Owning What’s Yours to Own as a CASA, The Empowered CASA series, Session 3

Owning What’s Yours to Own as a CASA, The Empowered CASA series, Session 3

Elective | 3 credits

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Owning What’s Yours to Own as a CASA is the topic Lisa Drake, life coach and former Executive Director of CASA of DuPage County, will cover.
The nature of CASA work presents numerous avenues to get involved in your case. However, it can be easy sometimes to overstep boundaries or take on responsibilities that aren’t yours, all in the spirit of service.

Using the concepts and tools Lisa taught in the 8-week Mindset Training last spring, along with insight from the coaching sessions she’s had with CASAs since then, Lisa will take a look at setting and enforcing boundaries, how to stay in your own lane, offer tips for saying “no” as well as ways to start collaborative conversations. After this webinar, it’ll be even easier to Own What’s Yours to Own as a CASA.