A team of 31 cyclists rolled in Sept. 8 at Sammy’s Bikes in St. Charles, the first group to complete the 65-mile fundraising ride for CASA Kane County.
The weather could not have been more perfect if they had ordered it from a menu: bright sunshine, a cool 67 degrees, low humidity and a light breeze.
Titled the War on Wheels: Cruisin’ for CASA Kane County Bike Ride, about 150 riders participated, with one group going 65 miles and another going 10 miles, each leaving atdifferent times.
Jeff Haye of Aurora, a member of Sammy’s Cycling Club, was one of the early returns from the 65-mile ride, which left at 7 a.m.
“I think we did it in about three [hours]. Nice weather, good group of people,” Haye said. “Couldn’t have asked for a better day. We had about 20 of us in our group from the cycling club and others who joined us.”
Haye said he was all in for supporting CASA, which advocates for and supports children in foster care.
“I think everything we can do to be helping kids who are going through a rough time in their life makes it all worthwhile,” Haye said.
Vytas Sapiega of Campton Hills said 65 was a lot of miles “but we’ve done that before.”
“It was faster than I expected. It’s a very strong group,” Sapiega said. “This weather was just about perfect. I think it’s a good cause … and I am happy to be a part of it.”
Ricardo Ferreras and Erick Tapia, both wearing Christian Cyclist Club Race Team jackets, also took part in the 65-mile ride.
“He told me about it,” Ferreras said, pointing to Tapia.
Sammy’s Bike’s owner Sammy Radi said CASA Kane County was the first charity that came to mind when the fundraising ride was first proposed.
“To be part of that, we all got excited,” Radi said.
The goal of raising $100,000 to serve abused and neglected children is expected to be met, said Natalie Bohner, senior manager for events and development for CASA Kane County.
“We are still having … matching donations come in,” Bohner said. “Once we have the matching gifts come in, yes, we will reach our goal.”
Glen Galloway, the owner of Galloway Consolidated Holdings, sponsored the event along with Sammy’s Bikes and David Benning of IOC Construction.
A group of business owners called Hope Echoes hosted the event for CASA. Executive Director Jim Di Ciaula said an event like this can build interest in supporting CASA.
“When Sammy and Glen and Dave approached me about doing an event for CASA, I was really excited to partner with them,” Di Ciuala said. “And it just came off beautifully. … I think the big thing is about creating awareness across Kane County about our organization and our need for volunteers and advocate supervisors. Money, yes, always as a nonprofit. Trying to drive awareness so people get interested in the organization and how to be a partner with us. Volunteers are a huge need because the number of children in foster care is grown significantly, unfortunately. This was a great way to spend a Sunday morning.”
For information about CASA Kane County, visit casakanecounty.org