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Mandated Reporting
Casa’s Impact
An Opportunity To Thrive
Diversity and Inclusion
Who We Are
Our Philosophy
Our Leadership
Children’s Ambassador Panel
CASA Staff
Careers and Opportunities
State and National Organizations
Become a CASA/GAL Volunteer
Where do I Start? On-Line or In-Person Virtual Volunteer Meeting
How To Give
Donate Now
Matching Gifts
Champion of Hope
More Ways To Give
Holiday Giving Program
Party for a Purpose
Children’s Champion Celebration Gala
Hands Around the Courthouse
Countryside Clays For Kids
Backpacks for Bookworms
Golf Invitational
WAR on Wheels
Fall Educational Conference
Clays For Kids
Bourbon Social
Superheroes Luncheon
Luggage Of Love
Holiday Giving Program
Party for a Purpose
News, Blog & Highlights
Annual Report
Blog & Articles
Community Resources
Casa’s Impact
An Opportunity To Thrive
Diversity and Inclusion
Who We Are
Our Philosophy
Our Leadership
Children’s Ambassador Panel
CASA Staff
Careers and Opportunities
State and National Organizations
Become a CASA/GAL Volunteer
Where do I Start? On-Line or In-Person Virtual Volunteer Meeting
How To Give
Donate Now
Matching Gifts
Champion of Hope
More Ways To Give
Holiday Giving Program
Party for a Purpose
Children’s Champion Celebration Gala
Hands Around the Courthouse
Countryside Clays For Kids
Backpacks for Bookworms
Golf Invitational
WAR on Wheels
Fall Educational Conference
Clays For Kids
Bourbon Social
Superheroes Luncheon
Luggage Of Love
Holiday Giving Program
Party for a Purpose
News, Blog & Highlights
Annual Report
Blog & Articles
Community Resources
Membership Giving
Member Name
(Name as you would like it to appear in recognition publications)
I prefer to remain anonymous and not have my name listed in a public domain with my giving level.
Preferred Method of Communication
Telephone (please enter)
In support of the organization and its work on behalf of the children they serve, I personally pledge and agree to give CASA Kane County the following to support annual giving and fundraising objectives for 2022.
Select a giving level below to see benefit of giving level and enter gift amount.
PROMISE KEEPER $1,500 – $2,499
I pledge to support the mission of CASA Kane County as a Promise Keeper for a Year
Benefits of being a Promise Keeper
• Satisfaction of knowing you’re helping a child in foster care and changing their story
• Invitations to all CASA hosted events
VISIONARY $2,500 – $4,999
I pledge to support the mission of CASA Kane County as a Visionary for a Year
Benefits of being a Visionary
• Satisfaction of knowing you’re helping a child in foster care and changing their story
• Invitations to all CASA hosted events
• Mentions in newsletters, blogs and social media 2-4 times a year
HOPE BUILDER $5,000 – $9,999
I pledge to support the mission of CASA Kane County as a Hope Builder for a Year
Benefits of being a Hope Builder
• Funding a child for an entire year
• Satisfaction of knowing you’re helping a child in foster care and changing their story
• Invitations to all CASA hosted events
• Mentions in newsletters, blogs and social media 2-4 times a year
GUARDIAN $10,000 – $24,999
I pledge to support the mission of CASA Kane County as a Guardian for a Year
Benefits of being a Guardian
• Funding 2 children+ for an entire year
• Satisfaction of knowing you’re helping a child in foster care and changing their story
• Invitations to all CASA hosted events
• Social media mentions throughout the year
• Acknowledged at all Major Fund/Friendraising events: Gala, Golf, Clays, Superheroes
• Hands Around the Courthouse (HATCH) and Volunteer Recognition Evening recognition
• Monthly newsletter mentions to all CASA volunteers; Bi-monthly mentions in all external audience newsletter; mentions in blogs and social media 2-4 times a year
MISSION PARTNER $25,000 and above
I pledge to support the mission of CASA Kane County as a Mission Partner for a Year
Benefits of being a Mission Partner
• Funding 5 children+ for an entire year
• Satisfaction of knowing you’re helping a child in foster care and changing their story
• Invitations to all CASA hosted events
• Scrolling logo visibility on CASA website all year
• Social media mentions throughout the year
• Acknowledged at all Major Fund/Friendraising events: Gala, Golf, Clays, Superheroes
• Hands Around the Courthouse (HATCH) and Volunteer Recognition Evening recognition
• Monthly newsletter mentions to all CASA volunteers; Bi-monthly mentions in all external audience newsletter; mentions in blogs and social media 2-4 times a year
• Children’s Champion Celebration Gala table of 10
• Tickets to two events of your choosing:
Choose Ticket
Golf for a Child Invitational foursome
Clays for Kids for a group of 4
Superheroes Luncheon table of 10
Bourbon Social for a group of 4
Once selected and submitted, a CASA staff member will be in contact to personally thank you and discuss your method of payment.
I prefer to make: (Please check for our discussion)
One Annual Payment
Two Bi-Annual Payments
Quarterly Payments
Other (explain)
Sustaining Member 3-Year Pledge
I pledge to support the mission of CASA Kane County as a Sustaining Member over the course of 3 years, with an investment of $1,500 or higher each calendar year.
Benefits of being a Sustaining Member in addition to the annual levels above
• Acknowledged at Gala
• Media and social media mentions throughout the year
• Monthly newsletter mentions to all CASA volunteers, Bi-monthly mentions in all external audience newsletters
• Feature story for blog, social media and newsletters
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Holiday Giving Program
Become a CASA/GAL Volunteer