Read Board Member Job Description

Read Board Member Job Description




CASA Kane County is a non-profit, volunteer organization that advocates for the best interests of abused and neglected children within the Juvenile Court system. 


Mission and Purpose

As a board member, I am committed to the organization’s mission and vision.  I will lead by example, maintaining integrity of this Governance Board, under the leadership of the elected executive committee, following the bylaws of the organization. 


Board Responsibilities

Provide the proper financial oversight

  • Ensure adequate philanthropic resources
  • Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability
  • Ensure effective organizational planning
  • Establish policies for administering the program and services


Principal Duties

  1. Attend and prepare for Board meetings
  2. Cultivate sources of financial support
  3. Make a quarterly, semi-annual or annual personal financial contribution
  4. Provide corporate and individual contacts and support in pursuing a relationship with them
  5. Ensure effective organizational and strategic planning
  6. Determine, monitor and strengthen the organization’s programs and services
  7. Commit to participation in committee work and complete assignments
  8. Attend board orientation, including a court observation and CASA training classes
  9. Promote CASA’s public image when possible in one’s respective professional, social and community arenas
  10. Recruit and orient new board members and assess board performance
  11. Attend a yearly CASA educational training at the CASA office
  12. Maintain a working knowledge of the bylaws and court orders
  13. Participate in the review and approval of the annual operating budget plan
  14. Review the organizational chart and structure
  15. Support CASA’s stewardship through hand written thank-you notes and phone calls to donors
  16. Attend the volunteer recognition and special event fundraisers
  17. Support the Executive Director and review her performance
  18. Uphold good standing with the National CASA Association through quality assurance


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