honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month\, CASA Kane County will host its annual Hands Around the Courthouse &\; County observanc e. Join us as we work together to bring awareness to child abuse and hel p protect the well-being of the next generation!\n\nLocated at the Kane County Courthouse\, 100 S. Third Street\, Geneva\, IL 60134\n\nFeaturing Guest Speakers:\n\n Jim Di Ciaula\, Executive Director\n Remarks by K evin Burns\, Mayor of Geneva URL;VALUE=URI: ourt-house-2023/ UID:urn:uuid:4cb53695-8088-464a-b079-dfe8e77bac66 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230406T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230406T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Date: April 18\, 2023\nTime: 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm\n\n\nPlea se email to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Vi rtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volu nteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to mee t our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volun teer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving childr en’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’ s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-april18/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230418T153000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230418T163000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Volunteer Appreciation Event DESCRIPTION:Join us for our Volunteer Appreciation Social to thank all o f our wonderful Volunteers.\n \;\n\nThursday\, April 27th from 4:30- 7:30pm \n\n \;\nRockin Ravioli\, Arcada: 105 E. Main Street\, St. C harles\, IL\nRSVP by April 10th:\n\nHosted by CASA Kane County URL;VALUE=URI: vent/ UID:urn:uuid:4ae63e21-6453-43e1-b303-95079468e010 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230427T163000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230427T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Resilience – the Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope DESCRIPTION:Note: this same documentary is available later this evening at 6:00pm\n‘Resilience’ is a one-hour documentary that delves into t he science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The documentary reve als how toxic stress can trigger hormones that wreak havoc on the brain and bodies of children putting them at greater risk for disease\, homele ssness\, prison time and early death. ‘Resilience’ chronicles a move ment that is fighting back to protect children from the insidious effect s of toxic stress and the dark legacy of a childhood that no child would choose.\nPresented by Jennifer Samartano\, Northern Region Prevention S pecialist from Prevent Child Abuse Illinois.\nAll volunteers have receiv ed an Outlook invitation for this training / 3 hours will be added by ou r staff to your Optima training log once completed URL;VALUE=URI: f-stress-the-science-of-hope/ UID:urn:uuid:dd9e853c-1640-4fef-b1f8-8e64ce1c8c9d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230417T093000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230417T110000 LOCATION:St. Charles Library\, Huntley Community Room END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Resilience – the Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope DESCRIPTION:Note: this same documentary is available earlier on this day at 9:30am\n‘Resilience’ is a one-hour documentary that delves into the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The documentary rev eals how toxic stress can trigger hormones that wreak havoc on the brain and bodies of children putting them at greater risk for disease\, homel essness\, prison time and early death. ‘Resilience’ chronicles a mov ement that is fighting back to protect children from the insidious effec ts of toxic stress and the dark legacy of a childhood that no child woul d choose.\nPresented by Jennifer Samartano\, Northern Region Prevention Specialist from Prevent Child Abuse Illinois.\nAll volunteers have recei ved an Outlook invitation for this training / 3 hours will be added by o ur staff to your Optima training log once completed URL;VALUE=URI: f-stress-the-science-of-hope-2/ UID:urn:uuid:1f42072c-18e4-4128-abc7-0202d1828ac9 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230417T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230417T193000 LOCATION:St. Charles Library\, Huntley Community Room END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Safety Training for CASA Volunteers and Staff DESCRIPTION:Note: this training is also available later this evening at 6:00pm\nThis free event\, sponsored by CASA Kane County and hosted by El gin Community college\, is open to all CASA Volunteers and program staff .  Training is provided by Community Corrections Institute\, LLC\, a tr aining and consulting company dedicated to providing services specifical ly designed for staff safety among community organizations in the child welfare field.\nTopics include:\n\n\n Dealing with aggressive behavior\ n Creating situational awareness during child and family visits\n De-e scalation techniques\n Recognizing danger behavior and the options for safe resolution\n\nEmail to register / 5 CE U’s will added by our staff to your Optima training log once completed URL;VALUE=URI: -volunteers-and-staff/ UID:urn:uuid:559671c5-5e90-4e83-9b1b-546ca010479f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230524T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230524T120000 LOCATION:Elgin Community College\, Seigle Auditorium END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Safety Training for CASA Volunteers and Staff DESCRIPTION:Note: this training is also available earlier on this day at 9:00am\nThis free event\, sponsored by CASA Kane County and hosted by E lgin Community college\, is open to all CASA Volunteers and program staf f.  Training is provided by Community Corrections Institute\, LLC\, a t raining and consulting company dedicated to providing services specifica lly designed for staff safety among community organizations in the child welfare field.\nTopics include:\n\n\n Dealing with aggressive behavior \n Creating situational awareness during child and family visits\n De- escalation techniques\n Recognizing danger behavior and the options for safe resolution\n\nEmail to register / 5 C EU’s will added by our staff to your Optima training log once complete d URL;VALUE=URI: -volunteers-and-staff-2/ UID:urn:uuid:ddfc9b75-82a0-48d9-824c-1fac414385a7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230524T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230524T210000 LOCATION:Elgin Community College\, Seigle Auditorium END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Date: May 4\, 2023\nTime: 3 pm to 4 pm\n\n\nPlease email to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Virtually v ia TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Mee ting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our tea m and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCo urt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come fro m every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s li ves. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the on e caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-may-4/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230504T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230504T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Building Together: Prevention in Partnership DESCRIPTION:In this dynamic presentation\, human trafficking survivor Ki m White will share her personal journey and the realities of human traff icking. Kim will discuss the aftereffects of human trafficking on surviv ors’ mental and physical health\, how agencies supported her on the ro ad to freedom\, and how organizations in our communities can better conn ect with and serve human trafficking victims.\nHeld virtually / Hosted b y Prevent Child Abuse Illinois / add 4 hours to your Optima training log once completed\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: tion-in-partnership/ UID:urn:uuid:c81850f0-ec29-4262-ab25-23ab15397d55 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230404T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230404T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat (in-person) DESCRIPTION:Join fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and s upportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback a nd advice\, and celebrate successes!\nThis session is being held in pers on at the CASA office in the courthouse in downtown Geneva.  Parking an d the main entrance are located on the west side of the courthouse.\nAll volunteers have received an Outlook invitation for this session. URL;VALUE=URI: rson-2/ UID:urn:uuid:9c56ce47-a21e-4490-99d2-824ad096adc2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230404T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230404T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Optima Refresher DESCRIPTION:This brief training will provide a refresher of the basics o f Optima\, including creating Optima contact logs\, sorting contact logs \, utilizing the Search function\, locating documents\, adding training hours\, and updating personal information. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:2a3e3da8-f1ee-468c-8a91-0e593cf12b18 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230411T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230411T114500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Screening of the Documentary “Resilience” DESCRIPTION:Note: a second screening of this is available in the evening at 6:00pm\nHeld in person at the St. Charles Library / Hosted by CASA K ane County / Presented by Jennifer Samartano with Prevent Child Abuse Il linois\nRSVP to with which time you would l ike to attend. URL;VALUE=URI: tary-resilience/ UID:urn:uuid:4bf5797c-c828-4519-ad3a-891501846f9a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230417T093000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230417T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Screening of the Documentary “Resilience” DESCRIPTION:Note: an earlier screening is available in the morning at 9: 30am\nHeld in person at the St. Charles Library / Hosted by CASA Kane Co unty / Presented by Jennifer Samartano with Prevent Child Abuse Illinois \nRSVP to with which time you would like to attend. URL;VALUE=URI: tary-resilience-2/ UID:urn:uuid:75b0bf85-d17a-4095-ad26-202e4246d4cf STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230417T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230417T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Talk (in-person) DESCRIPTION:Join fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and s upportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback a nd advice\, and celebrate successes!\nThis session is being held in pers on at the CASA office in the courthouse in downtown Geneva.  Parking an d the main entrance are located on the west side of the courthouse.\nAll volunteers have received an Outlook invitation for this session. URL;VALUE=URI: on-4/ UID:urn:uuid:ad6b2ee9-dd83-4b13-b233-2cee8b3625fa STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230425T084500 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230425T094500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Connecting and Communicating with Parents DESCRIPTION:Join us in a virtual meeting setting as Nancy Phillips leads an open conversation on how advocates can best connect and communicate with parents in our assigned cases.\nHeld virtually / Hosted by Illinois CASA / add 3 hours to your Optima training log once completed\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ting-with-parents/ UID:urn:uuid:f0e1f3d1-e46b-4449-88bf-6f7d995483d0 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230427T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230427T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Date: May 16\, 2023\nTime: 12 pm to 1 pm\n\n\nPlease emai l to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer M eeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our t eam and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\n Court Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come f rom every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-may-16/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230516T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230516T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Raising Awareness & Protecting Children: Preventing Child Sexual Abuse DESCRIPTION:Children who are victims of sexual abuse can experience emot ional and psychological problems that can be devastating and last into a dulthood. Children need adults to be aware of the signs and symptoms of abuse and they need adults who are willing to do something about it. The training will provide an overview of the facts\, signs and symptoms\, h ow to respond responsibly\, and how to prevent child sexual abuse. This training is for parents\, professionals\, and anyone who wants to learn how to better protect children.\n\nHosted and presented by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois\; please add 4 credits to your Optima training log when complete.\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ting-children-preventing-child-sexual-abuse/ UID:urn:uuid:ba69c07b-3342-44ec-96bb-a274346761a6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230426T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230426T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:Learn best practices for completing court reports that provi de the most appropriate and impactful information for the Judge to utili ze to make decisions in the life of the child(ren) on your case.\nHeld v irtually / Hosted by CASA Kane County URL;VALUE=URI: 8/ UID:urn:uuid:6e20ba4a-0291-4339-9967-ac53d8ecf4bd STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230512T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230512T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Viewing Through a New Lens: A Survivor’s Guide (2 Part Series) DESCRIPTION:Children and youth who have experienced trauma\, broken and insecure attachments\, and other assaults to the brain present significa nt challenges to families.  