
I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver."

- Maya Angelou

CASA established the Grow a Healthy Child Endowment Fund with the Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley in perpetuity so that the principal can never be touched. The interest earned will ensure that every child who comes into abuse/neglect court in Kane County is provided with a trained and caring CASA/GAL volunteer to advocate for the child’s best interests.

Endowed gifts help ensure the future of CASA by providing a stable source of income in perpetuity. Donors may use either outright or deferred gifts. CASA works with each donor to prepare guidelines for the administration of each endowed gift.

Whatever your financial objectives, the IRS has provided vehicles for charitable giving that can address most situations. For more detailed information on making a planned gift, please consult with your accountant, attorney or financial planner for proper guidance.

You can also contact Executive Director, Jim Di Ciaula, at jimd@casakanecounty.org or 630-444-3109.

Questions you may have

Our annual fundraising campaigns and special events fund the general operating expenses of the organization on a yearly basis. Annual gifts are expected to be made each year, as we continue to build relationships with our donors and educate them about our program. The endowment campaign is a special initiative that allows donors to invest in the program into perpetuity.


Yes, 100% of all gifts raised for the endowment will benefit communities within Kane County.

The CASA Kane Board of Directors and its Executive Director have established policies and procedures to ensure that the funds raised for the endowment are kept separate from other general operating funds.  All funds will be used only for the stated donor intent.

We have a gift acceptance policy, and can provide you with the information needed to execute your gift.  We also recommend that you seek your own professional advice to assist in making a gift in this manner.

Please notify our Executive Director or Deputy Director of your intent regarding any such bequests/planned gifts.

We will be asking our current donors and new friends to make a one time “special stretch gift” to be paid over a 3 year period.  This gift should be above and beyond your annual gift to CASA.

The new tax law still allows individual taxpayer to deduct charitable contributions, however, due to the standard deduction allowance being increased under the new law, not all taxpayers will find it beneficial to deduct their charitable contributions.  Since each person’s tax situation is different, you would need to ask your tax preparer how these tax law changes impact you, if at all.

We prefer unrestricted gifts; however, the Campaign Leadership Team and Board of Directors would consider a donor’s request to earmark their gift for a specific purpose or project of interest.

Donations at every level are needed and appreciated.  We have received donations for the endowment campaign as small as $100.  Other donors are choosing to spread their gifts over 3-5 years, making monthly, quarterly, or annual payments. Remember that you may also make a gift from assets other than cash-on-hand. Examples include stocks, land, and bequests.

All gifts are treated in a confidential manner between the donor and our leadership team members, who have signed a confidentiality agreement as part of their role. If you would like to be publicly recognized for your contribution, we have several options for recognition, depending on the level of your contribution. If you would prefer that your gift remain confidential, we absolutely can ensure this.

Fortunately, we already have a permanently restricted endowment started with The Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley.  CASA Kane County will only have access to the interest earned on this fund, which will be then be allocated to the annual budget.  This arrangement was intentional in order to protect the fund in perpetuity.  In addition, there is a unrestricted endowment fund for emergency needs that are Board directed and approved. All remaining money will be invested with other banks/mutual funds according to the policies set forth by our Board of Directors and Investment Committee.

Although our annual fund has grown and has become more consistent over the last several years, we are just as at-risk as other nonprofit organizations in the area.  With our economy struggling, and with a growing need to serve children and families in our community, we are not assured anything when it comes to direct contributions to our annual fund.  We owe it to our children and community to forecast the future and ensure that no child is ever without a CASA/GAL volunteer advocating for their needs and best interests.

It is necessary to maintain experienced, professional staff to recruit, train, and case supervise our 200+ CASA/GAL volunteers.  There are also administrative, legal fundraising, and operating expenses involved in running such an extensive nonprofit organization.

It is necessary to maintain experienced, professional staff to recruit, train, and case supervise our 200 CASA/GAL volunteers.  There are also administrative, fundraising, and operating expenses involved in running such an extensive nonprofit organization.