CASA Organization Summary

CASA Organization Summary

CASA Kane County

Organization Summary

CASA Kane County is a nonprofit organization that has been advocating for the best interests of abused and neglected children within the Juvenile Court system since 1988.  CASA Kane County recruits, trains, and supervises community volunteers who serve as Court Appointed Special Advocates and Guardians ad Litem (CASA/GAL) for children who are in court due to abuse, neglect or private guardianship.  The goal is to ensure that every child is placed in a safe and permanent home allowing them the chance to reach their full potential in life.

CASA/GAL volunteers are appointed to each case by the Juvenile Court Judge.  As a child’s Guardian ad Litem, CASA volunteers are a party to the case and have the authority to obtain records and information about the child.  CASA/GAL volunteers visit the child and meet with the parents, guardians, teachers, medical professionals, and other individuals in the child’s life.  They gather information and compile it in a report that is given to the Judge prior to every court hearing.  Since CASA/GAL’s are assigned to only one case at a time, they have the ability to spend the most time with the child and gather the information needed in making life changing decisions.  There are many possible positive outcomes for a child—reunification, adoption, independent living, or guardianship with relatives that are the most viable answers to the child’s need for a safe and permanent home.  The average length of a case is three years.

CASA/GAL volunteers must be at least 21 years old, interview with two advocate supervisors, provide fingerprints, pass a background check, and complete a 45-hour training program.  All active volunteers are expected to earn 12 hours of continuing education each year in order to stay current regarding the issues surrounding child abuse and neglect.  CASA Kane County helps volunteers meet this requirement by offering on-going educational opportunities throughout the year.

CASA Kane County is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.  Daily operations are managed by a dedicated staff of 20.  Every CASA/GAL volunteer is managed by an advocate supervisor and is supported by two CASA/GAL Staff Attorneys.  CASA/GAL volunteers spend on an average of 10 hours per month on their case and last year the CASA/GAL volunteers contributed over 20,000 hours.

Our 220 CASA/GAL volunteers served over 500 children throughout Kane County.  Additionally we are one of over 1,000 CASA organizations across the country and one of 35 within the State of Illinois.  The organization is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, and relies solely on philanthropic support from individuals, grants and special event fundraising to support its operations.  The CASA Kane County office is located in the downtown district of Geneva in the old courthouse that represents a county with over 500,000 people serving 28 cities.

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