Speaking from a point of personal experienc e\, Shenandoah Chefalo is a professional coach and author who presents t o professional and family audiences across the country.\nHeld virtually / Hosted by Illinois CASA / add 3 credits to your Optima training log wh en complete\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ns-a-survivors-guide-2-part-series/ UID:urn:uuid:7f1eb4d6-b72a-49a1-9802-e1d5b35a69ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230512T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230512T111500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Chat - Virtual DESCRIPTION:Join fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and s upportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback a nd advice\, and celebrate successes!\nHeld virtually / Hosted by CASA Ka ne County URL;VALUE=URI: / UID:urn:uuid:8bcf4587-b11b-46be-8965-507cf06dad91 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230519T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230519T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:People First Language and Identify First Language: Incorporatin g Best Practices with the Children We Serve and Their Families DESCRIPTION:This webinar is focused on providing the foundation of the P eople-first language ( PFL )\, also called person-first language. Also\, within this webinar\, the participant will also learn the foundation of Identity First language. The objective of this webinar is to provide ou r staff and advocates with various types of linguistic prescriptions tha t are intended to avoid marginalization or dehumanization (either consci ously or subconsciously).\nHeld virtually / Hosted by Illinois CASA\nReg ister Here URL;VALUE=URI: d-identify-first-language-incorporating-best-practices-with-the-children -we-serve-and-their-families/ UID:urn:uuid:f35ebfe4-c852-41be-b996-fa99677eb93a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230519T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230519T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat - Virtual DESCRIPTION:Join fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and s upportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback a nd advice\, and celebrate successes!\nHeld virtually / Hosted by CASA Ka ne County URL;VALUE=URI: al-5/ UID:urn:uuid:3005a941-ee2d-4f15-9c7f-84cbf2dcecb3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230531T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230531T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Jun e DESCRIPTION:Date: June 1\, 2023\nTime: 3 pm to 4 pm\n\n\nPlease email to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Me eting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our te am and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nC ourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come fr om every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s l ives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the o ne caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-june-1/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230601T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230601T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Jun e 29 DESCRIPTION:Date: June 29\, 2023\nTime: 6 pm to 7 pm\n\n\nPlease emai l to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer M eeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our t eam and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\n Court Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come f rom every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-june-29/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230629T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230629T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Jul y 6 DESCRIPTION:Date: July 6\, 2023\nTime: 3 pm to 4 pm\n\n\nPlease email to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Me eting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our te am and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nC ourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come fr om every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s l ives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the o ne caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-july-6/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230706T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230706T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Jul y 25 DESCRIPTION:Date: July 25\, 2023\nTime: 12 pm to 1 pm\n\n\nPlease ema il to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Virtuall y via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\ nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life ! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-july-25/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230725T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230725T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat - Virtual DESCRIPTION:Join fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and s upportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback a nd advice\, and celebrate successes!\nHeld virtually / Hosted by CASA Ka ne County URL;VALUE=URI: al-6-22/ UID:urn:uuid:3005a941-ee2d-4f15-9c7f-84cbf2dcecb3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230622T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230622T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Backpacks for Bookworms DESCRIPTION:Backpacks for Bookworms\n\nThe 2023 official drop off/ colle ction date begins May 1 and runs thru July 10!\nBackpacks for Bookworms is a new third party event hosted by Parent Petroleum to benefit CASA Kane County which serves child victims of abuse and neglect who are pla ced into the foster care system. Foster children frequently enter a new school year with a different perspective than other children and do not have new backpacks and school supplies.\n\nWhen they are moved between f amilies and foster homes these children could have to change schools mul tiple times a year. Not returning to school with new items as the rest o f their peers can make them feel shameful\, confused\, and embarrassed yet another reminder of how little they have.\n\n \;\n\n\n\nBackp acks for Bookworms Drop Off Locations Listed Below: \n\n\n\n\n\n\nPRIDE of Geneva – 1166 E. State St.\, Geneva\, IL 60134\nPRIDE of St. Charl es – 1505 Lincoln Hwy\, St. Charles\, IL 60174\nPRIDE of Batavia – 2 00 North Randall Rd\, Batavia\, IL 60510\nPRIDE of West Chicago – 1905 Franciscan Way\, West Chicago\, IL 60185\nPRIDE of Aurora – 1395 Butt erfield Rd\, Aurora\, IL 60502\n\n\n\n \;\n\nMore Information URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:8c75a248-bbd0-4995-a278-2f57807498b2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230719T160000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230719T180000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:35th Anniversary Ribbon Cutting & Garden Grand Re-Opening Event DESCRIPTION:CASA Kane County will be hosting our 35th Anniversary Event and Grand Re-Opening of our Grow a Healthy Child Garden on Wednesday\, J uly 19th from 5-6pm.\n\nWe will be joined by all the Chambers across Kan e County\, Elected Officials\, Staff\, Board Members and Volunteers for this monumental Ribbon Cutting on Wednesday\, July 19th at 5pm  outside the Courthouse at 100 S Third Street\, Suite 430\, Geneva\, IL 60134 in our garden. This ribbon cutting would kick off our Grow a Healthy Child Garden Grand Re-Opening and celebrate CASA Kane County’s 35 years of advocacy and service for the children in foster care.\n \;\n\nFor th ose of you who may not know there was an accident in our garden last fal l. There was a great deal of damage\, including displacement of our beau tiful little girl statue. We are thrilled to announce repairs are almost complete and our precious girl has returned!\n \;\n\nThis will coin cide with our Backpacks for Bookworms volunteer pickup going on earlier that day.\nThanks to our mission partner and supporter of CASA\, Parent Petroleum organizing this event. They will be collecting backpack suppli es at their Pride locations throughout Kane County until July 10\, 2023. \nDonation Locations Listed below: \n\n \nPRIDE of Geneva – 1166 E. S tate St.\, Geneva\, IL 60134\n\n \nPRIDE of St. Charles – 1505 Lincol n Hwy\, St. Charles\, IL 60174\n\n \nPRIDE of Batavia – 200 North Ran dall Rd\, Batavia\, IL 60510\n\n \nPRIDE of West Chicago – 1905 Franc iscan Way\, West Chicago\, IL 60185\n\n \nPRIDE of Aurora – 1395 Butt erfield Rd\, Aurora\, IL 60502\n\n\nBackpack Supplies Needed:  \n\n \n Backpacks\n\n \nCrayons\n\n \nNotebooks\n\n \nMarkers\n\n \nFolders\ n\n \nPencils\n\n\nWe will be distributing backpacks at our 35th Annive rsary Event on Wednesday\, July 19th from 4-6pm. CASA Volunteer Advocate s may come to the courthouse to pick up their requested backpacks during this time and participate in this celebration.\n\nFor our Grand Re-Open ing\, we will have a small ceremony\, ribbon cutting and enjoy some trea ts. We look forward to celebrating 35 years of advocacy and service with you! We hope the community will join and support CASA Kane County for t his community event! URL;VALUE=URI: cutting-garden-grand-re-opening/ UID:urn:uuid:8c75a248-bbd0-4995-a278-2f57807498b2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230719T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230719T180000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Aug ust 3 DESCRIPTION:Date: August 3\, 2023\nTime: 3 pm to 4 pm\n\n\nPlease ema il to register!\n \;\n\nHosted Virtuall y via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\ nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life ! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-aug-3/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230803T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230803T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Chat - Virtual - July DESCRIPTION:Join fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and s upportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback a nd advice\, and celebrate successes!\nHeld virtually / Hosted by CASA Ka ne County\n \;\n\nFriday\, July 14th from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m.\n\nHost ed by CASA Kane County virtually\, via Microsoft TEAMS\n\nA meeting invi te should appear in our CASA Email Outlook Calendar\n\n*Ashley K will ad d 3 CEU hours into your Optima training log. URL;VALUE=URI: -7-14/ UID:urn:uuid:8bcf4587-b11b-46be-8965-507cf06dad91 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230714T083000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230714T093000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Viewing Through a New Lens: A Survivor’s Guide (3 Part Series) DESCRIPTION:Children and youth who have experienced trauma\, broken and insecure attachments\, and other assaults to the brain present significa nt challenges to families.  Speaking from a point of personal experienc e\, Shenandoah Chefalo is a professional coach and author who presents t o professional and family audiences across the country.\nHeld virtually / Hosted by Illinois CASA / add 3 credits to your Optima training log wh en complete\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ns-a-survivors-guide-3-part-series/ UID:urn:uuid:7f1eb4d6-b72a-49a1-9802-e1d5b35a69ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230719T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230719T111500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Lifebook’s with Dr. Doris Houston FOUR PART SERIES (Part 1) DESCRIPTION:A “Lifebook” is a visual representation of important lif e events that helps a child in care to integrate past experiences with t heir present circumstances in a healthy and constructive manner. The pro cess of creating a Lifebook with a child\, their caregivers\, and other trusted adults\, can help to fill in the gaps about a child’s life jou rney\, while preserving pertinent information about the child’s family history\, important relationships\, developmental milestones\, and futu re goals.\nCASA volunteers who complete the Lifebook training will learn important concepts\, tools\, and techniques to assist their child in in creating a Lifebook for the purpose of promoting positive identity and well-being.\nSession 1 (Thursday\, July 20\, 2023\, 10-11 am) Overview o f the Lifebook process\, tools\, benefits\, and uses\nSession 2 (Thursda y\, July 27\, 2023\, 10-11 am) Lifebook tools and strategies to help a c hild understand and reclaim their past life story*\nSession 3 (Thursday\ , August 17\, 2023\, 10-11 am) Lifebook tools and strategies to help a c hild understand and embrace their present life story *\nSession 4 (Thurs day\, August 24\, 2023\, 10-11 am) Lifebook tools to support a child’s sense of future and life goals*\nHeld virtually / Hosted by Illinois CA SA / add 3 credits to your Optima training log when complete\nRegister H ere URL;VALUE=URI: houston/ UID:urn:uuid:7f1eb4d6-b72a-49a1-9802-e1d5b35a69ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230720T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230720T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Lifebook’s with Dr. Doris Houston FOUR PART SERIES (Part 2) DESCRIPTION:A “Lifebook” is a visual representation of important lif e events that helps a child in care to integrate past experiences with t heir present circumstances in a healthy and constructive manner. The pro cess of creating a Lifebook with a child\, their caregivers\, and other trusted adults\, can help to fill in the gaps about a child’s life jou rney\, while preserving pertinent information about the child’s family history\, important relationships\, developmental milestones\, and futu re goals.\nCASA volunteers who complete the Lifebook training will learn important concepts\, tools\, and techniques to assist their child in in creating a Lifebook for the purpose of promoting positive identity and well-being.