Luggage and Incidentals
Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.”
- Anonymous
In 2011, CASA Kane County began a very important much-needed initiative to enhance the lives of children by providing them with essential items. Everyone can do SOMETHING, and together we can all make a difference in the life of a child!
Luggage & Incidentals Campaign

Gift Cards
Gift cards for youth to purchase needed items such as basic incidentals.

Suitcases & Duffels
Emergency suitcases/duffels with personal hygiene items and age appropriate essentials.

Household Items
Laundry basket with linens and household items as they move into independence.

Tickets to attend a movie, pool, park or other recreational activity.

Birthday Celebration
Birthday cake and gift for “forgotten” foster children to celebrate their special day.

Bus passes/gas cards for school, work, or to see a friend or loved one.
*PLEASE NOTE: CASA Kane County can only accept NEW items for any tangible donation. If interested in donating, please contact our main office at (630) 232-4484.
I'd Like to Participate or Learn More!

to all of the generous community donors who have contributed to our end of year foster youth giving. From the gift card collections, toy & pajama drives, back packs, and monetary donation to the time dedicated to helping bring awareness to our foster youth in need this holiday season we thank the following:
- Pat and Nic Finn/Trinity Financial Planning
- FT Cares Foundation
- Geneva Women’s Club
- Byrne & Fillipp Family
- The Rullo Team
- YogaSix Geneva
- Impact Plastics
- Unity of Fox ValleyChurch
- Parent Petroleum
- Friends of RaeAnne Soria
- AlphaGraphics St Charles
- Kane County Sheriff Department
- The Wrapping Party
- Lift Works of St. Charles
- St John Neumann Catholic Church
- Renaissance Foundation
- Terry & Rachael Kohler Family/Friends
- Hosanna Lutheran Church
- All About You Dental
- Hart Chiropractic
- Weiss Lawn Care
- Lindsey Williams Group, LLC
- CUCC St. Charles