Coffee Case Talk
Core – 3 credits Please email to register!
Core – 3 credits Please email to register!
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Elective, 3 credits Access to higher education has become increasingly essential to obtain economic independence and success in today’s world. This webinar will provide information about accessing higher-education opportunities and financial scholarships for youth in care who are aging out of the foster care system. Register in advance for this webinar!
CORE 3 Credits Please email to register!
Elective – 3 Credits Join us for an Informational Session + Q&A with: Therapists, teens, and other mental health professionals. Join the Zoom Meeting Here! Passcode: 366023
Learning to Manage Your Thoughts About Your Case is the topic Lisa Drake, life coach and former Executive Director of CASA of DuPage County, will cover. It’s not unusual to become frustrated, sad or angry about the circumstances in your case. Sometimes those feelings come and go, and other times they hang around for an …
If we are able to reschedule we will reach out. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Learn what it takes to become a CASA/GAL Volunteer! To Register Email
CORE 3 Credits Please email to register!
The college admissions process can be daunting for many, but especially for youth in care. In this webinar, participants will learn to navigate the process with a key focus on the college admissions exams, SAT, and ACT. Facilitator: Vivian Palicki, Education Liaison Register & Learn More Here