\nSession 2 (Thursday\, July 27\, 2023\, 10-11 am) Lifebook t ools and strategies to help a child understand and reclaim their past li fe story*\nSession 3 (Thursday\, August 17\, 2023\, 10-11 am) Lifebook t ools and strategies to help a child understand and embrace their present life story *\nSession 4 (Thursday\, August 24\, 2023\, 10-11 am) Lifebo ok tools to support a child’s sense of future and life goals*\nHeld vi rtually / Hosted by Illinois CASA / add 3 credits to your Optima trainin g log when complete\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: houston-2/ UID:urn:uuid:7f1eb4d6-b72a-49a1-9802-e1d5b35a69ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230727T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230727T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Lifebook’s with Dr. Doris Houston FOUR PART SERIES (Part 3) DESCRIPTION:A “Lifebook” is a visual representation of important lif e events that helps a child in care to integrate past experiences with t heir present circumstances in a healthy and constructive manner. The pro cess of creating a Lifebook with a child\, their caregivers\, and other trusted adults\, can help to fill in the gaps about a child’s life jou rney\, while preserving pertinent information about the child’s family history\, important relationships\, developmental milestones\, and futu re goals.\nCASA volunteers who complete the Lifebook training will learn important concepts\, tools\, and techniques to assist their child in in creating a Lifebook for the purpose of promoting positive identity and well-being.\n\nSession 3 (Thursday\, August 17\, 2023\, 10-11 am) Lifebo ok tools and strategies to help a child understand and embrace their pre sent life story *\nSession 4 (Thursday\, August 24\, 2023\, 10-11 am) Li febook tools to support a child’s sense of future and life goals*\nHel d virtually / Hosted by Illinois CASA / add 3 credits to your Optima tra ining log when complete\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: houston-3/ UID:urn:uuid:7f1eb4d6-b72a-49a1-9802-e1d5b35a69ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230817T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230817T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Lifebook’s with Dr. Doris Houston FOUR PART SERIES (Part 4) DESCRIPTION:A “Lifebook” is a visual representation of important lif e events that helps a child in care to integrate past experiences with t heir present circumstances in a healthy and constructive manner. The pro cess of creating a Lifebook with a child\, their caregivers\, and other trusted adults\, can help to fill in the gaps about a child’s life jou rney\, while preserving pertinent information about the child’s family history\, important relationships\, developmental milestones\, and futu re goals.\nCASA volunteers who complete the Lifebook training will learn important concepts\, tools\, and techniques to assist their child in in creating a Lifebook for the purpose of promoting positive identity and well-being.\nSession 4 (Thursday\, August 24\, 2023\, 10-11 am) Lifebook tools to support a child’s sense of future and life goals*\nHeld virt ually / Hosted by Illinois CASA / add 3 credits to your Optima training log when complete\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: houston-4/ UID:urn:uuid:7f1eb4d6-b72a-49a1-9802-e1d5b35a69ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230824T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230824T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Golf for a Child Invitational DESCRIPTION:20th Annual Golf for a Child Invitational\nPlease visit our webpage here for more details!\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: ional-2023/ UID:urn:uuid:8829106e-ee05-42e0-8606-a4305eba480b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230814 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Bourbon Social - Benefiting CASA Kane County DESCRIPTION:Bourbon Social - Benefiting CASA Kane County\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEvent Presented by Liquor 'n' Wine\, Food provided\, as well as live music.\n\nFrom 4 – 5pm\, VIP attendees will enjoy 2 hours of private tasting time\, featuring 30+ true “unicorns of the bourbon world.\n\nThe event will open to General Admission att endees from 5 – 8pm for a separate selection of 30+ bottles. Tickets m ust be purchased in advance\, and are limited!\n\nLink for Sponsorships &\; Tickets: Bourbon Social Tickets\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: g-casa-kane-county-2023/ UID:urn:uuid:459000d0-099a-4f62-a4db-122df0864d27 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231014T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231014T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Clays For Kids Tournament 2023 DESCRIPTION:For details\, please visit our webpage here!\n\n \;\n8th Annual Clays for Kids\nSporting Tournament\nParticipants will enjoy a d elicious brunch\, a full round of clays\, grand raffle\, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres during an awards ceremony. All experience levels are welcome and the Max McGraw staff will make sure you feel safe and equip ped during your clays experience\, whether you’re a novice or expert s hooter! URL;VALUE=URI: t-2023/ UID:urn:uuid:15959fb6-8b6f-4be8-b996-71f0b037054f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230927 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Countryside Clays DESCRIPTION:New this year!\nClays for Kids Sporting Tournament at St. Ch arles Sportsman Club in Elburn\, IL.\n \;\n\nCheck Back! Details com ing soon! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:15959fb6-8b6f-4be8-b996-71f0b037054f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20230921 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Aug ust 20 DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\n\n\n\n\nPlea se email to register!\n \;\nVirtual Ge neral Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to b ecome a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardi an Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitme nt to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to lear n more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a di fference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-aug-20/ UID:urn:uuid:6cd7d4a3-5931-49a5-ad9a-af06d03777f4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230820T160000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230820T170000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Viewing Through a New Lens: A Survivors Guide Part 4 DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by IL CASA - Click HERE to Register\n*Add 3 hours to your training log in Optima URL;VALUE=URI: ns-a-survivors-guide-part-4/ UID:urn:uuid:87a5532e-10dd-4f34-9efb-cd26d2342fdd STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230804T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230804T231500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:A New Beginning – Learning how to Hurdle the New School Year O bstacles DESCRIPTION:Hosted Virtually by DCFS: Click HERE to Register.\n*Add 3 hours to your training log in Optima. URL;VALUE=URI: -how-to-hurdle-the-new-school-year-obstacles/ UID:urn:uuid:8d8b4cb4-ebb1-4adc-9cc0-979a8885b421 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230810T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230810T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Talking Circle: Standards of Care for Survivors of Human Traffic king DESCRIPTION:Hosted by the National Center for Victims of Crimes\nVirtual Attendance Via Zoom -  Click HERE to Register\n*Add 3 hours to your training log in Optima URL;VALUE=URI: -of-care-for-survivors-of-human-trafficking/ UID:urn:uuid:a1c67f5d-5ec2-49d8-8145-c17f9dd0d02f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230810T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230810T151500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Sep tember 7 DESCRIPTION:Date: September 7\, 2023\nTime: 3 pm to 4 pm\nPlease emai l to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TE AMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt A ppointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from eve ry walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one car ing and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-september-7/ UID:urn:uuid:32db5c0b-d165-47b2-bd9c-05d53576e64d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230907T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230907T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:How to Best Support Older Youth in Care for a More Successful Tr ansition Out of Care with Alexis Campbell DESCRIPTION:Alexis Campbell is a student at the University of Illinois a t Springfield. Currently majoring in Legal Studies\, Vice President of t he Trial Team\, studying for the LSAT and employed full time employee at Allied Universal.\n\nCampbell’s goal to receive her Law degree is to contribute to Restorative Justice and help reduce the percentage of yout h in care that end up incarcerated. She is passionate about being an adv ocate for youth in care. This passion stems from being a previous youth in care for a total of eight years. She has experienced countless number s of youth shelters\, foster homes\, group-homes\, and other living arra ngements during her time in foster care. Campbell has used her lived exp eriences to speak and take part in panel events including Illinois CASA 2023 Conference and advocate at the state capital during Foster Care Awa reness Month to improve the quality of life and better support youth in care.\n\nClick here to register URL;VALUE=URI: r-youth-in-care-for-a-more-successful-transition-out-of-care-with-alexis -campbell/ UID:urn:uuid:5e70df7a-b785-427a-b033-5f647b8121fa STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230809T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230809T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Substance Use Disorders presented… DESCRIPTION:Mutual Ground is a resource serving families and individuals impacted by domestic and sexual violence and substance use disorders.  This one hour presentation will cover a variety of topics relating to s ubstance use disorder including stigmas associated with addiction\, trea tment types\, statistics regarding relapse/treatment completion\, etc.\n \nTo join the meeting\, click here URL;VALUE=URI: presented/ UID:urn:uuid:1cdd19f3-dfdf-404b-abc2-8ba64f622f1c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230821T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230821T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Sep tember 11 DESCRIPTION:Date: September 11\, 2023\nTime: 12 pm to 1 pm\nPlease email to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TEA MS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting  for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Ap pointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from ever y walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. F ill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one cari ng and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-september-11/ UID:urn:uuid:32db5c0b-d165-47b2-bd9c-05d53576e64d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230911T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230911T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Oct ober 5 DESCRIPTION:Date: October 5\, 2023\nTime: 3 pm to 4 pm\nPlease email sa to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TEAMS b y CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and lear n more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appoin ted Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every wa lk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring a nd consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-october-5/ UID:urn:uuid:32db5c0b-d165-47b2-bd9c-05d53576e64d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231005T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231005T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Oct ober 24 DESCRIPTION:Date: October 24\, 2023\nTime: 9 am to 10 am\nPlease email to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting fo r potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and le arn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appo inted Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fil l out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-october-24/ UID:urn:uuid:32db5c0b-d165-47b2-bd9c-05d53576e64d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231024T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231024T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Nov ember 2 DESCRIPTION:Date: November 2\, 2023\nTime: 3 pm to 4 pm\nPlease email s to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and lea rn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appoi nted Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every w alk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-november-2/ UID:urn:uuid:32db5c0b-d165-47b2-bd9c-05d53576e64d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231102T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231102T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Nov ember 21 DESCRIPTION:Date: November 21\, 2023\nTime: 5 pm to 6 pm\nPlease email to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting fo r potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and le arn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appo inted Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fil l out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-november-21/ UID:urn:uuid:32db5c0b-d165-47b2-bd9c-05d53576e64d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231121T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231121T180000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Dec ember 7 DESCRIPTION:Date: December 7\, 2023\nTime: 3 pm to 4 pm\nPlease email s to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and lea rn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appoi nted Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every w alk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-december-7/ UID:urn:uuid:32db5c0b-d165-47b2-bd9c-05d53576e64d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231207T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231207T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Dec ember 12 DESCRIPTION:Date: December 12\, 2023\nTime: 6 pm to 7 pm\nPlease email to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting fo r potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and le arn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appo inted Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fil l out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-december-12/ UID:urn:uuid:32db5c0b-d165-47b2-bd9c-05d53576e64d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231212T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231212T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Jan uary 4 DESCRIPTION:Date: January 4\, 2024\nTime: 3 pm to 4 pm\nPlease email sa to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TEAMS b y CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and lear n more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appoin ted Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every wa lk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring a nd consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-january-4/ UID:urn:uuid:32db5c0b-d165-47b2-bd9c-05d53576e64d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240104T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240104T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Superheroes Luncheon DESCRIPTION: \;\n\nCASA Kane County is pleased to announce our 11th Annual Superheroes Luncheon will take place on Thursday\, November 2nd f rom 11:15 am – 1:00 pm at the Q Center in St. Charles\, presented by T he Pedersen Family Foundation and UPS. The purpose of this event is to s pread awareness in our community regarding the impact CASA has on the ch ildren of Kane County that have experienced abuse and/or neglect from th e individuals they trust the most.\n\n \;\n\nWe believe that every c hild has a right to a safe\, nurturing and permanent home and deserves t he support and involvement of their community to make this all possible. We will welcome best-selling author\, philanthropist and acclaimed spea ker Steve Pemberton to speak about his experience as a foster youth and the everyday people that changed the trajectory of his life. Through Ste ve’s story\, you will identify how the hardships you have overcome in your life equip you to be a “human lighthouse\,” inspiring those aro und you and making an extraordinary impact in your community.\n\n \; \n\nOur goal is to fill the room with members of our community who want to make a difference in the lives of our county’s most vulnerable chil dren. If you would like to learn how you can contribute to CASA’s miss ion to Change a Child’s Story\, please join us. You are welcome and en couraged to share this invitation with friends\, family and colleagues. URL;VALUE=URI: 3/ UID:urn:uuid:930b53aa-2c7c-47fa-97a9-a90fecb64260 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231102T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231102T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Kane County Educational Conference 2023 DESCRIPTION:A Community Conference for the Care of Children\n\n\n\n\n\n\ nThis Educational Conference includes engaging speakers\, dynamic traini ngs\, lunch in the adjacent dining room\, an interactive child welfare p anel\, and will conclude with a resource expo. This conference is being provided for CASA/GAL Volunteers\, agency partners\, and others working with children in care.\n\nCASA Volunteers will receive 2 CEU for each ho ur of the conference attended. Please note that a nominal fee of $20 for all attendees will be required to cover expenses.\n\nPlease see agenda for the day and register below.\n\nRegister Here: Educational Conference   URL;VALUE=URI: onal-conference-2023/ UID:urn:uuid:27345732-b08c-46e8-bea1-654daf01664c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230914T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230914T163000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat – With Service/Therapy Dog DESCRIPTION:Fireside Case Chat – With Service/Therapy Dog\n\nThursday\ , September 27th\, 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.\n\nHosted at the CASA Office\n\n *CASA will add 3 CEU hours to Optima.\n\n \;\n\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advoc ate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each s ession\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, and celebrate succes ses! URL;VALUE=URI: al-9-27-23/ UID:urn:uuid:3005a941-ee2d-4f15-9c7f-84cbf2dcecb3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230927T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230927T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Pronouns and More: Understanding Some Contemporary LGBTQIAP+ Iss ues DESCRIPTION:Pronouns and More: Understanding Some Contemporary LGBTQIAP+ Issues\n\nWednesday\, September 20th\, from Noon – 1 p.m.\n\nHosted V irtually by IL CASA – Click HERE to register.\n\n*You will add 3 hours to your training log in Optima URL;VALUE=URI: tanding-some-contemporary-lgbtqiap-issues/ UID:urn:uuid:b440b8f9-be1e-48a8-bfd5-21345ca4af7f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230920T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230920T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Optima Refresher DESCRIPTION:Optima Refresher\n\nThursday\, September 8th from 9:00 -9:45 a.m.\n\nHosted Virtually by CASA Kane County\, Please access invite in your Outlook Calendar\n\n*CASA will add in 3 CEU hours to Optima URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:021105f9-a9cc-41a4-986d-95de467e03a0 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20230908T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20230908T094500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Elgin Meet & Greet DESCRIPTION:Elgin Meet and Greet\nJoin us for happy hour at state-of-the -art Rieke Interiors to learn about CASA Kane County’s mission and our increasing service to the children of Elgin. Enjoy complimentary hors d ’oeuvres and cocktails while meeting CASA volunteers\, staff and board members.\n\n \nHosted by Rieke Interiors @ 2000 Fox Lane\, Elgin – 2 nd floor\n\n \nThursday\, October 5th from 5 – 7 pm\n\n \nCompliment ary Hors d’oeuvres and Cocktails\n\n\n\n \nRSVP by 9/29/23 to Adriana URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:73e163bd-a202-4e36-a17f-7dc69cbd217f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231005T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231005T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Chat - In Person- October DESCRIPTION:Join fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and s upportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback a nd advice\, and celebrate successes!\nIn Person/ Hosted by CASA Kane Cou nty\nFriday\, October 27th from 8:45 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. \n\n \;\n\nHo sted by CASA Kane County virtually\, via Microsoft TEAMS\n\nA meeting in vite should appear in our CASA Email Outlook Calendar\n\n*Ashley K will add 3 CEU hours into your Optima training log. URL;VALUE=URI: -10-27/ UID:urn:uuid:8bcf4587-b11b-46be-8965-507cf06dad91 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231027T084500 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231027T094500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mid-Day CASA Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Mid-Day CASA Case Chat \n \;\n\nTuesday\, October 10th f rom Noon -1p.m.\n\nHosted Virtually by CASA Kane County\, Please access invite in your Outlook Calendar\n\n*CASA will add in 3 CEU hours to Opti ma URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:8ea13541-83cc-47b6-98e8-e05d34037734 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231010T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231010T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mid-Day CASA Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Mid-Day CASA Case Chat \n \;\n\nWednesday\, November 8th from Noon -1p.m.\n\nHosted Virtually by CASA Kane County\, Please acces s invite in your Outlook Calendar\n\n*CASA will add in 3 CEU hours to Op tima URL;VALUE=URI: -11-8/ UID:urn:uuid:8ea13541-83cc-47b6-98e8-e05d34037734 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231108T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231108T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Trust Based Relational Intervention – Module 3\, Correcting Pr inciples DESCRIPTION:4 CEU Credits\n\nDecember 4\, 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.\n\nHosted online via Teams URL;VALUE=URI: ntervention-module-3-correcting-principles/ UID:urn:uuid:46eca1d2-5798-454f-bec7-3b4210f2e1e6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231204T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231204T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION:4 CEU Credits\n\nDecember 4 | 5:00 – 6:30 pm\n\nHosted onl ine via Teams\n\nReach out to your Supervisor or Sandie C. to determine if you should attend this training URL;VALUE=URI: ation-7/ UID:urn:uuid:470b14d6-0576-46b4-99e3-7d2a2095b0fd STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231204T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231204T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New Online Court Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:3 CEU Credits\n\nDecember 12 | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm\n\nHost ed online via Teams URL;VALUE=URI: writing-workshop/ UID:urn:uuid:2b280f34-90bd-4fec-be0c-2b306df965d4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231212T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231212T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:All about IEP’s DESCRIPTION:3 CEU Credits\n\nDecember 12 | 12:00 – 1:00 pm\n\nHosted b y Illinois CASA\, Click here to register URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1cc9149e-58e6-43ac-8f06-92404d0655c3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231212T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231212T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New Online Court Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:3 CEU Credits\nDecember 18 | 2:00 – 3:00 pm\nHosted in per son at the CASA office URL;VALUE=URI: writing-workshop-2/ UID:urn:uuid:ecc4438a-dcfe-4bbf-bc6d-bd1f14f566ab STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231218T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231218T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New Online Court Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:3 CEU Credits\n\nHosted online via Teams URL;VALUE=URI: writing-workshop-3/ UID:urn:uuid:60c0a8cc-74b5-4eb2-b36e-65f2064e3563 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20231207T083000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20231207T093000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Jan uary 22 DESCRIPTION:Date: January 22\, 2024\nTime: Noon to 1 pm\nPlease email s to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and lea rn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appoi nted Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every w alk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-january-4-2/ UID:urn:uuid:32db5c0b-d165-47b2-bd9c-05d53576e64d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240122T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240122T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Feb ruary 1 DESCRIPTION:Date: February 1\, 2024\nTime: 3 pm to 4 pm\nPlease email s to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and lea rn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appoi nted Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every w alk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-january-4-2-2/ UID:urn:uuid:32db5c0b-d165-47b2-bd9c-05d53576e64d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240201T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240201T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New Online Court Report Training (virtual) DESCRIPTION:3 CEU Credits URL;VALUE=URI: training-virtual/ UID:urn:uuid:4cc32f69-a1ed-435b-9a69-7736f6d997cc STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240104T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240104T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Challenging Relationships with Food (virtual) DESCRIPTION:1 CEU Credit\n\nHosted by IL CASA\n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: s-with-food-virtual/ UID:urn:uuid:57ab1d7f-072c-4440-9417-7fa1979ac36f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240111T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240111T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Cast Chat (virtual) DESCRIPTION:1 CEU Credit URL;VALUE=URI: / UID:urn:uuid:9cb2eca6-6d3b-4fe4-bb5c-14903d174f75 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240119T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240119T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:New Online Court Report Training (virtual) DESCRIPTION:3 CEU Credits URL;VALUE=URI: training-virtual-2/ UID:urn:uuid:d9fdf16c-904f-4340-9653-3f333bedde9d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240124T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240124T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Understanding and Advocating for Children Impacted by Trauma and Hidden Disabilities (virtual) DESCRIPTION:1 CEU Credit\nHosted by IL CASA\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ting-for-children-impacted-by-trauma-and-hidden-disabilities-virtual/ UID:urn:uuid:ec96946f-a474-4eee-aded-b93c1341cf6a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240131T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240131T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Interviewing Children with Annie Barsch\, MA\, LMFT - virtual DESCRIPTION:1 CEU Credit\nAnnie Barsch\, MA\, LMFT has been working with individuals\, couples\, and families for over 20 years. She is trauma i nformed and is a certified clinical trauma professional. She looks at th e effects of trauma on mind and body\, after an intense training with Dr . Bessel Van Der Kolk\, author of The Body Keeps the Score. She has atte nded training sessions with Dr. Bruce Perry\, author of The Boy who was Raised as a Dog\, regarding the effects of trauma and neglect on the dev eloping child\, as well as Dr. Frank Anderson regarding complex trauma. She has worked with clients who have experienced sexual abuse\, physical abuse\, torture\, neglect\, abandonment\, homelessness\, substance depe ndence\, are veterans of foreign wars\, immigrants and suicide survivors …ranging in age from 3 to 80+ years old. Her goal with this training i s to take what she has learned from her many client’s experiences and help the CASA team create a safe space to encourage dialogue for childr en using language that fosters connection\, safety\, and healing. URL;VALUE=URI: th-annie-barsch-ma-lmft-virtual/ UID:urn:uuid:23349ca1-952e-4a0e-b9d1-dd292230be0f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240228T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240228T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Feb ruary 21 DESCRIPTION:Date: February 21\, 2024\nTime: 9:30-10:30 am\nPlease email to register!\n \nHosted Virtually via TEAM S by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting f or potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet our team and l earn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt App ointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children’s lives. Fi ll out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one carin g and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-february-21/ UID:urn:uuid:7882ac09-8115-4cbc-8b77-ec62b5d384a1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240221T093000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240221T103000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification (virtual) DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: ation-virtual/ UID:urn:uuid:50f618e1-a5b6-49e9-8b8e-0dfd11c283d2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240202T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240202T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Court Report Writing Training for New Online Form (virtual) DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: ining-for-new-online-form-virtual/ UID:urn:uuid:902184fb-d841-430d-9791-6d2e3fefd7ff STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240202T123000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240202T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Court Report Writing Training for New Online Form (virtual) DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: ining-for-new-online-form-virtual-2/ UID:urn:uuid:71694ee5-aaa6-43b7-8156-a1b9aeded8c7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240207T093000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240207T103000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat (in person) DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: rson-3/ UID:urn:uuid:a29c253f-e5e4-49cf-bfab-beb29d8a1ada STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240215T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240215T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Identifying Drug Endangered Children: A Collaborative Approach ( virtual) DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\, Presented by Prevent Child Abuse I llinois\n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: red-children-a-collaborative-approach-virtual/ UID:urn:uuid:0660d578-9125-46a5-b524-42c2ffde66f1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240216T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240216T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Court Report Writing Training for New Online Form (virtual) DESCRIPTION: URL;VALUE=URI: ining-for-new-online-form-virtual-3/ UID:urn:uuid:55a25bb7-7f61-4dae-b08d-173ea69ad3af STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240220T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240220T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Infant/Toddler Programs for DCFS Youth in Care (virtual) DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\, Presented by DCFS\n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: for-dcfs-youth-in-care-virtual/ UID:urn:uuid:eab7729e-258f-4d7b-83cb-2fc4cc8e648c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240226T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240226T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-50/ UID:urn:uuid:31a566f0-1ae1-4536-ae74-0c230049895b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240306T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240306T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-3-7-24/ UID:urn:uuid:31a566f0-1ae1-4536-ae74-0c230049895b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240307T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240307T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Volunteer Meeting – CASA Kane County - Mar ch 12 DESCRIPTION:Date: Tuesday\, March 12\, 2024\nTime: 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm\nP lease email to register!\n \nHosted Virtua lly via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Voluntee r Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity to meet ou r team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer .\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers com e from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving children s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be t he one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a child’s li fe! URL;VALUE=URI: nteer-meeting-casa-kane-county-march-12/ UID:urn:uuid:c238a524-5b60-43e7-bbc3-99cead25721f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240312T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240312T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:IL Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Study and Beyond by Gary P ate\, MSSW\, LCSW DESCRIPTION:Register Here URL;VALUE=URI: eriences-the-study-and-beyond-by-gary-pate-mssw-lcsw/ UID:urn:uuid:17f8b467-1205-47cb-8812-b5976b1b2201 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240215T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240215T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Problem Sexual Behaviors: Typical vs. non typical behaviors for children under 12 by Cindy Downey\, MPA DESCRIPTION:Register Here URL;VALUE=URI: -typical-vs-non-typical-behaviors-for-children-under-12-by-cindy-downey- mpa/ UID:urn:uuid:3848bd86-d776-4de9-969a-f7809178d139 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240223T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240223T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:That Makes Sensory: Understanding Sensory Processing Differences in Children by Erin Leary\, OT\, OTD\, OTR DESCRIPTION:Register Here URL;VALUE=URI: standing-sensory-processing-differences-in-children-by-erin-leary-ot-otd -otr/ UID:urn:uuid:c33125d6-c28b-4793-aae3-9193a0515d3f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240228T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240228T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Court Report Writing Refresher (focus on content) DESCRIPTION:Held on Microsoft Teams – check your inbox for the link URL;VALUE=URI: resher-focus-on-content/ UID:urn:uuid:a6169992-5a15-4194-8751-0822ec363551 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240304T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240304T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Promoting Understanding and Healing in Adoption and Foster Care by Gary Pate\, MSSW\, LCSW DESCRIPTION:Register Here URL;VALUE=URI: and-healing-in-adoption-and-foster-care-by-gary-pate-mssw-lcsw/ UID:urn:uuid:963b7def-8bee-4bbb-8227-4880d9413401 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240306T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240306T121500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION:For volunteers who are starting a new case – check with yo ur Supervisor or Sandie to see if you should attend URL;VALUE=URI: ation-8/ UID:urn:uuid:ba63b5ae-9594-4aa1-82f9-d1847cf4ce7c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240307T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240307T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Human Trafficking: The Risk within Child Welfare by Cindy Downey \, MPA\, CTP DESCRIPTION:Register Here URL;VALUE=URI: sk-within-child-welfare-by-cindy-downey-mpa-ctp/ UID:urn:uuid:0d8f6d0f-dd85-4397-a484-ca709810ebf0 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240312T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240312T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mid-Day Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Held on Microsoft Teams – check your inbox for the link URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:fe34c3a7-c005-434b-aa22-92a26dae6e19 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240313T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240313T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Spring Volunteer Self-Care Symposium DESCRIPTION:Spring Volunteer Self-Care Symposium\n\n\n\n\n\nDate: Friday \, April 12th\nTime: 9am - 2pm\nCost: Free of charge!\nRegistration: Ope ns at 8am\, including a continental breakfast.\n \;\nJoin us in welc oming our esteemed Keynote Speaker\, Daniel Blaine\, who will share his journey of overcoming adversity\, from abuse and homelessness to leaders hip at College of Lake County.\n\n\n\n\n \;\n\n\n\nAmy Rogers\, Mana ging Director at RHR Consulting Group\, will guide CASA volunteers and s taff in crafting personalized self-care plans to unlock their true poten tial. Each participant will receive a self-care planner as their roadmap to success.\n\n\n\n\n \;\n\n\n\nThe Supervisor Panel\, featuring CA SA Advocate Supervisors and Laura Sanders\, Director of Advocate Supervi sion\, will address questions regarding children and cases in care.\n\n\ n\n\n \;\n\n\n\nIndulge in a delicious lunch served in the scenic di ning hall next to the Seigle Auditorium\, offering a selection of wraps\ , chips\, salads\, cookies\, and beverages.\n\n\n\n\n \;\n\n\n\nExpl ore the Self-Care Services\, offering complimentary services.\nChair Mas sage: 10-minute seated neck and shoulder massage\nElements Massage\nGuid ed Meditation: 30-minute guided meditation and breathwork\nNatalie Pende rgrass\nSeated Yoga: 30-minute chair yoga poses and destressing techniqu es\nKelly Vida\nSound Healing: 30-minute sound healing with crystal bowl s to release old energy and invite space for new energy\nRebecca Justice \n\n\n \;\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSymposium Agenda:\n\n \nRegistration / Conti nental Breakfast / Self-Care Resources\n\n \nWelcome and Speaker Introd uction\n\n \nKeynote Speaker: Daniel Blaine\n\n \nCrafting Your Person alized Self-Care Plan: Amy Rogers\n\n \nBreak / Networking / Self-Care Resources\n\n \nAdvocate Supervisor Panel\n\n \nLunch with Your Advoca te Supervisor\n\n \nSelf-Care Resources\n\n\nDon't miss out on this enr iching opportunity for self-care and growth!\nTo Register Email Sandie: URL;VALUE=URI: re-symposium/ UID:urn:uuid:27345732-b08c-46e8-bea1-654daf01664c STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240412T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240412T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Safe Families for Children Presentation DESCRIPTION:Held on Microsoft Teams – check your inbox for the link\nW e are pleased to host Catherine Lindloff\, Family Coach with Safe Famili es for Children of DuPage and Kane Counties who will share information o n how this program can support the families we work with.  Her presenta tion to CASA DuPage County recently resulted in providing a "Family Frie nd" resource to a mom whose 4 children were recently returned to her! URL;VALUE=URI: en-presentation/ UID:urn:uuid:c4998087-91ca-42cc-923c-85b04e4b941f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240319T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240319T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Court Report Writing DESCRIPTION:Held on Microsoft Teams – check your inbox for the link\nR eceive a refresher on the new online court report form\, and on developi ng appropriate content for those interested. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:fb1085ec-868c-40b9-be71-09650bc20ca2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240405T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240405T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION:Held on Microsoft Teams\nThis training is for volunteers who have been inactive for 90 days or more\, or have closed a case and are ready to take another.\nPlease check with your Supervisor to determine i f you should attend. URL;VALUE=URI: ation-9/ UID:urn:uuid:b127de01-ff63-4957-9710-6a97bb96686a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240409T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240409T103000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Keeping Children Safe Online DESCRIPTION:Hosted by Illinois CASA\, presented by Chicago Children’s Advocacy Center\nTopics include -types of online sexual misconduct (boun dary violations\, inappropriate explicit communication and imagery)\; ti ps for talking to children about digital safety\nClick here to register URL;VALUE=URI: line/ UID:urn:uuid:e2350059-a19c-401a-be50-69713f803c06 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240411T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240411T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Chat DESCRIPTION:This session is being held in person at the CASA office in d owntown Geneva.\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedb ack and advice\, and celebrate successes. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:8d0f117c-de96-4234-aa4e-576a3596daca STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240416T084500 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240416T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:A Community’s Collective Response to Trauma DESCRIPTION:Hosted and Presented by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois\nIn thi s presentation\, Jim Sporleder will share how he led Lincoln High School in Walla Walla\, WA on a journey to becoming a trauma-informed school\, how community partners came together to support the schools’ efforts\ , and the unexpected outcomes that resulted from the process. Jim will s hare what it means to be trauma-informed and trauma-responsive and why i t is important when working with others. Jim will teach participants abo ut the importance of a community approach to trauma and how to utilize c ommunity partners to make an impactful change. Jim will also define toxi c stress and share concrete strategies to counter the damaging effects t oxic stress has on those we serve.\nClick here to register URL;VALUE=URI: response-to-trauma/ UID:urn:uuid:d17cd27f-9c38-4ddd-9c78-4cd1f791f2df STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240322T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240322T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-52/ UID:urn:uuid:f46a3164-272d-4e8a-b8b9-db6b38aa5bc8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240402T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240402T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-53/ UID:urn:uuid:10558815-b57a-4403-8ce4-0852a834f46e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240502T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240502T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-54/ UID:urn:uuid:9171a678-e359-4367-9fb3-05022aa81f6d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240522T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240522T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-55/ UID:urn:uuid:b094fa06-73cf-4ed2-a72c-f38f531975b8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240606T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240606T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-56/ UID:urn:uuid:b576d39a-72ed-41cc-b1ae-9c6c3d9b2fc6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240618T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240618T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-57/ UID:urn:uuid:4122fc14-c624-4a9a-af63-e97d618f19ac STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240711T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240711T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-59/ UID:urn:uuid:1bbcc651-b8e0-48fb-8cbd-acecad002b44 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240801T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240801T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-60/ UID:urn:uuid:f0cef8a9-3ada-46fa-93cc-4d044509a3f9 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240822T163000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240822T173000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-61/ UID:urn:uuid:1efebbdb-f4d5-4849-bf16-76574921e20f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240905T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240905T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-62/ UID:urn:uuid:d916fb96-adca-4cf8-9bb5-95a21647a360 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240920T103000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240920T113000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-63/ UID:urn:uuid:de5ee842-99f0-4e5c-8997-a257e1518e61 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241003T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241003T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-64/ UID:urn:uuid:de73b6de-e2a4-416a-996a-ef56b2ec30e4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241016T190000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241016T200000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-65/ UID:urn:uuid:f9e3d1de-8ea3-476d-8351-bfe51b42a3a2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241107T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241107T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-66/ UID:urn:uuid:ff63a4d5-f624-4e65-888c-db9a77919d9e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241119T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241119T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:General Information Meeting DESCRIPTION:Please email to register!\nHost ed Virtually via TEAMS by CASA Kane County\nVirtual General Information Volunteer Meeting for potential CASA Volunteers and an opportunity t o meet our team and learn more about what it means to become a CASA/GAL volunteer.\nCourt Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Volun teers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improving c hildren’s lives. Fill out the form and attend to learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a difference in a chi ld’s life! URL;VALUE=URI: ing-67/ UID:urn:uuid:90e4ea5b-0f1e-4ba8-a814-8d3b9f22135f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241205T150000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241205T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Empathy and Advocacy for LGBTQIA+ Youth and Families DESCRIPTION:Join Gary Pate\, LCSW\, YouthCare Senior Trainer\, to learn about sensitive assessment strategies\, safety concerns and the effects of minority stress on healthy identity development for LGBTQIA+ youth an d families.  The new DCFS Procedure 302\, Appendix K (Support and Well- Being of Lesbian\, Gay\, Bisexual\, Transgender\, Questioning/Queer\, In tersex\, and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) Children and Youth) will be reviewed.  The role of family acceptance and family rejection will be explored\, an d information related to gender affirming care will be provided. URL;VALUE=URI: -lgbtqia-youth-and-families/ UID:urn:uuid:4b90f4ba-d97d-4806-b965-5a14caf0b98e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240516T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240516T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:HATCH (Hands Around The Court House) DESCRIPTION:In honor of Child Abuse Prevention Month\, CASA Kane County will host its annual Hands Around the Court House Event. Join us as we w ork together to bring awareness to child abuse and help protect the well -being of the next generation!\n\nLocated at the Kane County Courthouse\ , 100 S. Third Street\, Geneva\, IL 60134\n\nFeaturing Guest Speakers:\n \n Jim Di Ciaula\, Executive Director\n Honorable Chief Judge Robert V illa\n State’s Attorney Jamie Mosser URL;VALUE=URI: ourt-house-2024/ UID:urn:uuid:4cb53695-8088-464a-b079-dfe8e77bac66 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240404T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240404T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Countryside Clays DESCRIPTION:New this year!\nClays for Kids Sporting Tournament at St. Ch arles Sportsman Club in Elburn\, IL.\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:15959fb6-8b6f-4be8-b996-71f0b037054f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240519T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240519T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Volunteer Appreciation Recognition Evening DESCRIPTION:Join us for our Volunteer Appreciation Recognition Evening t o thank all of our wonderful Volunteers.\nThursday\, May 9th from 4:30-7 :30pm \nEagle Brook Country Club: 2288 Fargo Blvd\, Geneva\, IL 60134\n Hosted by CASA Kane County\n\n\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: ecognition-evening/ UID:urn:uuid:4ae63e21-6453-43e1-b303-95079468e010 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240509T163000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240509T193000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Volunteer Open House: Learn more about Volunteering DESCRIPTION:Learn More about Volunteering with CASA at the Volunteer Ope n House after HATCH.\n\n Ready to find out if CASA is right for you?\n Have questions about a CASA/GAL's role in a child's life?\n Learn more on how you can be the one caring and consistent adult making a differen ce in a child’s life!\n\nJoin us to learn more about our CASA/GAL Volu nteer program. Court Appointed Special Advocate and Guardian Ad Litem Vo lunteers come from every walk of life and share a commitment to improvin g children’s lives. \n\nPlease contact Sandie Cross\, Manager of Trai ning\, at if you have questions or plan to at tend! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:f46a3164-272d-4e8a-b8b9-db6b38aa5bc8 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240404T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240404T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Be Strong Families Youth Advisory Board for Older Youth in Care DESCRIPTION:Join Christina Wolken\, Youth Advisory Board Lead Administra tor with Be Strong families to learn more about this organization and pr ogram for older youth in care.\nBe Strong Families is committed to creat ing and sustaining programs that positively impact all youth and their f amilies\, especially youth that are experiencing challenges and adversit y.\nAs a part of the SYAB (Statewide Youth Advisory Board)\, youth in ca re and former youth in care between the ages of 14 and 21 come together to educate\, advocate for\, and empower all youth in care. SYAB members enjoy leadership training and assist in developing policies and laws. Th is gives youth in care the valuable opportunity to address individual an d collective systemic issues. Their purpose is stated as follows:\n\n\n WE educate\, advocate for\, and empower youth and young adults.\n WE p artner with DCFS on legislation\, policies\, practice\, procedures\, and training as they concern youth in care.\n WE provide DCFS and the Illi nois General Assembly the perspective of youth in care.\n WE identify s ystemic issues with foster care\, guardianship\, and adoption and offer recommendations for change.\n WE host RYAB's monthly in addition to 5 S YAB meetings per year.\n WE report annually to the Illinois General Ass embly.\n WE receive Leadership Development sessions at the YAB.\n\nInvi tation and link have been emailed to all volunteers. URL;VALUE=URI: -advisory-board-for-older-youth-in-care/ UID:urn:uuid:87a38ad9-f7c7-4fe3-88cf-d84e8aeddbb9 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240426T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240426T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:CASA Mid-Day Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Join us for an extended 90 minute case chat focused on worki ng with challenging Foster Parents and/or Biological Parents.  During t his session\, Annie Barsch\, MA\, LMFT\, will answer case specific quest ions and provide best practices for positive interactions with the goal of developing collaborative relationships.\nInvitation and link have bee n emailed to all volunteers. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:63465a17-0571-4730-baf3-3726103f7748 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240508T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240508T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Empowering Teens to be Successful After Transitioning Out of Fos ter Care DESCRIPTION:A discussion on best practices and resources to help teens a ging out of foster care develop life skills and become independent adult s.\nHeld virtually\, hosted by Illinois CASA\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: uccessful-after-transitioning-out-of-foster-care/ UID:urn:uuid:d35a8236-06a9-4f8a-a529-4392e3962b20 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240403T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240403T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:That Makes Sensory: Understanding Sensory Processing Differences in Children DESCRIPTION:This training will give parents and professionals a deeper u nderstanding of what sensory processing is\, its’ importance\, and wha t it means when a child has a dysfunctional sensory system. Participants will learn the basics about the sensory motor loop\, the eight senses i n sensory processing\, the different types of dysfunction\, and how a dy sfunctional sensory system impacts children’s roles and routines both at home and in school. Participants will learn who can assist with senso ry processing differences\, and will be educated on “red flag” behav iors that when identified\, may indicate need for a referral to a specia list who works with children with sensory differences. Participants will also be given information on play-based activities that help children g row healthy sensory systems\, but that do not replace skilled interventi on\, in an effort to reduce modern day cultural facilitation of sensory dysfunction.\nHeld virtually\, hosted by YouthCare Illinois\nRegister He re URL;VALUE=URI: standing-sensory-processing-differences-in-children/ UID:urn:uuid:91c0c51e-10db-4b27-a759-1b2f86ebf242 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240410T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240410T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Motivational Interviewing for Foster Parents and Caregivers with Adolescents DESCRIPTION:This training is an overview of motivational interviewing to assist foster parents/caregivers in talking with their adolescents. It will discuss:\n1. The concepts of change and why it can be difficult\;\n 2. Ambivalence and how it affects change\;\n3. Where motivation comes fr om\;\n4. The OARS skills and how to apply them.\nHeld virtually\, hosted by YouthCare Illinois\,\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: g-for-foster-parents-and-caregivers-with-adolescents/ UID:urn:uuid:4c375d90-c4ed-4a9a-ae3c-8072c181eb5a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240410T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240410T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Substance Use Among Teens: Fentanyl and Other Lesser-Known Drug s DESCRIPTION:This training will emphasize the importance of preventing ad olescent substance use.  A review of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Hypothesis will serve as a frame of reference for how exposure to advers ity in childhood and adolescence may increase the risk for substance use .  The role of resilience and relationships with peers will be explored . Specific local\, state and national resources pertaining to Fentanyl a nd other lesser-know drugs will be shared.  Participants will know spec ific information about Fentanyl and some other drugs and where to find r esources with additional information related to such drugs.\nHeld virtua lly\, hosted by YouthCare Illinois\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: s-fentanyl-and-other-lesser-known-drugs/ UID:urn:uuid:c00f8442-8add-49f8-9cb6-10449d947239 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240423T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240423T104500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Human Trafficking: The Risk within Child Welfare DESCRIPTION:This training will provide an understanding human traffickin g. Attendees will be able to identify indicators that someone might be e xperiencing human trafficking and how to report the situation to the app ropriate authority. We will review risk factors as well as high risk pop ulations.\nHeld virtually\, hosted by YouthCare Illinois\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: sk-within-child-welfare/ UID:urn:uuid:6073ff3b-6767-486d-95fe-e40d666b221f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240423T103000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240423T123000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Identifying and Responding to Cases of Human Trafficking in Yout h DESCRIPTION:Held virtually on Zoom\, Hosted by Illinois CASA\nThis train ing will provide an in-depth overview of how the Chicago Children’s Ad vocacy Center addresses cases of human trafficking\, as well as potentia l indicators of exploitation. This training will look at the complex iss ue of human trafficking through the lens of the child welfare system and other vulnerable populations.\nParticipants will leave the training equ ipped with action steps to take if they have identified a potential mino r victim of human trafficking. Participants will also have a greater und erstanding of:\n\n\n Protective factors that can prevent trafficking\n Implicit bias when working with youth and families\n Who to contact an d services/resources available to survivors\n Gaps/Barriers to identifi cation\n\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: ng-to-cases-of-human-trafficking-in-youth/ UID:urn:uuid:65aeba35-a061-4144-b282-06b7cf033732 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240515T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240515T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Compassion Fatigue: The Cost of Caring for Others DESCRIPTION:Held virtually on Zoom\, Hosted by Illinois CASA\nIn our fie ld of work\, we often prioritize others’ needs at our own expense\, fo rgetting that our needs are important too. Despite attempting to separat e work from personal life\, we often tie our identity to our profession. This session addresses compassion fatigue\, burnout\, and vicarious tra uma\, highlighting risk factors and symptoms. We’ll emphasize the sign ificance of self-care\, explore types\, and discuss ways to prioritize i t.\nREGISTER HERE URL;VALUE=URI: ost-of-caring-for-others/ UID:urn:uuid:854ce719-8ce1-42d9-bb1f-fdc369f2fd4a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240530T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240530T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Court Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:Held virtually on Teams\, presented by CASA Kane County\nInv itation and link have been emailed to all volunteers\nThe first 60 minut es of this virtual workshop will be a review of the new online court rep ort writing form.  The last 30 minutes will focus on the content that s hould be included in the body of the court report. URL;VALUE=URI: kshop/ UID:urn:uuid:dfc826ab-f6db-47ef-90d6-2e8617e3744b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240507T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240507T103000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mid-Day Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Held virtually on Teams\, presented by CASA Kane County\nInv itation and link have been emailed to all volunteers\nJoin us for an ext ended 90 minute case chat focused on working with challenging Foster Par ents and/or Biological Parents.  During this session\, Annie Barsch\, M A\, LMFT\, will answer case specific questions and provide best practice s for positive interactions with the goal of developing collaborative re lationships.\nAnnie has been working with individuals\, couples\, and fa milies for over 20 years. She is trauma informed and is a certified clin ical trauma professional. She has worked with clients who have experienc ed sexual abuse\, physical abuse\, torture\, neglect\, abandonment\, hom elessness\, substance dependence\, are veterans of foreign wars\, immigr ants and suicide survivors…ranging in age from 3 to 80+ years old. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:ec18fe76-408d-466e-ae5a-ac0c842d5728 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240508T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240508T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mid-Day Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Held virtually on Teams\, presented by CASA Kane County\nInv itation and link have been emailed to all volunteers\nJoin fellow CASA/G AL Volunteers on this virtual call to hear about issues we are all facin g on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in att endance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback and advice \, and celebrate successes! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:1b86326e-47ef-45a2-97fe-b844ac814201 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240521T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240521T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Il Primary Prevention to Reduce the Negative Impacts of the Soci al Determinants of Health in Child Welfare DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by YouthCare Illinois\, Presented by Gary Pate\, MSSW\, LCSW\nImagine a Child Well-Being System wherein 90% of children remain with their biological family.  Since much of our wel l-being is associated with social and economic factors\, it is reasonabl e to focus our efforts on addressing the negative impacts of Social Dete rminants of Health\, or the conditions in the environment that impact ou r ability to live\, laugh\, love\, learn\, and labor.  The Family First Prevention Services Act provides some insight on what we can do to addr ess Social Determinants of Health through a primary prevention lens. Exa mples of primary prevention will be discussed\, and participants will ha ve the opportunity to create an example of a program that could be imple mented.\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: -reduce-the-negative-impacts-of-the-social-determinants-of-health-in-chi ld-welfare/ UID:urn:uuid:75ea6a25-24c8-4278-a259-bb48d27c315f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240523T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240523T101500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification - Virtual DESCRIPTION:Held virtually on Team\, presented by CASA Kane County\nAn A buse &\; Neglect Recertification is a training for volunteers who hav e been inactive for over 90 days\, or who have closed a case and are rea dy to take a new case.  Volunteers will be invited on a case by case ba sis by their Advocate Supervisor. URL;VALUE=URI: ation-virtual-2/ UID:urn:uuid:5dea0c11-4db8-430e-9f8e-f241bfac184e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240530T133000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240530T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Screening of Award-Winning documentary Resilience: the Biology o f Stress & the Science of Hope DESCRIPTION:Hosted by and at the Aurora Police Department (Community Roo m\, 1200 E. Indian Trail\, Aurora)\, presented by Jennifer Samartano of Prevent Child Abuse Illinois\nFilm begins at 10:00 a.m. followed by a pa nel discussion (Sandie Cross\, CASA Director of Training and Education i s participating as a panelist)\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ng-documentary-resilience-the-biology-of-stress-the-science-of-hope/ UID:urn:uuid:164044b3-4412-4b10-9ab7-ae12beeeef28 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240605T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240605T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Held Virtually on Microsoft Teams\n\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Vo lunteers on this virtual call to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendan ce to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and supportive envi ronment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, an d celebrate successes! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:3f9ad465-db3b-4f76-8c3e-603f83b18347 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240626T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240626T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Held in person in Room 430 (4th floor) of the Courthouse in downtown Geneva\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Volunteers to hear about issues w e are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Supervisors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss your case\, receive valuable feed back and advice\, and celebrate successes! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:89c452dc-b4da-4d18-99d5-5e71282d4fa3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240613T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240613T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:A View from the Bench: Family Preservation / Early Intervention DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Presented by National CASA\nRegister Here\n CASA Kane County Program ID is 10141 URL;VALUE=URI: mily-preservation-early-intervention/ UID:urn:uuid:a73938cd-1957-4516-9465-7efa8d706d67 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240621T130000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240621T140000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Court Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by CASA Kane County - Invitation and link have been emailed to all volunteers.\nIf you would like a refreshe r on how to utilize the new Online Report Writing Form\, join us for the first hour of this training.  We will review all of the features and b enefits and provide a live demonstration.  For those interested\, the l ast 30 minutes will cover a review of the information that you should ut ilize for the body of your court report. URL;VALUE=URI: kshop-2/ UID:urn:uuid:e7839828-c779-4c4e-bf14-1066b94a895e STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240708T113000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240708T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Family Education Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Uninterrupted Schol ars Act DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by IL CASA\nNavigating the receipt o f school records can be a difficult process. This presentation\, “Fami ly Education Privacy Act” and the “Uninterrupted Scholars Act” dea ls with accessing and sharing of student records\, the information conta ined in those records\, and school placement of children in foster care. \nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: -act-ferpa-and-the-uninterrupted-scholars-act/ UID:urn:uuid:31458bd2-8579-4238-990a-e6f7317492d6 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240710T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240710T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by CASA Kane County - Invitation and link have been emailed to all volunteers\nJoin fellow CASA/GAL Voluntee rs to hear about issues we are all facing on our cases.  Advocate Super visors and Training staff will be in attendance to guide each session\, providing you with a safe and supportive environment to discuss your cas e\, receive valuable feedback and advice\, and celebrate successes! URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:973fa113-f921-4059-833c-ed119a7990db STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240719T080000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240719T090000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Building a Road to Resilience DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by IL CASA\, Presented by Prevent Ch ild Abuse Illinois\nThis training will define resiliency\, and explore d omains\, characteristics\, and traits that are needed in order to build and strengthen resiliency. Strategies to build resiliency in outside sup ports and inner strengths in youth and families will be identified.\nReg ister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ience/ UID:urn:uuid:26eb80ff-f784-4fd8-929b-e06b02e77add STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240718T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240718T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Caregiving Strategies for Supporting Youth Impacted by Complex T rauma DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by IL CASA\, Presented by Mercy Home for Boys &\; Girls\nThis session will provide a brief overview of tr auma-informed principles that can guide caregivers in supporting childre n and youth who have been impacted by complex trauma. These principles i nclude supporting caregiver regulation\, cultivating positive relationsh ips with children and teens and building effective responses to youth be havior. We will review the basic elements of each principle and apply th em to a case example throughout the session.\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: r-supporting-youth-impacted-by-complex-trauma/ UID:urn:uuid:42ebb612-3622-46bb-a1dc-e7775e0c1a62 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240722T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240722T110000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Positive Child Experiences DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted and Presented by YouthCare Illinois\ nAttention &\; research has focused on the impacts of Adverse Childho od Experiences but equally important is understanding what can be done t o prevent or mitigate the effects of ACEs. This training is an introduct ion to Positive Childhood Experiences and includes strategies to improve outcomes for children and families.  Post training\, participants will be able to Name at least 3 types of Adverse Childhood Experiences\, Def ine Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs)\, Examine the ways that risk a nd protective factors impact childhood resilience\, Identify at least 3 ways PCEs can help a child that has been exposed to trauma\, and Determi ne at least one strategy for each of the building blocks of HOPE\nRegist er Here URL;VALUE=URI: es/ UID:urn:uuid:62290a59-bfb9-4750-b925-65e6e0f176e7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240702T140000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240702T154500 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Youth at Risk and Gangs DESCRIPTION:Hosted by CASA Kane County\; Presented by the Aurora Police Department\nThe presentation will be in person at the Aurora Police Depa rtment in the Community Room\nEmail if you would like to attend URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:f30a72b3-634a-402c-a6dc-6a1366d63ec5 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240815T160000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240815T173000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Effective Engagement DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by Illinois CASA\, Presented by Prev ent Child Abuse Illinois\nLearn engagement strategies that can be used t o engage youth and families. This training will also challenge participa nts to identify barriers to engagement and identify strategies on how to overcome those barriers.\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:39e865b5-589a-42eb-80bc-b7c8b561a385 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240814T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240814T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by CASA Kane County\nInvitation and link have been emailed to all volunteers URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:f49ecd1e-8e04-433e-926e-75688b4c48c2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240819T170000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240819T180000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Human Trafficking\; The Risk within Child Welfare DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by YouthCare Illinois\nThis training will provide an understanding human trafficking. Attendees will be able to identify indicators that someone might be experiencing human traffic king and how to report the situation to the appropriate authority. We wi ll review risk factors as well as high risk populations.\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: sk-within-child-welfare-2/ UID:urn:uuid:e447cd24-2e3e-4716-a222-91c668e3c9d7 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240829T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240829T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:2024 CASA Fall Conference DESCRIPTION:Elgin Community College\nRegistration begins at 8:00 a.m.\n\ nClick here to purchase tickets and register!\n\n \; URL;VALUE=URI: e/ UID:urn:uuid:833e58c6-ed68-47ab-bb6d-746d03c3436d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240912T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240912T160000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Childhood Neglect DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by Illinois CASA\, Presented by Prev ent Child Abuse Illinois\nReports of childhood neglect account for 75% o f all calls to the Child Abuse Hotline\, and yet this topic is often mis understood and hard to define. Childhood neglect can impact physical and mental health and lead to long-term problems\, so join us as we learn m ore about this important topic.\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:29491ea8-1eef-4eba-9da8-473824b6a3c9 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240910T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240910T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Cultural Humility\; Understanding and Overcoming Bias DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by Illinois CASA\nThis training will provide a brief overview of Diversity\, Equity\, Inclusion\, and Belong ing\, with a particular focus on cultural humility and bias.\nLearning O bjectives include examine and increase self-awareness to understand and address cultural/racial bias\, explore the differences between cultural competency and cultural humility\, and learn strategies to reduce bias a nd promote positive cross-cultural interactions.\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: tanding-and-overcoming-bias/ UID:urn:uuid:7158b730-7c6c-44f4-9bd7-b48c864a7ac1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240924T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240924T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by CASA Kane County\n\nInvitation an d link have been emailed to all volunteers URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:7f9a1250-72fc-4a66-b202-1fb858c5a87f STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240927T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240927T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Understanding ACES: How the Body Keeps the Score DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: he-body-keeps-the-score/ UID:urn:uuid:f0d0f751-7e2c-4315-8b0b-97ed7a5bb0ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241008T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241008T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by CASA Kane County\ninvitation and link have been emailed to all volunteers URL;VALUE=URI: 9/ UID:urn:uuid:7eaa0ffe-9fa1-445f-b128-224975a38d44 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241011T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241011T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Fireside Case Chat – Older Youth Focus DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by CASA Kane County\n\ninvitation an d link have been emailed to all volunteers URL;VALUE=URI: -youth-focus/ UID:urn:uuid:1c157795-c117-4f25-a147-50aa72cc5ca0 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241024T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241024T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Safety First: Skill for De-Escalation and Self Awareness DESCRIPTION:Held in person at the Aurora Police Department\, Community R oom.  Hosted by CASA Kane County\nInvitation and link have been emailed to all volunteers URL;VALUE=URI: e-escalation-and-self-awareness/ UID:urn:uuid:dc301388-496f-479f-a6d4-f8e4fd4b08ed STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241025T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241025T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mental Health First Aid for Youth DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, facilitated by Youth Care Illinois\nThe Vir tual Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Course (2 hours self-paced\; 4.5 hours Instructor-led training)focuses on recognizing the patterns of thoughts\, feelings\, behaviors\, and appearance that show there might be a mental health challenge. Participants are taught an action plan the y apply to non-crisis and crisis situations.\n\nOnce you register\, you will receive a link to join MHFA Connect. You must create an account in MHFA Connect to complete the self-paced introduction. You will not be ab le to attend the virtual instructor led portion unless you complete the self-paced introduction.\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: for-youth/ UID:urn:uuid:0140f99f-9b21-49c0-9c44-0e22649d7791 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241107T110000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241107T163000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Report Writing Workshop DESCRIPTION:via Teams\n\nThis is a refresher covering how to utilize the new form\, and what type of content should be included in court reports .  You can bring specific questions and we will address them! URL;VALUE=URI: 10/ UID:urn:uuid:b55b91f3-9ca0-45af-b37a-904d7e53f8e1 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241108T093000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241108T103000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Abuse & Neglect Recertification DESCRIPTION:via Teams\nJoin this training if you have recently closed a case and are ready to take a new case\, or if you have been on a break f or more than 6 months.  Reach out to your Supervisor or Sandie if you w ould like to attend. URL;VALUE=URI: ation-10/ UID:urn:uuid:11bc611d-69cf-47cd-913c-ddd12b555531 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241113T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241113T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Coffee Case Chat – In Person DESCRIPTION:A safe and supportive environment to share details about you r case.  Facilitated by Advocate Supervisors who can provide case speci fic guidance.  Receive support and advice\, celebrate success and achie vements!  Held in person at the CASA office in the training room (4th  floor\, room 430) URL;VALUE=URI: on/ UID:urn:uuid:2492d777-9498-4ac4-aa17-9fe570ed3c7b STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241118T090000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241118T100000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Caring for Children who Have Experienced Trauma DESCRIPTION:held virtually\nIn this NCTSN workshop\, resource parents su ch as foster parents and adoptive parents and those that serve them will learn what trauma is\, how trauma may impact children\, and how behavio rs are often symptoms of those experiences. This workshop provides infor mation on how to create a safe place\, how to become an advocate for tra uma-specific services\, and how to recognize and help prevent compassion fatigue (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network\, n.d.).\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: have-experienced-trauma/ UID:urn:uuid:a6708ccd-01da-42d9-9e4e-ab9e35f61ea4 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241120T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241120T133000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Shaken Baby Syndrome DESCRIPTION:held virtually\, presented by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois\n Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) occurs when an infant or young child is viole ntly shaken. This training will help participants understand the signs\, effects and causes of SBS and the impact on families and society.\nRegi ster Here URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:68214f96-9e93-4ad0-83f8-81707cdf6e5a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20241126T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20241126T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Stand Up: Commercial Exploitation of Children (CSEC) Training fo r Change DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, Hosted by Prevent Child Abuse Illinois\, Pr esented by The Power Project\n\nAttendees will receive an overview of hu man trafficking\, with an emphasis on the direct impact it has on young people. Topics include: defining sex trafficking\, statistics\, contribu ting factors that drive demand\, legislation\, and tips on providing tra uma-informed support to youth who may experience exploitation.\n\nRegist er Here URL;VALUE=URI: oitation-of-children-csec-training-for-change/ UID:urn:uuid:bf9381f6-7da8-4d31-af5a-3c2558493d18 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250109T100000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250109T120000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Corrective Thinking: Helping Children to Make Responsible Decisi ons DESCRIPTION:Held virtually\, hosted by Illinois CASA\n\nCorrective think ing is a process that helps people identify and change their erroneous t hought patterns and behaviors. It can help people face challenges with b etter choices and positive change. During this training we will discuss the different thinking traps and ways to respond to help begin to make r esponsible decisions\, thoughts\, and behaviors.\n\nRegister Here URL;VALUE=URI: ing-children-to-make-responsible-decisions/ UID:urn:uuid:88bfc92d-5148-4254-86e2-d44ebb999e4a STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250113T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250113T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect via the DCFS Hotline DESCRIPTION:Held virtually via Teams\; link sent via email\n\nJoin Direc tor of Advocate Supervision\, Laura Sanders and Advocate Supervisor\, Lu cy Rivera as they explain the step by step process for reporting suspect ed abuse and neglect to the DCFS Hotline. URL;VALUE=URI: e-or-neglect-via-the-dcfs-hotline/ UID:urn:uuid:4786b9a7-a95c-41a2-9506-1aa3ea8a60a2 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250113T180000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250113T190000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mid-Day Case Chat DESCRIPTION:Held virtually via Teams\; link sent via email\n\nJoin Advoc ate Supervisor and Training staff to discuss details of your case in a s upportive and confidential environment. Hear advice from fellow voluntee rs\, share experiences\, celebrate successes and receive feedback in thi s group case chat. URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:9c188a34-306c-442a-8c22-723a6642b9d3 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250122T120000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250122T130000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Dually Involved Youth DESCRIPTION:Held in person at the Juvenile Justice Center\, 37W655 Il. R t. 38\, St. Charles\nPam Ely\, Mental Health Coordinator and Program Man ager at the Kane County Juvenile Justice Center will share insights into the dually involved youth served by their program. These are youth that are DCFS involved and are in detention at the JJC. Tour of the facility will follow the presentation. Space limited.\nRegister by emailing Sand ie here URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:217bb447-ded5-42aa-b8eb-22fb62586a0d STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250205T173000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250205T183000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Darkness to Light DESCRIPTION:Held in person at the St. Charles Library\, 1 S 6th Ave\, S t. Charles\nStewards of Children® is an evidence-informed\, award-winn ing two and a half hour training that teaches adults to prevent\, recogn ize\, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Through interviews wi th a very diverse group of people with lived experience\, experts\, and treatment providers\, Stewards of Children® teaches adults practical actions they can take to reduce instances of child sexual abuse in their organizations\, families\, and communities.\nRegister by emailing Sandi e here URL;VALUE=URI: UID:urn:uuid:5725512f-6200-48ed-b647-a0faa8050c19 STATUS:CONFIRMED ORGANIZER: DTSTAMP:20250115T045855Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250207T093000 DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250207T120000 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR